Talented Genius

Chapter 1884: Deep sea photo

At eleven in the morning, Ye Tianlong returned to the Magic Sword Garden in a low-key manner.

Whether it was Lei Jiuzhi or Jiang Ziran, out of safety considerations, Ye Tianlong arranged them here temporarily to avoid the Xue family from committing another murder.

Of course, he also has arrangements in Caoji Street.

Ye Tianlong installed a lot of probes in the streets and churches, and distributed electric batons and shields to the neighborhood to raise their combat effectiveness to a new level.

In addition, Ye Tianlong also has a killer feature. There are nearly a hundred Longmen children in the church. Once there is something on Caoji Street, they can fight at any time.

Because of this proper arrangement, Lei Jiuzhi and Jiang Ziran were able to heal their wounds with peace of mind.

"Ye Shao, are you back?"

Seeing Ye Tianlong returning to the Magic Sword Garden, Lei Jiuzhi, who was waiting in the lobby, greeted them and sent greetings to Ye Tianlong:

"Are you OK?"

Obviously they all knew what happened at the Bazaar Hotel, and they were worried about Ye Tianlong. He couldn't be at peace without seeing him appear safely.

"Have you seen me intact?"

Ye Tianlong laughed loudly, and gave Lei Jiuzhi and Jiang Ziran a hug one after another: "I run faster than a rabbit, they can't catch me."

This is a fact. Although Ye Tianlong's cultivation base has not yet reached the 9th rank, his physical reaction is already at the 9th rank, and almost no one can stop him running away.

"It's all right, it's all right."

Jiang Ziran breathed a sigh of relief, and then said softly: "Tianlong, in fact, it is enough for you to abolish the senior three gold, there is no need to go to Xue Fugui again."

"I'm not worth your risk. My grievance and shame are nothing compared to your safety."

Jiang Ziran's expression is very sincere: "Next time you must not be impulsive, otherwise you will have something wrong, and I will never get better."

She didn't expect that Ye Tianlong would fight like this, or face-to-face with the Xue family, so that she didn't fall asleep all night.

"Thank you sister Jiang for your concern."

Ye Tianlong burst into a smile: "I'm well-measured and won't be reckless to die. Isn't this, it's easy to take it back?"

Jiang Ziran stared at Ye Tianlong: "You are ready to come back now, what about one week later? Uncle Lei just said that you signed the gambling agreement."

"Please show me the gambling appointment, what are the harsh conditions, let the Xue family temporarily let you go."

She is obviously also a smart person, knowing that the trouble is so big, she will never end it lightly.

"The gambling agreement? Oh, the agreement was indeed signed, but it was taken away by Mrs. Feng after the signing, and it was not given to me."

Ye Tianlong hid the gambling agreement a long time ago: "But the conditions for gambling are really harsh. They want 30% of Lao Lei's shares and 20 billion."

"There are also videos and recordings of senior high school gold. When I got my brain hot, I pushed them up."

He looked at Lei Jiuzhi apologetically: "Old Lei, I'm sorry, I sold your benefits."

"No way, the Xue family knows we know each other, they must use your shares and dividends as a bet."

"I have no way. In order to teach them a good lesson, I took your video authorization and put them on hold."

Ye Tianlong made a promise: "But rest assured, I will try my best not to let you lose. If you really lose, I will definitely pay you."

"Things other than money, as long as you can get away safely, that little money is nothing."

Lei Jiuzhi waved his hand tacitly: "It doesn't matter if you lose to them in a week."

Jiang Ziran hesitated: "Is the bet really just betting on Uncle Lei's shares and dividends?"

"Sister Jiang, this adds up to a value of more than 100 billion, and it can be included in the Forbes rich list."

Ye Tianlong showed a helpless smile: "Why do you underestimate it like this?"

"From birth, I spend 5 million every day, until the day I die, I will spend 100 billion."

He puzzled Jiang Ziran: "This bet can be regarded as the top of the gambling world."

Lei Jiuzhi also laughed and echoed: "Miss Jiang, Tianlong is right, more than 100 billion yuan, a bet that has never been seen in the history of gambling."

Jiang Ziran was dubious: "It's just the money. If you don't have it, you can earn it. I thought it was the same as the movie.

"You said it was a movie. How can reality happen? Even if we want to bet, the police won't allow it."

Ye Tianlong's eyelids twitched, and then he quickly deflected his words: "Okay, let's not talk about it. I went to take a bath and sleep, tossing all night, exhausted."

"For the gambling, I will talk more about it when I wake up."

After speaking, he didn't wait for Jiang Ziran and the others to respond, and ran back to his own bedroom.

Turning on the shower, hot water spurted out, Ye Tianlong was instantly comfortable all over, but he didn't concentrate on taking a bath, his thoughts shifted to the young man with the backpack.

It was an Oriental, and he knew how much he existed, otherwise he would not deliberately test him with the Emperor Sword Garden.

Who is it?

Ye Tianlong had questions in his mind, but one thing was certain, the other party must be related to the Emperor Sword Association, otherwise he wouldn't use the Emperor Sword Garden to test it.

He thought about it for a while, wondering whether to call Hara Sako and ask if she knew the Oriental person?

After coming out of the shower, Ye Tianlong picked up the phone to make a call, but finally put his finger away in time.

Young people with backpacks can use the trick of "asking for directions" to test themselves. It is hard to guarantee that it is not Harako who is waiting on the other end of the phone...

Thinking of this, Ye Tianlong decided not to contact Yuan Shazi on the phone. He will find the opportunity to ask face to face tomorrow.

After making arrangements in his mind, Ye Tianlong threw the phone back on the table, poured a cup of warm water and drank it, and then saw the memory stick given by Mrs.

Inside is Xue Hu's gambling video.

"How good can that guy be? First in Australia."

Ye Tianlong murmured, feeling that Madam Feng had blown Xue Hu over her head, then put the memory stick into the laptop, and opened it with a single finger.

The document opened soon, a collection of videos and pictures jumped out, and then began to play automatically.


The cup that Ye Tianlong was holding fell to the ground with a crisp sound, and he looked at the scene before him in disbelief.

This picture, this video, this sea, this beach, and this beauty make people feel refreshed and bloody.

"How is this possible?"

Ye Tianlong rubbed his eyes to make himself see more clearly, and also took a pack of melon seeds...

At the same time, Lin Rushui walked into Mrs. Feng's office, her pretty face was frightened, like a child who did something wrong, she squeezed out:

"Madam, the copy given to Ye Tianlong just now... I seem to have taken the wrong memory stick."

Mrs. Feng, who looked at the group briefing, didn't raise her head: "You got it wrong? What did you give him? Company statement? Or group plan?"


Lin Rushui said with difficulty: "It was the deep-sea photo taken by my lady..."

"Kang Dang--"

Madam Feng's head hit the keyboard.

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