Talented Genius

Chapter 1874: One wave is not flat, another wave rises

Lei Jiu said it was safe.

Ye Tianlong breathed a sigh of relief when he received the oriole news, and there was a hint of helplessness in his eyes.

He knew in his heart that Lei Jiu pointed out that this banquet was intentional.

Lei Jiu pointed to this hand, betting on friendship, people's hearts, and his life.

The result was what he wanted, and he won. His feast made Ye Tianlong and Xue clan deeper.

But Ye Tianlong didn't criticize him, he understood the pain in Lei Jiuzhi's heart, so he understood.

After that, Ye Tianlong leaned back on the sofa lazily, covered his face with a magazine, closed his eyes and rested while waiting for the oriole to return.

After sleeping for a while, Ye Tianlong heard the movement, opened his eyes and saw the oriole and the others come back.

He got up and asked the oriole and others to send Lei Jiuzhi to the room, and then personally gave Lei Jiuzhi the pulse, and he was completely relieved after confirming that he was only drugged.

Ye Tianlong wrote a prescription and asked Lei Jiuzhi to grab a few pieces of Chinese medicine conditioning, and then returned to the Jiang restaurant.

At this time, it was near the restaurant, and the restaurant began to see guests. The waiters and chefs were very busy, but Jiang Ziran had not returned.


Ye Tianlong frowned slightly. He called Jiang Ziran, but he was shut down after ringing twice.

Then, he called Xu Donglai again and asked if Jiang Ziran was still with him.

Xu Donglai immediately replied that they did get together a little later today, but they left the table half an hour ago because Jiang Ziran was going back to the restaurant to work.

Hearing this news, Ye Tianlong's heart was slightly choked, he was worried that Jiang Ziran would also have an accident.

Therefore, he immediately called Hongjian to locate Jiang Ziran's mobile phone. Soon, Hongjian gave a detailed address.

Moreover, Red Arrow also clearly informed that the phone had not moved for almost ten minutes in the same place.

Ye Tianlong didn't have any delay, Xiang Tianmo and Canshou tilted their heads slightly: "Go, go to Sister Jiang."

With the help of two Quetang children, Ye Tianlong quickly appeared at the location of Jiang Ziran's mobile phone, at the entrance of Aocheng Park.

The children of Quetang found Jiang Ziran's mobile phone in a bush. The screen was broken and it turned off. Ye Tianlong also found Jiang Ziran's Corolla nearby.


Ye Tianlong rushed forward quickly, felt the engine, and found that there was residual temperature, and judged that Jiang Ziran had just left.

"Red Arrow, I want to monitor nearby, within half an hour."

Ye Tianlong took out the phone and asked Red Arrow to intercept the video near the park.

Soon, Hongjian uploaded the video to Ye Tianlong's mobile phone, and Ye Tianlong opened it, fast forward for a while, and saw Jiang Ziran's figure.

Jiang Ziran, who was driving home, suddenly stopped at the entrance of the park, then opened the door and ran to a pregnant woman who was squatting on the ground for help.

Judging from the appearance of the pregnant woman, I was afraid that it was five or six months old, so Jiang Ziran didn't have the slightest guard, and ran over to ask for help.

At this moment, Ye Tianlong's call came in, and Jiang Ziran wanted to reach out for his mobile phone.

Upon seeing this, the pregnant woman suddenly took out an electric shock stick, and she used her skillful electric technique to stun the latter without any warning.

Immediately, a black nanny car drove over, jumped down two young people in Chinese clothes, and dragged Jiang Ziran up.

"Damn! Is this a scumbag?"

Ye Tianlong recognized one of the young men, who had been with Xue Mingli and Bao Jinyi.

Senior three gold.

He instantly understood what was going on, and there was a coldness in his eyes.

"Find, find me the car, find Jiang Ziran, find the senior senior gold."

Everyone could feel Ye Tianlong, the murderous and domineering projected from his bones, even Tianmo looked slightly.

