Talented Genius

Chapter 1879: Storm


At Bao's Casino, a stud gaming table, Ye Tianlong was holding an unlit cigar in his mouth, pressing the chips around him with a force.

"thirty million."

Ye Tianlong pointed his finger at a fat British man on the opposite side, and shouted arrogantly: "Bet you have thirty million in your hand. You have the ability to use me as a bargaining chip."

There are four or five players on the table, and there are a lot of chips in front of them, five million, eight million, and ten million, but they have already folded.

Facing Ye Tianlong's red heart's "Six Seven Eighty Nine" cards and his extremely arrogant attitude, anyone can think whether the card is five or ten.

Comparing with their own cards in their hands, these players shook their heads to extinguish the idea of ​​death. Even if they have a pair, three cards are no match for a straight flush.

So they stopped the loss in time, and then looked at Ye Tianlong and the British Fatty.

The British fat man has three jacks and one Q. Seeing how he smashed his chips all the way, 80% of his cards are jacks.

So he initially dropped 20 million chips, and he also believed that the victory would belong to him.

But seeing that Ye Tianlong's last card was six, his heart couldn't stop shaking. This card instantly gave Ye Tianlong a strong competitive edge.

This means that Ye Tianlong has the possibility of a straight flush.

Therefore, Ye Tianlong's 30 million stud, the British fat man frowned, wondering whether to call the flop.

Once you follow, you will make 70 or 80 million if you win, and if you lose, you will lose 50 million. The pocket money you have finally accumulated will be very depressing if you lose a game.

Ye Tianlong tapped his fingers on the table and raised the corners of his mouth. He said leisurely: "Thirty million is not enough? Should I write another check for 200 million?"

Ye Tianlongcai generously took out the check, swish and wrote two on the table.

The British fat man wanted to take a gamble, but looking at the confident Ye Tianlong, he was shaken.

"Stop following."

The British fat man's last desperate thought was also crushed, and he dared to stud the two hundred million guys. If it is not a straight flush, how can he have such courage?

"Stop following?"

Ye Tianlong saw the British fat man put the four bright cards on, and immediately laughed: "Thank you, then."

He reached out and swept in all the chips of the players present, fifty million floated in his hand, and then he gave everyone another ten thousand chips:

"Have fun today, Xiao Xiaowan, please have a supper."

The crowd around the theater cheered and clapped their hands. Although ten thousand is not much for them, it is nothing but luck, and it is naturally happy.

"Stealing chickens to scare away foreign devils, what kind of gambling master?"

At this moment, a cold voice came, and then a large group of bodyguards appeared surrounded by a charming person.

The charming and beautiful person is 1.7 meters tall, with a melon-seeded face, small red lips, big watery eyes, long eyelashes, and a charming spring in his eyes.

Her willow waist is swaying, her plump body is graceful and alluring, and her frowns and smiles are all charming, but she is full of hostility when she glances at Ye Tianlong.

The charming lady stared at Ye Tianlong sharply, and then walked to Ye Tianlong's front, picked up the hidden card on the table, and opened it with a snap.

Box three.


The fat British man who got up saw it and fell directly to the ground with a clear regret on his face. The **** turned out to be a miscellaneous team, not a straight flush.

He really regretted not calling 30 million. Otherwise, instead of losing 20 million, he would have earned 80 million, and he would have earned 100 million on a business trip.

The other players were stunned when they saw this. This kid is really the actor. He is three or six and ninety-nine. He just frightens their pair, three, four.

The actor, the actor, thinking of Ye Tianlong just now, the British Fatty was angry, but they also appreciated it a little.

After all, he couldn't do Ye Tianlong's arrogance by holding the box three.

Ye Tianlong took the bag and loaded the chips, then looked at the beautiful woman and smiled: "What do you call this beautiful lady?"

The charming woman responded proudly: "Casino Director, Bao Qiushui."

She also leaned close to Ye Tianlong's ears and sneered in a low voice: "I know you provoke the Xue family, and ran to the Bao family to avoid hunting down."

"Unfortunately, the Bao family won't let you do what you want."

Her eyes flickered coldly: "If you are conscious, get out, otherwise it will not be the Xue family that will deal with you, but Bao Xue will make you together."

"Director Bao, right?"

Ye Tianlong pretended not to hear the words behind, with a bright smile on his face:

"Do you know that you use surveillance to spy on guests' cards, and then publicly announce it..."

"It's a thing that has no gambling and violates the rules. As a casino director, you are not ashamed, but proud of it. It really disappoints me."

"I even suspect that the money I lost in gambling with the croupier in the Baojia Casino was all you saw through the monitoring of my hole cards and told the croupier."

He picked up a chip and flicked it precisely on the ceiling above his head, and knocked out a small lamp decoration with a snap, revealing a pinhole camera.

There are thousands of cameras the size of the casino, with 360 degrees of light and shade without blind spots. Of course, many of them are just for archiving or for paying thousands of veterans.

Under normal circumstances, they will not peek at the gambler's cards.

Ye Tianlong also knows this and believes that casinos will not count gamblers in this way.

But Bao Qiushui threatened him by throwing his cards off. He was upset, so he stabbed Bao Qiushui directly.

Sure enough, as soon as Ye Tianlong's voice came out, the British Fatty and the others exclaimed together, looking at the overhead camera calling:

"God, God, there really is a camera, or a pinhole camera."

