Talented Genius

Chapter 1876: I'm here to be crazy (five shifts)

Fifteen minutes later, Ye Tianlong left the oriole and the others to deal with the scene. He took the remnant hand and Tianmo into a car.

Ye Tianlong drove himself, and as soon as he stepped on the accelerator, the car roared out of the villa and rushed towards the Bazaar restaurant like a sharp arrow.

The place where Mrs. Xue and Xue Fugui banqueted the Secretary of Administration.

Lei Jiuzhi and Jiang Ziran were hurt one after another. If they didn't arrive in time, they might have lost their lives.

Ye Tianlong decided to collide with the Xue family face-to-face, especially the scum like Xue Fugui, that he must give a cruel blow instead of endless suffering.

Thinking of this, Ye Tianlong stepped on the accelerator for two more points.

At this time in the Australian city, the traffic was endless, vehicles and pedestrians were everywhere, but Ye Tianlong was screaming and shuttled on the accelerator, agile like a fish.

The car drifted one after another on the road, leaving countless old drivers stunned. They had never seen such a brave drag racing.

Unless there is no police car behind, they would think it was a car robbing a bank.

Ye Tianlong was holding the steering wheel in one hand, and still holding the gear in the other hand. As he approached the Bazaar restaurant, the car suddenly accelerated, flashing out like an electric flash.

Several billboards on the roadside were snapped by the air current.

Many drivers watched this scene dumbfounded and forgot to scream.


At the Bazaar restaurant, a few tall and beautiful welcomers were welcoming the guests, and suddenly saw a car roaring over.

They took two steps back subconsciously, and then saw the car brake.


The car stopped in a half circle, and then the door was kicked open. Before Miss Yingbin could react, Ye Tianlong approached them:

"Which room is Mrs. Xue in?"

Miss Yingbin replied subconsciously: "Three Zero Three Dining Room."

"Thank you."

Ye Tianlong nodded, and then took Tianmo and Canshou into it, the momentum was like a rainbow, no one dared to stop.

Ye Tianlong quickly went up to the third floor, locked 303 at a glance, and strode the meteor close.

There were four Xue family bodyguards at the door. When they saw Ye Tianlong approaching, their expressions changed. If nothing else, they had to touch the guns in the waist.


Canshou didn't give them a chance, Ye Dao flashed, and the light was brilliant, an arc ran across the wrists of the four, blood shot, and four shots fell to the ground.

Tian Mo dashed forward, kicking one bodyguard directly, and then hitting another person's stomach with another punch.

One screamed and fell to the ground, one spurted blood and fell, and the remaining two drew their swords subconsciously, but they were held down by Tian Mo and hit the wall.


Blood shot out from the collision, and then he fell to the ground limply.

Several passing diners and waiters looked at this scene, as silent as a cemetery.


Ye Tianlong picked up four guns from the ground and threw them to Tianmo and Canshou each. He took one in his arms and took one in his right hand.

Ye Tianlong acted swiftly to turn on the insurance and murderously. Amidst the metal noise, the waiter and diners all lay on the ground, worried that they would be shot.

Ye Tianlong ignored the four bodyguards, and then kicked the door open.


The door opened, and more than two dozen bright smiling faces were visible, and Xue Fugui, who was standing on a high platform singing the'Morning Ceremony'.

The bustling wing room was silent for an instant.

There were a lot of people in the room. In addition to Mrs. Xue and Xue Fugui and other members of the Xue family, there were also seven or eight dignitaries in the Australian city.

The people who originally talked and pointed out the country seemed to be frozen at the moment.

Xue Fugui, who was singing with the microphone, forgot to sing, and all looked at Ye Tianlong who had entered in shock.

Mrs. Xue and the others were shocked that Ye Tianlong dared to break into a banquet of this level, and they also put on a brazen attitude.

When Ye Tianlong approached slowly, a Xue bodyguard pulled out his gun and shouted, "Who are you? Get out!"


Ye Tianlong fired the gun without hesitation, and there was an abrupt muffled sound, and the arm of the bodyguard with the gun was suddenly pierced with blood.

He fell to the ground with a scream.


Seeing that his companion was injured by Ye Tianlong, several Xue's bodyguards rushed over immediately and pulled out their guns to shoot Ye Tianlong.

