Talented Genius

Chapter 1868: Saw them

The death of Saburo Miyamoto quickly spread.

Although it is rumored that Saburo Miyamoto was going to deal with the traitor and was accidentally killed by Kyanako, his death still shocked the Australian city gambling scene.

He is the highest person in charge of the Royal Swords Association sent to Australia. He not only controls the nearly 1,000 lives and deaths of Tangkou, but also controls the underground business of 21 casinos.

With his death, nearly a thousand emperor swordsmen have become elites without a leader, and the fat and oily underground business has also changed.

The gossip that Feng's family drove away the Royal Sword Society had long attracted the big gangs to be tempted, and now that Miyamoto died, more ambitious people were making trouble.

These forces all hope to muddy the water or stab the knife to see if they can replace the royal knife and become a cooperator of the casino, at least tear off a piece of meat to taste.

Therefore, the Emperor Sword will soon become a target of public criticism.

Some forces began to operate secretly, making the dark waves more turbulent, and some forces watched from the sidelines to see if the Emperor Sword could control the situation.

Although the movement is not very big, as long as the Emperor Saber will lose again, all kinds of forces that want to share the cup will surely make waves.

Faced with this situation, Hara Sako, the temporary head of the Royal Sword Association, ordered the entire hall to enter the defensive stage, trying to avoid provocations by those who are interested.

This is the first compromise of the Royal Sword Society in ten years, and it immediately became a post-dinner talk for all walks of life.

In the changing landscape of the city of Australia, Ye Tianlong, the initiator, came to Caoji Street to have breakfast with Jiang Ziran, just like a okay person.

"Sister Jiang, you made these pastries and soy milk?"

In the Jiang's restaurant, Ye Tianlong looked at a table of pastries and a large pot of soy milk, with curiosity on his face: "Your craftsmanship is not bad."

Jiang Ziran untied her apron and smiled brightly: "What are you talking about? The person who runs a restaurant, is it difficult to make some cakes?"

Ye Tianlong laughed and pulled out a chair to sit down: "Of course it's not difficult, but it's a bit beyond my imagination."

Jiang Ziran gave Ye Tianlong a white look: "In your impression, would I only tie people on the docks and smash wine bottles into a rack?"

Ye Tianlong touched his head and smiled: "I didn't think so, but I didn't expect that the female man Jiang Jie would be surprisingly gentle and virtuous."

He is telling the truth, Jiang Ziran is tall, with two slender legs wrapped in a pair of tight jeans.

A narrow one was rolled up at the trousers, revealing white and slender ankles. On the feet were a pair of white sneakers, flowing with the beauty of a little woman.

Jiang Ziran also sat down opposite Ye Tianlong: "If you can be a little woman, who would want to be a female man?"

"In the past few years, Caoji Street has not paid a penny of protection fees, and the developer has not occupied this feng shui treasure land. What is it that?"

"It relies on men as cattle and women as men, defending with solid fists."

She took two porcelain bowls to hold soy milk: "The folkway is strong, if you have food, you can make money, and you can keep your own things, who will be a bad guy?"

"This is true. For ordinary people, living and working in peace is the greatest wish."

Ye Tianlong nodded, and then turned around: "But you don't have to worry about it in the future, whether it's the magic sword gate or the emperor sword will cause trouble."

Although Jiang Ziran is only half of the people in the world, the news is quite well-informed, and he handed the soy milk to Ye Tianlong with a smile:

"Sacred Sword Gate re-emerged, and Saburo Miyamoto was shot and killed. The Emperor Sword will have internal and external troubles. Is this all related to you?"

Ye Tianlong laughed and said, "So you can count on me?"

Jiang Ziran picked up the sugar spoon, added a spoon of soy milk to the two of them, and then sighed quietly:

"Since you came to Australia City, the situation has begun to be turbulent, plus the magic knife will remove the levy on Caoji Street, I can feel no matter how stupid I am."

"What's more, you still have the strength to win gambling cards, you know, a gambling card is worth billions."

She said softly: "You don't need to give me an answer, it doesn't matter what you do."

She has mixed emotions towards Ye Tianlong. On the one hand, she knows that each other is a person of two worlds, on the other hand, she appreciates his righteousness and courage.

There is no love, she just has a desire in her heart. Ye Tianlong is her family and relatives, so she won't feel too lonely.

So she looked at Ye Tianlong with sincere eyes: "Because I know that you will not hurt us."

Ye Tianlong sat up slightly and watched Jiang Ziran speak seriously: "Don't worry, I have already regarded this place as my home..."

"It is too late for me to protect you, so how can I hurt you?"

There was a touch of peace in his expression, which made Jiang Ziran's heart calm.

"Well, it's enough to have you. Come on, don't talk about it, and have breakfast."

Jiang Ziran smiled at Ye Tianlong: "I made this by myself. You have to eat them all."

Ye Tianlong laughed: "No problem."

The two wandered around after eating breakfast, and then went to the church to stroll around. The engineering team had already entered, and the whole area had begun a brand new renovation.

Because Ye Tianlong requested to open and operate as soon as possible, Lei Jiuzhi was planning to renovate the church first and put it into use as the main area.

Add the rest of the packages slowly.

Ye Tianlong walked around the wall twice, very satisfied with the current progress, and also very satisfied with Lei Jiuzhi's drawings, becoming more confident in this project.

At this time, Jiang Ziran's phone rang, and after she put on earplugs to answer for a while, she looked at Ye Tianlong with embarrassment, and stopped talking.

Seeing her like this, Ye Tianlong raised a smile and asked: "Sister Jiang, what happened? Do you need my help?"

"If you have something to say, if you can help, you will definitely help."

Ye Tianlong added: "Don't forget, I just said that I treat this as my own home."

"Tenlong, it's like this."

Jiang Ziran has always been careless, but at this time he is a bit shy:

"My uncle and the others came back from a trip to eight European countries, and they knew that I had put on a banquet for the engagement banquet, so they shouted together that I would invite them."

She was very helpless: "My mother asked me to treat this..."

Ye Tianlong nodded: "This is normal, please just please, you can't afford them."

Jiang Ziran's voice became invisibly small: "The problem is that they not only want me to treat me, but they also want me to bring my fiance over."

Ye Tianlong laughed loudly when he heard the words, and then grabbed Jiang Ziran's wrist: "What's the problem with this? I will accompany you to the treat."

"Take me, I can eat one more, so you can recover a little cost."

Ye Tianlong was generous to join in the fun: "Go, go, invite them to dinner."

Jiang Ziran hesitated and wanted to say something, but was dragged away by Ye Tianlong...

When Jiang Ziran dressed up and re-emerged from Jiang's restaurant, a BMW 7-series parked opposite quietly fell into a gap.

A yellow-haired kid took out his phone, took two photos of Jiang Ziran, and then passed it out silently...

"Rich, I ran into that kid and that woman..."

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