Talented Genius

Chapter 1875: Was called by his mother to eat


Jiang Ziran trembled and his face paled slightly: "Put away your dirty thoughts, or you will pay the price."

Although she thinks she is tough enough, once the things she is proud of are trampled on, she can still be strong without the slightest confidence.

It's just that she can't be hit by a senior junior like this.

She is not afraid of being clever and old-fashioned in high school, but most afraid of him losing his mind.

She put on a posture of dead fish and broken nets, her pale lips oozing blood: "Golden high school senior, let me go back now!"

"If you dare to touch me, I will crucify you in front of the police, and I will expose you in front of the media."

Jiang Ziran firmly said: "Hundreds of neighbours will cut you into eighteen pieces."

"Don't scare me... the more you scare me, the more chaotic I am."

Senior three Jin walked around the cage for half a circle, then came to Jiang Ziran, picked up a glass of red wine and poured it on her face.

When Jiang Ziran turned his head to avoid, he reached out and grabbed her collar and said:

"You can be considered the first woman to threaten me. Just go to this point. I am sorry if I don't concoct you tonight."

He told his plan directly, dissolving Jiang Ziran's psychology:

"The young master has done you with a sleeve tonight, and then he will take you on a yacht, tie a stone with a cage and sink into the open sea."

"You said, how did the police solve this case?"

"And I tell you, there are dozens of people and hundreds of people missing in Australia every day, and the police don't have so much attention."

The senior gold pair has already calculated the situation: "After all, there are too many gamblers in Australia who have gone bankrupt in search of death."


Jiang Ziran's body was shocked. She had heard of the unscrupulous and bullying of young men and women, but she did not expect this high school senior to be so vicious.

Not only used the pregnant woman to calculate her maliciously, but also murdered to cover up the matter.

She also believes that senior high school gold has the ability to cover up, and she felt helpless for the first time.

No matter how the society is ruled by law, there is still invisible darkness, not to mention the Gao family and Xue family are the powerful and powerful in Australia.


Senior senior Jin picked up the cigar and burned Jiang Ziran's clothes, and a small hole immediately appeared to reveal his fair skin.

Jiang Ziran already felt his heavy breathing, and she was unable to maintain her composure anymore and kicked her violently. She was in the middle of her senior year.


Senior three Jin screamed, clutching the middle of the move and jumping up again and again, and at the same time yelled at his companion: "Catch her out of me, catch her out."

"Kang Dang."

Two young men in Chinese clothes hurriedly opened the iron cage to get Jiang Ziran out.

Jiang Ziran bit his lip, gathered his strength, and clicked his feet again, causing the two young men in Chinese clothes to kneel on the ground with a muffled snort.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Jiang Ziran rushed out of the opened cage.

Then she turned around and ran, but just after running more than ten meters, she was blocked by two yellow-haired young men.

In normal times, Jiang Ziran didn't look at it at all, but now his hands were tied and his body had been shocked, and he didn't have much strength for soreness.

I have done my best just now.

So she could barely kick out two more feet, but was quickly avoided by the yellow-haired youth, and then the other party swept Jiang Ziran to the ground.

The two stepped on Jiang Ziran's calf and consumed her last resistance.


When the high-grade junior Jin who was relieved of his breath went to pull Jiang Ziran, Jiang Ziran slapped his face with a backhand, leaving several clear red handprints.

"Fuck, I don't know how to praise!"

Senior three Jin clutched his cheeks and roared like a beast, and then grabbed Jiang Ziran's head from behind.


He directly slapped Jiang Ziran more than a dozen slaps, then dragged her hair to the side of the warming pool and pressed it on the low coffee table.

Jiang Ziran yelled desperately, struggling and staring at her legs, but her strength was really weak.

The clothes made a tearing sound.

"Scream, shout loudly, and see who can rescue you."

Senior three Jin threw the cigar on the floor, and looked at Jiang Ziran who resisted with all his might and grinned: "I tell you, the more you shout, the more excited I am."

"Damn! Even I dared to fight, really courageous!"

"You dare to kick me, bitch, you want to die..."

Senior three Jin scolded fiercely, while his eyes flashed red excitedly: "Ouch..."

"You **** still kick?"

In the instinctive struggle of Jiang Ziran, the senior middle school senior had difficulty getting close to the start. He turned his head and shouted at several Chinese youths:

"What are you stupid guys doing while standing? You can't help me hold her down?"

"When Ben Shao finishes playing, let you follow the addiction... This is the phoenix of Caoji Street..."

