Talented Genius

Chapter 1869: Do something related

At 11:30 noon, Ye Tianlong and Jiang Ziran appeared in a luxurious restaurant.

The restaurant was chosen by Jiang Ziran's uncle and the others. Looking at the decoration and location, they knew it was not cheap. Ye Tianlong cried secretly that this knife was really ruthless.

Jiang Ziran took out his mobile phone to check the room number, and said to Ye Tianlong beside him: "I didn't finish what I said just now, you just took me away."

"I tell you, today's meal may not be happy."

"Don't look at your uncle. They said they wanted to congratulate me on my engagement, but they just wanted to see me joke."

"My grandmother has three sons and one daughter. The daughter is my mother. My grandmother's family was pretty thick before, and there are hundreds of acres of land in the Eastern Triangle."

Jiang Ziran told Ye Tianlong that year: "However, the land was in remote places, or near factories, so the value was not great."

Ye Tianlong's heart moved, 88 mu of land in the Eastern Triangle? He seemed to remember that it was the **** who bought it that year, and took out his cell phone to check the email, and it turned out to be the god.

But now the owner is Ye Tianlong.

Jiang Ziran continued to confide to Ye Tianlong: "Twenty years ago, my three uncles got married and started a business, and they shouted for my grandma to give them money."

"Grandma has no choice but to put out her savings for them, buy a house, a car and a shop, so that their little family can settle down."

"But the three uncles felt that this was not enough. They worried that after grandma's death, according to the inheritance law, my mother could also occupy a share of the property."

"So in the year when my grandmother was critically ill, I got an agency to sell all the land, and the three of them divided the cash."

She exhaled a long breath: "The three of them have a net worth of more than 100 million, but my mother has no coins."

"The funny thing is, the third woman after the land is sold out, the Australian city gambling card is issued, the five big gambling kings are stationed, and the land is rented at 20 times the price."

"My uncle and the others are going to hit the wall with regret. They want to go back and do something but dare not offend the powerful, so they finally vent their anger on my mother."

"I think it was because of my mother that they hurriedly sold those lands, otherwise they are all worth more than one billion yuan now, ten times better than they are now."

Ye Tianlong squinted his eyes: "They are really unreasonable."

"They complained strongly about my mother, and my cousin and cousin also bullied me."

The corner of Jiang Ziran's mouth evokes a curve: "After being beaten by me more than ten years ago, they didn't dare to do it again, but they began to become cynical."

"Especially after the previously inaccessible Caoji Street became a central area, they became even more hateful. They always had time to brainwash my mother."

"Speaking of such a large family property, leaving it to my daughter is equivalent to leaving it to outsiders. Let her share the Caojijie property with my cousins."

"My mother ignored them and even transferred all the assets to me. Only then did they break the idea of ​​occupying them, but they were even more displeased with my mother."

"I still take advantage of my house from time to time, such as bringing people to a restaurant to eat, all of which are charged to my account, or my grandmother's grave is moved to my house."

"So I really don't want to ask for this meal, even if I give them 10,000 yuan in red envelopes, I don't want to get together for dinner."

Jiang Ziran confided in his heart: "But my mother said it was a relative after all, and she couldn't entertain because of her poor health, so I was wronged."

"That's it."

Ye Tianlong suddenly realized: "Let me just say, your face is not very good, it turns out that there is still such a grudge."

Jiang Ziran looked at Ye Tianlong: "I am not afraid of being wronged, I am just worried about you, I am afraid they will ridicule you."

"It's okay."

Ye Tianlong smiled and relieved: "I have tried my best for others' acrimony, don't worry, no matter what they say, I am not angry."

"Quiet as a chicken to help you finish this etiquette."

Jiang Ziran was grateful: "Tianlong, you are so kind."

At this time, the two had walked to the front of a double-door wing. After confirming the room number, the door was opened politely by the waiter.

As soon as the door opened, eighteen pairs of eyes looked over in an instant. Everyone looked at Jiang Ziran with a smile on his face and the strange Ye Tianlong in surprise.

The noisy chat and laughter came to an abrupt end.

When more than a dozen men and women squinted their eyes and looked at Ye Tianlong, Ye Tianlong also scanned the men and women in front of him. There were 18 young and old.

They were almost full of two large round tables, each of them brightly dressed, wearing various jewelry on their hands, and Chanel handbags.

Although it is not a wealthy family, it is a middle-class family, rich and prosperous.

It's just that the gazes they looked at, besides curiosity, there was a touch of pride, unspeakable superiority, but it was real.

A middle-aged man with well-dressed hair and straight hair, squeezed the Chinese cigarette in his hand and shouted: "Zi Ran, are you here?"

"It's a bit late, let us guests wait for your master."

He assumed the appearance of an elder: "This is not good, it will appear that you have no tutor."

"Sorry, uncle, I was late to go out, I promise not to be next time."

The corner of Jiang Ziran's mouth moved a bit, and then quickly led Ye Tianlong forward and introduced to the whole room with a smile:

"Uncle, third uncle, aunt, cousin, cousin...this is my boyfriend, Ye Tianlong."

Then she introduced her family to Ye Tianlong. Ye Tianlong quickly remembered that the first uncle Guang, the third uncle Yao, the cousin Bo, the cousin Kuo, the cousin Li...

In addition to the position of Ye Tianlong's good memory, there is also the name of the uncle's generation based on the Guangzong Yaozu, and the cousin's generation is magnificent...

Ye Tianlong said hello politely: "Hello everyone."

Everyone at the scene just nodded politely, did not respond or ask too much, and did not regard Ye Tianlong as air, but it did not take it seriously.

Several beautiful women also curled their lips, disdainful of Ye Tianlong.

Uncle Guang's expression was even more ugly. When facing Ye Tianlong's greeting, he didn't say anything, but raised his head and hummed:

"Are you Zi Ran's fiance?"

Ye Tianlong seems to have expected this scene early: "Yeah, uncle, my name is Ye Tianlong, I will get close to you in the future."

The uncle glanced critically: "Not so much..."

"It's already pretty good."

A savvy woman smiled without a smile: "What is Zi Ran like, you still don't know how to be an uncle? It would be nice to find someone."

The cousin Yaoyan also laughed and said: "Yes, Zi Ran was born in the grassroots, it is impossible to find a model like the general agent of Badazhuang like me."

Several cousin and cousin's gorgeous women also laughed jokingly, obviously all used to find superiority from Jiang Ziran.

Jiang Ziran's face changed slightly, but Ye Tianlong wanted to speak, but he sat down. The latter smiled and said that he didn't care too much.

At the same time, Ye Tianlong is a little curious, will the cousin's cousin's Badazhuang general agent be an acquaintance?

After seated, his cousin Bo shook the red wine and spoke slowly: "Brother-in-law, are you a foreigner? How long have you been in Australia?"

The shrewd woman also shook her Tissot watch and asked directly: "What do you do?"

Ye Tianlong smiled and took the topic: "Cousin's vision is accurate, and I guess I am a foreigner at a glance."

"Yes, I'm from Mingjiang, and I only came to Australia for two weeks, mainly to come and be engaged to Ziran."

The coquettish cousin made a mistake with her legs, and her pretty face was sarcastically: "Is there a job in Australia City?"

"Yes, there are."

Ye Tianlong responded with a smile: "I'm doing something related to casinos."

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