Canshou they nodded, it seems that tonight is another sleepless night, it should be said that it is a crazy night.

At the beginning of the Hua Deng, the night breeze is intoxicating.

In winter, the darkness always comes earlier, and the weather is colder than before, but the senior middle school student is now hot and dry.

He was sitting next to a hot spring pool, holding a small bottle of valuable red wine, and looking at Jiang Ziran in the iron cage with fascination.

As Jiang Ziran snorted with bruises, the eyes of senior three Jin's eyes were getting brighter, and he swallowed twice in the meantime.

Tonight, he wants to conquer this grassroots horse, let Xue Fugui and the others take a look, he can't underestimate his ability.

Moreover, this fierce horse has a very hot body, and its toughness is far beyond that of ordinary people. It must be very comfortable and very pleasant to ride on.

For the wealthy and young at the level of senior high school gold, money is just a digital woman but a pastime.

For him, although there is a sense of accomplishment in smashing beautiful women's clothes with money, there is always a lack of excitement and challenge.

Things that are too easy to get are somewhat boring.

So Xue Fugui found him and asked him to help deal with Jiang Ziran. After seeing the photos in senior year, Jin immediately agreed without hesitation.

In order to succeed, he also uses pregnant women as bait.

Today, Jiang Ziran brought Ye Tianlong to see his uncle, so he wore a little more open, a chiffon top, a black skirt and a pair of stockings.

This fell in the eyes of the senior senior gold with a different style, unruly face, but also a hot body, so that the senior senior gold's blood surged.

"Get the water pipe."

Senior three Jin hooked his finger at a Chinese-clothed youth, then took a high-pressure water pipe, adjusted the water speed and shot it at the cage beauty.


The water column hit the cage crisply, which also made Jiang Ziran's body tremble and tremble, subconsciously tilted his head to avoid the cold water, and then completely awoke.

She shook her head a few times, and then instinctively shrank to a corner, looking around the strange environment, still a cold cage.

"Miss Jiang, hello, introduce yourself, high school senior gold, a good friend of the Xue brothers."

Senior senior Jin swept over the wet Jiang Ziran, and a man's smile evoked at the corner of his mouth. He walked up and leaned against the cage and laughed:

"You offended Xue Fugui, and he asked me to clean up you."

He turned off the high-pressure water gun: "If you collect money, you will naturally eliminate disasters."

Jiang Ziran shook his dizzy head, and drew a low voice: "Xue Fugui?"

She quickly thought of the kid, with sullen eyes in her eyes: "That thing with no tutor."

"Yes, Xue Fugui, the second young master of the Xue family, he will pay for him. If you offend him, you are basically dead."

Senior three Jin smiled and took a glass of wine: "Three hundred and sixty-five days a year, people killed by him can't count their hands or feet."

"The Overlord Little Silver Spear was not called for nothing."

"Originally, he wanted me to drive you to death, but I pity and cherish Yu, and I am not willing to kill you."

"So I brought you here."

Senior senior gold took a sip of wine: "I hope to find you a chance to survive."

"Senior grade gold!"

Jiang Ziran stared fiercely at the senior three gold, she could catch the other side's goodwill, and then shouted:

"Please let me go back immediately, or I will sue you for illegal kidnapping and imprisonment of others."

"You should know what crime this is. Once convicted, it will be imprisonment for more than seven years.

In the noncommittal smile of the senior senior, Jiang Ziran added water drops on his face:

"If you let me go now, I will assume that today's affairs have never been born...I promise not to call the police."

Senior three Jin burst into a playful smile, and then finished his glass of wine in one sip: "Miss Jiang, you have a good idea, but I don't like it."

"I took you so hard to catch you, and let you go without any enjoyment, then would I be full and hold on?"

"In this way, you take care of me for three days, and then when nothing happened, I begged Xue Shao to save your life."

Senior senior gold shamelessly put forward his own request: "How?"

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