"Flutter, flutter, flutter, flutter~~"

Ye Tianlong pulled the trigger mercilessly, bullets came out like rain, and the three bodyguards were shot in the shoulders and calves, and knelt down with a plop.

Then, Ye Tianlong's muzzle slanted again and shot a guard-like person over.


Ye Tianlong kicked a few feet after them, stepped on the last dignity of these bodyguards, and then approached Madam Xue and the others.


Several beautiful women screamed subconsciously when they saw this, and the whole audience tensed their nerves subconsciously, moved their chairs and stepped back.

Ye Tianlong yelled coldly: "Don't move!"

"Sit down! Sit down all!"

Ye Tianlong waved his pistol and shouted again, and everyone who was about to get up abide by the muzzle.

If this is not a second word, the hero will not suffer the immediate loss.

"Mom, don't be afraid of them."

Xue Fugui yelled: "He is the accomplice of that bad woman, that is Jiang Ziran."

Although he was shocked by the shooting, Xue Fugui quickly returned to normal, staring at Ye Tianlong with wide-eyed eyes, trying to tear him up at any time.

He didn't think Ye Tianlong dared to move him.

"Young man, what are you going to do?"

At this time, a Feng Yun woman's pretty face was cold, and she slapped the table and shouted: "There are so many people in the court, who wound people with guns, do you know, what crime is this?"

"Have you heard from Superintendent Mo?"

A majestic middle-aged man also raised his face: "Young man, you are a felony, and you are not reining in the precipice? Do you want to sit in prison?"

"Superintendent Mo? Official man, then let me ask..."

Ye Tianlong smiled upon hearing the words: "Excuse me to relive the old, secretly drugged, kidnapped and threatened, what crime is this?"

"Pregnant women are decoyed, kidnapped, with the intent of rape, and corpses are sinking to the bottom of the sea. What is the crime?

"By the way, the former is the work of Mrs. Xue, the latter is the work of Xue Fugui, Superintendent Mo, how do you deal with them?"

Both Mrs. Xue and Xue Fugui's expressions changed, and there was a touch of surprise in their eyes. He didn't expect Ye Tianlong to know so much.

Afterwards, Mrs. Xue winked at her son and signaled him not to be impulsive, and then she looked at Superintendent Mo.

Superintendent Mo sat indifferently and looked at Ye Tianlong with a look of disgust: "No matter who it is, you can't despise the law and wantonly hurt others!"

"You have evidence and you can file a complaint with the police at any time."

"But now I haven't seen Mrs. Xue harming people, nor have I seen Xue Fugui kidnapping. I only see you doing bad things and doing bad things."

She slapped the table again and yelled, "Immediately put down the gun in her hand."

Ye Tianlong smiled, "Of course I will put down the gun, but I have to ask Shao Xue for justice."

Mrs. Xue said coldly, "Boy, what do you want?"

"Simple, your business, Lei Jiuzhi will take care of it, I won't move you."

Ye Tianlong slowly approached Xue Fugui: "Your son, for the sake of Superintendent Mo, two legs."

"Fuck your mother!"

Xue Fugui, who was unruly and unruly, rushed down from the stage uncontrollably, and pointed his finger at Ye Tianlong and roared:

"You dare to move me? Do you know who my dad is? Half of the officials in Australia City have to pretend to be grandsons."

"You three silly forks, just take a few broken guns and you'll be fooled? If you can walk out of the Bazaar restaurant today, there will be ghosts."

Xue Fugui's instructions:

"I **** swear, I will kill you..."


Before the words fell, Ye Tianlong's face showed a sneer, very joking, very strange, and then moved.

He immediately reached Xue Fugui's side, and slammed his knees sharply, causing Xue Fugui to stubbornly cover his abdomen, bend over and retching, and his stomach turned upset.

All the anger and arrogance disappeared without a trace at this time.

Ye Tianlong grabbed Xue Fugui's neck, slammed it to the messy dining table, and slammed a fallen wine bottle.


The three-millimeter-thick wine bottle, centered on the falling point of Xue Fugui's forehead, burst into numerous fragments.


Xue Fugui screamed.

Superintendent Mo rushed over and shouted: "Young man, don't be too mad!"

Ye Tianlong slapped out, Superintendent Mo flew out with a pretty face:

"Sorry, I'm here to be crazy today!"

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