When the voice fell, a few Chinese youths also rushed forward, with a terrible grin on their faces.


When they were facing Jiang Ziran's breath of wild beasts in the third year of their senior year, they did not find that a few villa bodyguards fell silently.

Then, several tall figures appeared by the hot spring pool.


On the wet coffee table, Jiang Ziran's hands and feet were held tightly by the four Chinese youths, struggling desperately but unable to break free.

At this moment, she is like a fish on a chopping board.

"It's really strong! Strong horse, absolutely strong horse."

Senior third Jin took out two pills and threw them into his mouth to eat, then grinned and took off his shirt, his eyes were hot and his throat was constantly squirming.

Jiang Ziran, who screamed miserably, was firmly controlled. She could only twist her slender waist occasionally, but it made her sway and stunned.

In the third year of high school, they were attracted to breathe thickly, and blood surged to their foreheads.

It may be because of the excitement that none of the five people saw Ye Tianlong and the others, but Jiang Ziran saw Ye Tianlong and was slightly startled.

The action stopped instantly.

Seeing Jiang Ziran's helpless teary face, Ye Tianlong's eyes were already ruthless.


At this moment, Tian Mo had already made his move, his right foot slammed into the waist of a man in Chinese clothes, and at the same time his right hand snapped off the other's arm and threw it out.

The bodies of the two fell and flew out instantly, and slammed into the rockery nearby.


The two young men in Chinese clothes screamed, and then fell to the ground like their bodies fell apart, vomiting a mouthful of blood in their mouths, and was seriously injured if they were not dead.

Can Shou also grabbed the necks of the other two people, slammed into their foreheads, and then threw them to the sides.

Ye Tianlong yelled: "Abolish them!"

Can Shou's right hand shook, and Ye Dao flashed.

"Swish swish!"

The sword light mastered, dozens of sword shadows flashed by, the Chinese-clothed youth screamed, his clothes were ragged, and each person had more than a dozen **** mouths.

Next second, Peng! All the wounds burst, and dozens of blood pillars were ejected, which looked very beautiful in the light.

Everyone had more than a dozen veins severed by their disabled hands, and after healed them, he could only spend his time in a wheelchair, and would not even have the strength to eat.

Then, Zandou Yedao was on one side again, and he didn't feel the slightest feeling between the four people's legs.


The blade turned, and it sounded crisply.

The howl is even more stern...

"It's you? Ye Tianlong, what are you going to do?"

In the gap where the four Chinese youths fell, the senior three Jin had already recognized that the person in front of him was Ye Tianlong, and he subconsciously left Jiang Ziran.

"Ye Tianlong, Australia City is a legal society, not a capital city. You can't mess around, or I want you to sit in prison."

Ye Tianlong took off his clothes and put on Jiang Ziran, then twisted his neck, murderously, and pressed towards the senior third gold with a blank expression:

"Tortured you alive, then thrown into a cage, transported by yacht to the open sea and sank."

Ye Tianlong said faintly: "You said, how did the police investigate this case? After all, there are countless gamblers who seek death every year."

Ye Tianlong directly returned what Jin said in the senior year.

"Go to hell!"

After the corner of the senior year Jin's mouth was moved, he suddenly picked up a dagger beside him and stabbed it out.

The knife light is fierce.

Senior third gold is also considered a fierce and cruel person, but there is still a gap in the face of the domineering Ye Tianlong.

As soon as he rushed halfway, Ye Tianlong kicked him and flew towards the iron cage like a meteor.


When the senior junior collided with the iron chain and screamed to the ground, he was terrified to see Ye Tianlong coming over.

He turned around and crawled, trying to stay away from the demon.

Ye Tianlong dropped his foot, and with a click, he directly stepped off his third-year gold leg.

Senior three Jin made another scream, holding the iron cage in pain.

Ye Tianlong picked up the high-pressure water gun and adjusted the water speed to the maximum: "I heard that this high-pressure water gun can penetrate a three-centimeter plank, I don't believe it."

"I will test it with you tonight and see if I can make a hole in your mouth."

He pressed a light at a distance, bang! The water column knocked out a street light directly.

Ye Tianlong then squeezed the muzzle into the mouth of senior third gold.


Senior senior Jin was full of panic and screamed: "This is not what I meant, but Xue Fugui meant it. He asked me to deal with Miss Jiang..."

"Xue Fugui? Where is he?"

"He was going to be here tonight because he was called by his mother to eat..."

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