Talented Genius

Chapter 1872: Love is broken

Ye Tianlong returned to Caoji Street to see the oriole.

Ye Tianlong, who walked into the Jiang's restaurant, asked solemnly: "What is going on?"

The yellow bird greeted him: "Lei Jiuzhi was taking a nap and was going to the church to supervise the project in the afternoon, but suddenly received a call."

"I happened to pass by him and heard what he said Mrs. Xue, and then he left quietly."

Ye Tianlong asked: "He didn't bring a bodyguard?"

The oriole shook his head: "No, he didn't take the five members of the dragon clan, but left alone."

Ye Tianlong asked again: "Where is his phone?"

The oriole informed Ye Tianlong: "It can't get through, but it didn't shut down, it seems that the flight mode is set."

"I asked the three Quetang children to follow up, because time is limited, now I can only make sure that he is heading to the beach."

The oriole made a judgment: "I guess he met Mrs. Xue."

Ye Tianlong issued an instruction: "Let Red Arrow track his number immediately."

"After the lock, you take Sparrow and Master Hu's children over, and you must get Lei Jiuzhi back."

He landed and said: "Who dares to stop you from leading people, it's not a matter of killing."

The oriole nodded: "Understand."

After the oriole left, Ye Tianlong took a bottle of pure water, and then sat down by the window.

He knew that the battle between him and the Xue family was about to begin...

At this moment, Lei Jiu pointed out that he got out of a taxi and walked towards a dock restaurant at Pier 6.

When he came to the entrance of the restaurant, Lei Jiuzhi's footsteps stopped slightly, looking at the patterns on the ship's side with emotion.

This is a civilian restaurant and a small dining hall for dock workers. Lei Jiuzhi used to come here to eat and drink when he first came to Australia to work hard.

Once, he issued a large commission and hosted a banquet for Xue Hu and Li Xin.

After getting drunk, he also smashed the wine bottle and drew a pattern of three people with broken glass, shouting not to forget the rich and the rich in the future.

Time has changed, things are different, Lei Jiuzhi faced it again, and there was an indescribable pain in his heart.

"Why are you standing outside?"

When Lei Jiuzhi was in a daze, the door curtain was gently opened. Li Xin walked out from inside and said softly: "The wind is strong, come in."

Lei Jiu pointed at her, nodded, followed her in, then looked around the small restaurant and smiled:

"The pattern has hardly changed. Pharaoh is really lazy, like a day for more than ten years."

He touched the armrests, touched the tables and chairs, touched the bar, all have memories, and there was a touch of softness in his eyes.

Li Xin smiled: "Pharaoh went home for retirement ten years ago. I bought this restaurant. I will come and sit when I have time."

"Here is the happiest time of my life. I can't let it disappear from reality."

She waved Lei Jiuzhi to sit down on the bar high chair.

Lei Jiu pointed and sat down generously, and took a look at Li Xin. She spread a towel on the chair and then moved her slender waist.

He sighed softly without saying anything.

"Two fried rice, a bottle of beer, a glass of juice, and half a chicken."

Li Xin sat on a high chair and gently raised his hand to the chef at the bar: "Fried rice needs two more eggs."

When nodding in the kitchen to make arrangements, Li Xin turned his head to look at Lei Jiuzhi, stretched out his slender fingers and pinched a piece of hair off his shoulders and smiled:

"These are what you liked to eat before, but I don't know if it suits your appetite now."

She personally opened the beer that the waiter had brought, and then gracefully pushed it in front of Lei Jiuzhi.

Lei Jiuzhi was silent for a while, and then took over the topic: "I am a person who has suffered and died. I have no ability to be critical of this world."

"By the way, you asked me out, don't know what's the matter?"

"Although it is rare for us to see each other, you are Mrs. Xue after all. If we are alone like this, Xue Hu will be unhappy."

Lei Jiu finger rubbed the wine bottle, the emotion on his face was very complicated: "And for you and me, it is better not to meet than to meet."

Li Xin murmured: "Although we are not married, we have been friends for many years? It is normal to see each other."

"As for Xue Hu, although he is naturally jealous, he is still at ease with you. He won't care if we meet."

She snorted: "Besides, I am not his personal property, and I have no right to control who I see."

Lei Jiu said faintly: "Say something...I have something to do this afternoon."

Li Xin's expression couldn't stop for a moment, and she was not used to Lei Jiuzhi's indifferent attitude, or it was different from what she had imagined.

I thought that even if he could no longer let Lei Jiuzhi find his life, he would always hold her and take care of her, but he didn't care much about it.

How could he be so indifferent? How could he not value himself so much?

Li Xin felt a little bit of anger, and then he picked up the juice and said, "Nine fingers, you have changed, our affection has also changed..."

Lei Jiu pointed to the time: "Mrs. Xue, if there is nothing wrong, I will leave first."

Li Xin's eyes were two more cold: "What important thing do you have that can't even compare with you and me?"

Lei Jiuzhi became silent.

"Okay, okay, I won't force you, the relationship between you and me is broken, then stop."

Li Xin picked up the juice: "I'm not hot anymore, come, take a sip first, and after drinking, I'll say it's business."

Lei Jiuzhi picked up the bottle and touched it, then took a big sip against the mouth of the bottle, feeling the coldness of the beer.

A strange color flashed in Li Xin's eyes, took a sip of juice and spoke:

"Nine Fingers, I want to ask you, if you go back to Australia, do you have revenge?"


Lei Jiuzhi lightly shook his head: "Although you are sorry for me, I didn't mean to retaliate against you. I really want to retaliate, and I don't have to wait until today."

"I came to Australia City to help a friend and help him with some of the city's business."

His tone was very flat: "So you and Xue Hu can be at ease, and I won't retaliate against you."

He had guessed this question a long time ago, so the answer was very calm, and he couldn't feel his anger at all.

Li Xin's body was close to Lei Jiuzhi, and he exasperated: "But how did I hear that you killed Xue Shuang?"

Lei Jiu's eyelids twitched, knowing that the temptation was coming, and immediately replied calmly: "Do you think I can kill Xue Shuang?"

"Who is Xue Shuang, don't you know? He is not only a murderous, but also a bunch of murderers around him. What should I do to kill him?"

He coughed: "I really have the ability to kill him, and I won't live so embarrassed."

"This is also..."

Li Xin looked at the appearance of Lei Jiuzhi. Compared to himself and Xue Hu, Li Xin seemed to be ten years older, and Xue Shuang and the others were desperadoes, so he believed it somewhat.

Or to put it another way, Lei Jiuzhi has that kind of courage. She didn't hang out with Xue Hu in the first place, but she knew he was short-board, so she abandoned it.

"It seems that someone else killed Xue Shuang."

Li Xin went on to change the conversation: "Nine Fingers, I still want to tell you one more thing, which is about thirty-three percent of your shares."

"We recently got a big investor, he is willing to spend a lot of money to cooperate with us."

"Not only will we achieve the scale of Fengjia in Australia City, but will also take us to open branches around the world."

"His only requirement is that the equity is clear and the two companies cooperate, so I hope to buy the equity in your hand."

Li Xin gave a number: "How about two billion? Two billion doesn't work, then three billion. This number will be enough for you to be rich for a lifetime."

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