Talented Genius

Chapter 1885: Daisho Nakano


When Mrs. Feng was thinking about the words to call Ye Tianlong, the phone rang harshly. After a glance at Ye Tianlong, she put on earplugs to answer.

"Madam, sorry."

Before Madam Feng could speak, Ye Tianlong yelled out: "It's noon, I shouldn't disturb you at this time, but there is a problem with the video."

"I can only take the liberty to find you."

Mrs. Feng's eyelids twitched: "What's the problem?"

Ye Tianlong replied apologetically: "When I came back, I didn't have any money on my body. I asked someone for a few coins to sit on the minibus. The seat was too hard."

"I accidentally smashed the memory stick you copied, and those videos of Xue Hu couldn't be opened to watch."

He pleaded: "So I wanted to ask you for another copy. I don't know if it is inconvenient for you to make another copy. Shall I let it go?"

Upon hearing this, Madam Feng and Lin Rushui both let out a sigh of relief.

Mrs. Feng then asked: "Is the memory stick really broken?"

Ye Tianlong replied: "Of course, if you don't believe me, I will send you a picture to see."

Soon, Mrs. Feng's WeChat rang, and Ye Tianlong sent a picture of a memory stick that broke into a pile of fragments, which could not be repaired.

Lin Rushui examined it, and finally nodded to confirm.

Madam Feng breathed a sigh of relief in her heart, and then regained her coldness and said, "Look at you, you are always careless, and the memory stick will also break."

"All right, I will let Lin Rushui make a copy for you later."

The reason for copying instead of directly uploading it online is that Mrs. Feng is worried that the Xue family will know that she will leave a trace, and will question her playing with Ye Tianlong.

Ye Tianlong happily replied, "Thank you, madam."

After hanging up the phone, Mrs. Feng relaxed, her eyes sharply looked at Lin Rushui and said, "Make another copy for Ye Tianlong and send it."

"Remember, don't make the wrong copy again."

The deep sea portrait is a rare time for Mrs. Feng to release herself, white clouds, blue sky, beach, sea water, and she is inextricably linked...

If it weren't for the memory stick to be broken into pieces by Ye Tianlong, let him see all his naked body, I'm afraid she won't be able to raise her head anymore.

Hearing Mrs. Feng's reprimand, Lin Rushui lowered his head: "Understood."

Then she turned around and walked towards the door. When approaching the door, she remembered something: "Madam, I just received the news that Daxiang Nakano has come to Australia."

Madam Feng's eyes narrowed instantly, and a murderous intent jumped: "coming?"

Lin Rushui said: "He went to Saburo Miyamoto's cemetery in the morning and also presented a bunch of lilies, so our spies knew that he had come to Australia."

"By the way, Morita, who was named a beast of the Royal Sword Association, appeared to be sent by the Royal Sword Association to stabilize the situation in Australia."

Lin Rushui passed a few photos to Mrs. Feng and asked her to identify four or five people in the cemetery.

"Yes, it's Daxiang Nakano."

Mrs. Feng looked at the crowd in the photo, her eyes became colder: "There is also Morita who is like a beast, and the Royal Sword Society has spent this time."

Speaking of Morita, her face became more murderous, because she had seen Morita's **** in the East, and countless women were tortured to death by him.

The methods are outrageous.

During the days when Mrs. Feng was investigating in the East, Morita spied her body with evil eyes more than once, and she felt disgust when she thought of it.

If it weren't for the cooperation between Feng's family and Emperor Sword, Morita's skills would also be abnormal, and Feng's family was not in charge of her at that time, she had found someone to kill the animal.

After some mood swings, Mrs. Feng returned to calm again, staring at the photo and faintly said:

"It seems that Australia City is going to be more lively, do you know where he is staying?"

If she knew it, she wouldn't mind telling Ye Tianlong that she would hit the Emperor Sword with another heavy blow, completely triggering the situation of'wolves attacking the tiger'.

"do not know."

Lin Rushui replied softly: "After they appeared in the cemetery, they walked across the cemetery from the other end, and our people didn't dare to chase after them."

"I also sent someone to stare at the Royal Sword Garden, but I didn't find his shadow, and he was not seen in the other places."

She added the last sentence: "However, I have instructed the Feng's intelligence team to give priority to the whereabouts of Daxiang Nakano."

"Compile a copy of the information and give it to Ye Tianlong with the memory stick."

Mrs. Feng thought about the current situation: "Whether it is the gambling battle in seven days or the underworld battle for supremacy, Ye Tianlong will never lose."

Lin Rushui replied loudly: "Understand."

At this moment, at the Australian City Hospital, Xue Hu and Li Xin were in an empty conference room, looking at the pictures on the screen, revealing a sense of sadness.

After various operations and discussions, the hospital finally informed the Xue couple that there was nothing they could do, and Xue Fugui’s legs could no longer stand up.

The two shots of Ye Tianlong caused Xue Fugui's knee to shattered, and no matter how surgery and connection, he could not support his body.


Although he was prepared, Li Xin still became ghoulish when he heard the news. He wiped everything off the table and beat the doctor:

"What kind of doctors are you, what kind of experts, so many people, so much money, you can't cure my son, what use are you keeping?"

Li Xin subconsciously wanted to pull out his gun: "What is it for you?"

Xue Hu quickly pressed her hand with eyes quickly, and then tilted his head to signal the doctor to leave, lest his wife lose her mind and explode them.

More than a dozen experts and doctors quickly left the conference room. At this time, no one wanted to claim credit, but hoped that they would not move their own anger.

"Don't be sad, they can't, we will hire a foreign doctor. These days, as long as you have money, cancer can prolong your life, let alone two legs?"

Xue Hu hugged his wife's body tightly: "Don't worry, I will ask international experts to fly to Australia today."

Li Xin was very angry: "We must let the wealthy stand up."

When Xue Hu nodded, Li Xin yelled again: "Ye Tianlong will be cut a thousand times."

"Seven days, after seven days, he will let us kill him."

Xue Hu sighed with relief: "When the time comes, you will cut off his hands, cut off his feet, and goug his eyes."

Hearing these words from her husband, and thinking of the pleasure of dealing with Ye Tianlong with her own hands, Mrs. Xue's mood improved, but her eyes were still a little red and swollen.

At this time, Sambo knocked on the door: "Mr. Xue, someone wants to see you..."

Xue Hu's face sank: "No, I'm not in the mood now, and I don't have time. I'll see no one, let him get out of me."

"He said his name is Daxiang Nakano."

Sambo hesitated and said, "He can help Mr. Xue cure Shao Xue, or he can help Mr. Xue deal with Ye Tianlong."

"He also said that if Mr. Xue refuses to see him, then the Morita Kamikaze team of the Royal Sword Club will attack the Xue family tonight."

"Retribution to Saburo Miyamoto's blood revenge."

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