Talented Genius

Chapter 1873: Ace of Spades

Lei Jiu pointed out faintly: "Xue's Casino last year had a net profit of 14 billion, with 33% of the shares, or about 4.5 billion."

"I can divide four and a half billion chickens that lay golden eggs in a year. Will you buy me three billion?"

He looked at the woman he had loved: "Mrs. Xue, don't you think this is ridiculous?"

Mrs. Xue's pretty face became cold: "Nine Fingers, after so many years, you still refuse to accept reality."

"Give you thirty-three shares. We thought about it casually. Do you really think you are a shareholder?"

"What have you done in the past ten years? Haven't done anything. Are you embarrassed to get so many dividends?"

"Ask yourself, when you first opened the casino, how much money did you invest in it? Now that you earn more than a dozen times, isn't it satisfied?"

Her tone was imperceptibly increased: "Don't be too greedy."

Lei Jiuzhi looked at the woman sadly, but did not correct her wrong words, then shook his head slightly:

"I don't want to argue, let's talk about all contracts."

"By the way, I also checked. In the past ten years, you have distributed me a total of 2.5 billion dividends."

"But I calculated the profits of the Xuejia Casino over the past ten years and found that I can get 20 billion and 3 billion."

Lei Jiuzhi picked up the bottle and poured another sip of wine: "In other words, you still owe me more than 20 billion."

"If you can, tell Xue Hu that I am short of money recently, so please prepare for it and return my share to me."

His tone was very flat: "The Xue family has a big business, a mere 20 billion, just like playing..."

"Nine fingers, what does it mean to say these children's words?"

Mrs. Xue looked disappointed: "You must completely destroy the friendship between the three of us?"

Lei Jiuzhi sighed: "I haven't thought about ruining, nor have I thought about climbing, I just want to get back what belongs to me."

Mrs. Xue said calmly: "If you said me, then I am sorry, I am already Mrs. Xue, it is impossible to have anything to do with you anymore."

"If you are talking about money, the dividends you take away are ten to twenty times the amount you invested in the casino at the beginning, you have long been rewarded."

Her pretty face was very helpless: "Nine fingers, it's impossible for us, don't get angry, okay?"

Lei Jiuzhi gave a wry smile: "I didn't say us, I said 20 billion."

"Well, everyone is dozens of years old, stop being childish."

Mrs. Xue snapped a finger and asked the waiter to bring a deck of cards: "Everyone is in the gambling world, and you taught me my gambling skills."

"Betting on a round today."

She took all the cards apart: "You win, give you 20 billion in a month, if you lose, 30% of the shares will be transferred to me."

Lei Jiuzhi made no sound, but took a sip of beer slowly.

"Swish swish!"

Mrs. Xue shuffled the cards skillfully. After losing the two big and small ghosts, Qianqianyu flipped her hand and poured all the fifty-two cards on the bar.

Lei Jiu leaned forward and put his arm on Mrs. Xue, as if looking at a card on the bar.

"The easiest way to bet against each other.

Mrs. Xue has a pretty face with confidence: "Whoever is bigger wins, I shuffle the cards, so you pick the cards first..."

Lei Jiuzhi glanced at her, a **** pointed out, and an ace of spades jumped out.

Madam Xue's smile froze for an instant, and her eyes were unbelievable: "This...this...how is this possible?"

She looked at her palm subconsciously, and her pretty face became ugly again.

"Although I haven't gambled with anyone in more than ten years, it doesn't mean that my eyesight and technique are rusty."

Lei Jiu said noncommittal: "When you shuffled the cards, Ikuchi hid the ace of spades. Although it is secret, it can't escape my eyes."

"If you use the universe in your sleeve, I will transfer the flowers to the tree and exchange the four of spades for your ace of spades."

He pointed a little ace of spades: "You lost this round."

Madam Xue's breathing was slightly stagnant, and then she smiled softly: "Nine fingers are really not old. I look down on you."

Lei Jiuzhi took out his wallet, dropped a thousand yuan, then drank the beer in one sip, got up and walked to the door:

"Madam, goodbye."

He just walked to the door, his body shook, and then his head was sore, he staggered a few steps into a chair and fell heavily to the ground.

He turned his head to look at the glamorous woman with difficulty: "You...prescribe medicine..."

Mrs. Xue came over and raised Lei Jiuzhi's face with the toe of the shoe, with a charming smile: "You are still exactly the same as before."

"You can see through the world's thousands of skills, but you still can't see through people's hearts. At this point, Xue Hu is much better than you."

Lei Jiuzhi sighed bitterly: "Unexpectedly, we really lost love long ago."

"It's because you didn't correct your position."

Mrs. Xue said indifferently: "If you toast not to eat, then eat the penalty bar..."

Lei Jiuzhi smiled jokingly, and then squeezed out: "Actually, I am a pit, I didn't expect...you jumped down..."


Having said this, Lei Jiuzhi slowly closed his eyes, and then his head fainted...

He likes this ending, Lei Jiuzhi is waiting for Li Xin and the others to shoot.

A true gambler not only can bet on chips, but also on people's hearts and general trends.

Mrs. Xue was slightly startled, she didn't know what Lei Jiuzhi meant, she felt a little uneasy, but she soon suppressed it again.

"Sambo, let someone send him to Mr. Xue."

With her head tilted slightly, a dozen big men walked out of the corner of the restaurant, wipingly tied Lei's nine fingers, and then put them in a sack to carry them out.

Lei Jiuzhi was not killed because he wanted to find out the whereabouts of Xue Shuang and the transfer of 30% of his shares.

The three Mercedes-Benz sedans quickly started and then whizzed out of the dock restaurant.

Mrs. Xue did not leave immediately. Instead, she ordered a cup of tea and dangling leaning against the window.

The Mercedes-Benz car was driving on the coastal passage, and the goal was clear to the Xue Garden.


When the convoy was halfway through, suddenly two vans rushed out of the intersection ahead, and the cars crossed and blocked the way, making it impossible for Mercedes-Benz to pass.

Then, three black cars emerged from behind, blocking the escape route of the Mercedes-Benz team.


The car door opened, and more than 20 strong men came out, each carrying a fire axe in their hands, and approaching them murderously.

The ten elite Xue's faces on the Mercedes-Benz changed slightly. Two of them guarded Lei Jiuzhi, one made a call, and the other seven got out of the car and pressed their gun bags.

"This is the Xue family car, who are you?"

"Pump pound!"

There was no response at all, the light of the axe flashed, and twenty axe heads shot out. Seven people couldn't raise their guns in time, their bodies shook, and their chests fell to the ground with blood.

Quick, accurate, and ruthless, it's a mess.

The remaining three people were pale, and subconsciously locked the door, but heard a click and the window was broken by an axe.

Then the axe light flashed again, and the three people were chopped to death on the seats with their guns and men.

The oriole walked forward, opened the door, and then took out the phone:

"Ye Shao, Lei Jiu points to safety..."

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