"Corridors and blind spots are not enough to monitor, you are still installing monitoring lights, what are you going to do?"

"Of course it's a thousand. We take a pair, and the monitoring will tell the croupier the pair, we take a straight, and the monitoring will tell the croupier a straight."

"You are too dishonest, your casino pays a thousand."

Many gamblers who lost their net worth and lost their red eyes naturally attacked the casino one after another: "No wonder we have been losing. It turns out that the casino peeked at our cards."

"Don't bet on this round, don't bet, get your chips back before the market opens."

"Look, there is another pinhole camera here. It's horrible, you can see it everywhere."

"The casino will return the lost chips to us, or we will call the police."

Seventy or eighty gamblers gathered quickly, yelling at Bao Qiushui and the others, asking the casino to give themselves an explanation.

Bao Qiushui's face changed drastically, and his pride dissipated in an instant. He didn't expect that he was going to give Ye Tianlong a predicament, but he gave himself a bomb.

"Everyone, be quiet, listen to me to explain..."

Bao Qiushui let the staff separate the gamblers while standing on a chair and shouting:

"The casino absolutely didn't peek at everyone's cards, let alone win everyone's chips."

Bao Qiushui's words are very clear: "The existence of the camera is precisely to ensure the transparency, fairness and justice of the casino."

"Bao's reputation for so many years, coupled with the official supervision team, I can guarantee that the Baojia Casino is clean and has a clear conscience."

Ye Tianlong said: "The casino is clean, then how do you know I stole the chicken?"

A bunch of gamblers who lost the red eye, including the British fat man, immediately echoed:

"Yes, that is, you didn't watch his hole cards from the monitoring, how did you know he stole the chicken?"

"Yes, you are not a god, and you have no clairvoyance. How can you conclude that he steals the chicken?"

"Do you want to tell us that you guessed it?"

The gamblers who enter the casino gamble for ten and lose nine. Therefore, if they find the defects of the casino, they naturally want to express their bad temper and ask for a lottery.

They were in a posture of ‘I don’t listen, I don’t listen’, and then they shouted together:

"The casino pays a thousand, and the casino pays a thousand."

Bao Qiushui glared at Ye Tianlong angrily. This kid was really hateful and provoked the Xue family. Instead of hiding, he ran to the Bao family casino.

She originally wanted to hit Ye Tianlong and then drove him out of the casino as soon as possible, but she did not expect to be attacked by General Ye Tianlong.

Once today’s events spread, no one will come to Baojia Casino in the future.

It's just that she couldn't explain why she knew Ye Tianlong stole the chicken, because she really peeked at Ye Tianlong's hole cards.

If she said she was a pure guess, gamblers would feel insulted to their IQ, and the noise would become even more crazy.

Of course, what these gamblers want is not the truth...

"Aniu, give each of the guests 5,000 chips, and then ask them to send five representatives to the monitoring room to get familiar with our process."

Bao Qiushui quickly came up with a plan: "Let the guests know our operations, and let them know that our casino is clean."

While pacifying the gamblers under Yigan, Bao Qiushui looked at Ye Tianlong again with a cold voice: "Mr. Ye, I want to talk about it."

"I'm sorry, my time is precious. I make more than 100,000 yuan a minute, so I don't have time to talk to you."

Ye Tianlong shrugged, then took a bag of chips and said, "I'm going to play the slot machine again."

After speaking, he wandered out of the crowd and walked to the slot machine not far away.

"Miss Bao, this **** is too arrogant."

A bucktooth man rolled up his sleeves, angrily: "I'll take someone to teach him a lesson."

Bao Qiushui said coldly: "The prohibition of armed forces, casinos are not allowed to open, otherwise the Xue family has rushed in early, and we can only try to drive him out."

"But what if he doesn't leave?"

Yaya's men were very unwilling: "Moreover, this kid is very lucky. With a hundred dollars in chips, he made one hundred million in one night."

The reason why Ye Tianlong was so lucky was because they watched all the videos of Ye Tianlong and didn't find him out of thousands, nor did they see him any gambling skills.

Ye Tianlong just bet hundreds of thousands in the slot machine, bet big and small to win a few million, then cheated for 40 million, and finally Stud made 100 million.

This amount is nothing to the casino, but the record is considered to be against the sky, so Yaya's men are worried that Ye Tianlong will continue to win.

Bao Qiushui glanced at the slot machine hall.

There was also a crowd of people there, and everyone seemed quite excited.

Slot machines can accumulate a jackpot every two years or so. So far in the history of the city of Australia, the highest prize for slot machines is 20 million.

A tourist from Guangcheng inadvertently won, and the latter was shocked.

He was full and stayed in Australia to play, and received a free chip at the door to play, unexpectedly he won the jackpot.

The current cumulative prize pool is already 50 million, no wonder Ye Tianlong is thinking about it.

"Send someone to clear the slot machine hall and let the rest of the guests switch to other games."

Bao Qiushui exhaled a long breath, his eyes flashed with cold light: "I personally stare at Ye Tianlong to play, to see when he plays?"

His subordinate nodded, and was about to respond, but he heard a commotion in front of him, and a few panicked screams: "Ah--"

Then, Bao Qiushui and Yigan's men saw a group of brawny men in black huddling Mrs. Xue out, surrounded the slot machine hall with murderous aura.

Bao Qiushui's complexion changed, and they moved quickly to move closer.

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