Talented Genius

Chapter 1880: Rules

"Ye Tianlong!"

Mrs. Xue, who couldn't wait for a long time, finally couldn't help it. She rushed in from outside the casino and went straight to Ye Tianlong who was sitting in front of a slot machine.

"You return my son's legs!"

Following Mrs. Xue's shouting, the two Xue family elites rushed over first, reaching out to lift Ye Tianlong's collar.

They just felt that Ye Tianlong's body turned around, and then his toes were extremely painful. They all screamed and looked down.

Ye Tianlong's stool pressed their toes, and he was still sitting on it. The two of them were in pain, pulling out their toes and jumping.

Tears came out.

Seeing that the two companions were at a loss, the thugs next to Mrs. Xue were first taken aback, and then they were stabbed with a fire stick, pulling out their knives and guns together.

With an unusually tacit understanding, they stepped forward and aimed at Ye Tianlong.

"Don't move!"

There are at least twenty guns and ten machetes. If you work together, Ye Tianlong's body will surely be broken in an instant.

This change caused the rest of the gamblers in the slot machine hall to scream in surprise, like a bowl of water poured into a boiling pan, and they evaded.

Then, the dozens of people from Bao's family who watched the place all rushed over quickly, pressing their gun bags and staring at Madam Xue and them.

They don't know what's going on, and they instinctively defend the safety of the casino.

Bao Qiushui and the others quickly ran over when they saw this: "Mrs. Xue, don't do it--"

In full view, Ye Tianlong may be the most relaxed person. He first turned the stool back with a casual expression.

After that, he tidyed his clothes, put a chip into the slot machine, and spoke lazily:

"Australian City Casino prohibits armed forces and blood, if any offense, everyone will be killed."

"This ban on armed forces in the Australian city seems to be an agreement between the six major gambling kings ten years ago. It not only announced the Australian city but also the whole world."

"In order to defend this restriction, the six big gamblers also jointly invested tens of billions."

"No matter how powerful people are or how terrorist organizations are, if this prohibition is violated, the six big gamblers cannot solve it, and the tens of billions of funds will automatically be rewarded."

"Global pursuit."

"Because of the authority of the top six gambling kings, and also because of the deterrence of tens of billions of bounty, in the past ten years, there has not been any fight in the Macau City Casino."

"Even if there are gamblers on the court, the casino will leave the casino and then amputated according to the rules to prevent the casino from getting blood."

Ye Tianlong said: "What? Mrs. Xue is going to violate the ten-year ban?"

"Or, the Bao family is already unable to defend this ban?"

He glanced at Madam Xue and Bao Qiushui, and his smile became meaningful: "To be honest, I really hope Madam Xue can do it."

When Mrs. Xue starts, Ye Tianlong can use the prohibition order to put pressure on the Xue family, and the Australian City Gambling Association will do business, and the Xue family will peel off if they die.

If the Australian city gamblers take cover, it will be even more beneficial to Ye Tianlong. He can justifiably mess up the Xue Family Casino, or drive away the Royal Sword Club.

"Son of a bitch!"

Mrs. Xue grabbed a gun in her hand and subconsciously pointed it at Ye Tianlong, murderous but never dared to pull it:

"Too much deception, I will kill you with one shot."

She was aggrieved and angry, but the prohibition on armed forces was there. Once the shot was fired, the consequences would be serious, not only for herself, but also for the Xue family.

"Madam, calm down! Don't shoot!"

Bao Qiushui hurriedly stepped forward and pressed the gun in Mrs. Xue's hand, worrying that she would really do it in a rage, and both families would face difficult choices.

She also made the Xue family's elite also lower their hands and spears.

Then, she shouted to Ye Tianlong: "Boy, you are already on the Baojia Casino blacklist, you are not welcome here."

"Please get out of here immediately."

Bao Qiushui spoke to Madam Xue: "Don't worry, Madam, I will drive him away immediately. Once you go out, you can kill you as much as possible."

Ye Tianlong smiled: "According to the rules, the casino has the right to refuse entry of unscrupulous guests, but that must be because the opponent has no entry and no chips."

"As long as the guests enter the casino, they still have chips and participate in the gambling..."

"If the casino wants to drive guests away, it must either negotiate a friendly agreement to let the other party leave, or forcefully reclaim the chips and go away."

Ye Tianlong said softly: "Otherwise, the casino drives away the winning guests every day, leaving only the losing guests, wouldn't it violate the principle of fairness and justice?"

The slot machine turned around, and nothing was hit. Ye Tianlong looked at the 50 million jackpot, very frustrated.

"Boy, don't be proud, didn't you just win 100 million?"

Bao Qiushui yelled to his men, "Come here, give him a hundred million chips, no, add another one million and buy him a coffin."

Ye Tianlong put another chip in the slot machine and clicked the "Max Bet" button.

"Director Bao, you are so unfamiliar with your business, how did you achieve the position of director?"

"The casino can forcibly reclaim chips, but it must be twenty times the price."

"This is also ten years ago, the six big gamblers made public promises to bring in the'world's high rollers.' If you don't believe it, you can ask Mrs. Xue?"

Bao Qiushui's pretty face changed: "Twenty times?"

She looked at Mrs. Xue.

The corner of Mrs. Xue's mouth was moving, staring at Ye Tianlong like a knife, very angry, but she nodded, this kind of thing cannot be denied.

"See? Mrs. Xue testified."

Ye Tianlong smiled calmly: "In other words, let me get out of here, buy my chips with 2 billion, and I will get out of here immediately."

"Otherwise, just be honest and watch me play the slot machine."

The ban suppressed people and promised to protect the people. Ye Tianlong used the spear of the son to attack the shield of the son, and forced Mrs. Xue and others to do it.

"Ding dong ding dong ding ding dong—"

At this moment, all the slot machines in the casino suddenly rang loudly, the colored lights flickered, and the winning music was played with passion and excitement.

Everyone at the scene looked at dozens of slot machines subconsciously to see which one had won the jackpot, and quickly locked Ye Tianlong with a glance.

Because the rest of the gamblers have been invited away, the only guest playing the slot machine is Ye Tianlong.

"Wow hahaha, I hit the jackpot."

At this moment, Ye Tianlong jumped up happily: "50 million, the biggest bonus, 50 million."

"Director Bao, if you ask me to **** off this time, it will cost another billion..."

Bao Qiushui almost vomited blood, how could this kid be so lucky?

At this moment, four or five Chinese men and women walked into the door, and immediately saw Lin Rushui appear in front of the crowd, speaking coldly:

"Mrs. Xue, Director Bao, Ye Tianlong, Madam Feng already know what happened tonight."

"You are deadlocked in the casino is not a solution, so Mrs. Feng has invited Mr. Xue and Mr. Bao to have breakfast.

"Please come three of you together."

"Mrs. Feng has the best way to solve the problem..."

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