Talented Genius

Chapter 1886: Meat and bone regeneration medicine

Xue Hu and his wife waved to Sambo to invite Daxiang Nakano in.

This is not to be afraid of the threats of the Easterners. In the Australian city, neither the Royal Sword Club nor Nakano Daxiang can take advantage.

What moved Xue Hu was that he could treat his son, and Xue Hu would not let go of any possibility.

It didn't take long before two Orientals walked in.

The face of the person in front can be described by two words handsome, tall and thin with a long gown, like a jade tree facing the wind.

It's just that when you squint your eyes to look at people, you feel like you are being seen through.

The next one is a 40-year-old middle-aged man with a round and white face, a big belly, and a very rich, kind face.

But when he looked at others, two blood-red rays of light would shoot out, making his face very hideous and chilling.

Several Xue's bodyguards unconsciously kept a distance from him, as if there was something disturbing about him.

Li Xin also subconsciously clamped her legs and instinctively resisted the eyes of the middle-aged person. That was an aggression that made her very uncomfortable.

"Mr. Xue, Mrs. Xue, good noon."

After the two walked in, the handsome young man burst into a nice smile: "My name is Daisho Nakano. This is a brother from the Royal Sword Society, Mr. Morita."

The middle-aged man stepped forward and said politely: "Good for you two."

As he bowed, he glanced at the legs of Mrs. Xue who was sitting on the chair.

Li Xin keenly caught his movement, subconsciously putting her hands between her legs, but when she suddenly remembered something, she pretended not to see it.

Then, she opened her thighs slightly, and after a spring of spring, she slowly closed it up again.

It took only four or five seconds, but Morita's breathing was already rapid, and he couldn't help licking his lips.

"Mr. Nakano, Mr. Morita, good noon."

Xue Hu didn't notice the small actions of the two of them. He just looked at Daxiang Nakano with bright eyes, and asked eagerly with a cigar in his hand:

"I heard Sambo say just now, can you cure my son?"

His words were sharp: "Do you know what is going on with my son?"

Nakano Daxiang smiled and said, "Although Mr. Xue is trying his best to block the news, it is not too difficult for me to know Shao Xue's situation."

"He has a crushed knee fracture. The Australian city experts have nothing to do. Even with nails or steel plates, it is difficult to support him to stand up."

Xue Hu hummed unceremoniously: "You know, it's something that experts can't handle. Can Mr. Nakano make a difference?"

"In my impression, you are the gambler of the East who has missed two gambling games. You are a person who is not good at gambling, what medical skills are you talking about?"

He said indifferently, "Mr. Nakano, I hope you can show me your strength, so as not to waste your precious time."

"Mr. Xue, I missed the gambling game because I was unlucky, and I ran into things twice, otherwise Mr. Xue's gambling game record would be broken early."

Daxiang Nakano's voice is very gentle: "Besides, gambling has nothing to do with medical skills. If I dare to come here, it means I must be sure."

"Otherwise, Mr. Xue would be angry, wouldn't I be like Saburo Miyamoto?"

Li Xin couldn't help it: "Are you really sure?"

Daxiang Nakano nodded slightly: "A month ago, maybe he was not sure, but now he is sure, because Toyo has released a medicine for bone regeneration."

"As long as it is injected into Xue Shao's two knees, it will slowly breed bones and muscles, allowing the damaged areas to be repaired."

"This is the latest drug developed by the Dongyang military. The purpose is to use it for disabled soldiers during the war. It will not be circulated at all on the market."

He has self-confidence: "In Xue Shao's situation, five courses of treatment, three months, will be effective, at most six months of recuperation, can walk freely."

Morita glanced at Nakano, surprised but silent.

Li Xin was very excited: "Really?"

"It's true, ma'am."

Daxiang Nakano nodded solemnly: "I'm just joking with everyone, and I don't dare to look forward to Mr. Xue and Mrs. Xue, who are eager for my son.

Xue Hu asked: "How much is the medicine? Ask for a price."

"Mr. Xue, I just said that this medicine will not be sold or circulated, let alone let it fall into the hands of Mr. Xue."

Nakano Daxiang explained: "After all, the relationship between our two countries is not very friendly. This medicine was obtained by China, and that would be a huge harm to the East."

Mrs. Xue's pretty face sank: "You mean, this medicine won't be given to us? Then you come over and talk about a ball today? Play with us?"

"No, no, Madam misunderstood me."

Zhongye Daxiang said with a harmless smile: "This regenerative medicine cannot pass through your hands, but it can pass through my hands to give Xue Shao treatment."

"I can give Xue Shao an injection today and let him recover slowly. After half a month, I will give him another injection."

He added generously: "This will not violate the regulations of the East, and it will also allow me to follow Xue Shao's situation throughout the process."

"In case there is an accident, or if it can't be cured, Mr. Xue and Mrs. Xue can get angry at me for the first time."

Hearing Nakano Daxiang's explanation, Xue Hu and Li Xin suddenly realized, their expressions also invisibly softened, and they began to believe in Nakano Daxiang.

After all, if he was not sure to treat his son, he would not personally participate in the treatment. It was more of a one-time sale, and then how far to hide.

When Morita frowned, Xue Hu smiled and threw out a sentence: "Then, isn't it the hard work of Mr. Nakano?"

Nakano Daxiang laughed: "As long as Xue Shao can be cured, the Xue family and Huangdao will cooperate more closely. What do I mean if I work harder?"

"It is also an honor for Daxiang Nakano to be able to do something for Mr. Xue."

Li Xin raised his head: "Mr. Nakano, as long as you can cure my son, I will give you one billion, and Xue's Casino will cooperate with Huangdao Association forever."

She made a promise.

Although one billion looks a lot, it's nothing compared to his son's legs, and he will win Lei Jiuzhi more than 100 billion in seven days, which is a lot of money.

A ray of light flashed in Nakano's eyes, and then he calmed down and said, "Thank you, Mrs. Xue."

"Mr. Nakano is really a live Lei Feng. He is willing to help others. Xue admires him."

Xue Hu laughed loudly: "Meeting is fate. Let me be the host at noon. Please have dinner for both of you. I hope I won't refuse."

Nakano smiled warmly: "Mr. Xue is so kind, but I am disrespectful."

"By the way, I heard Sambo say just now, what was the death of Saburo Miyamoto and what attacked the Xue family?"

Xue Hu suddenly remembered something and looked at Daxiang Zhongye and asked: "What is going on?"

Nakano waved his hand: "It's okay. Mr. Morita has always been rude, saying a few more things that shouldn't be said. Later, I will let him toast Mr. Xue to apologize."

After this conversation, Nakano has confirmed a lot of things and has an answer in his mind.

"Just fine."

Xue Hu laughed again, and then stretched out his hand to one side: "Two, please here."

He led Nakano and Morita to the outside, and Li Xin followed with his handbag, but after walking a few steps, the soles of his feet staggered to the ground.

Morita has quick eyes and quick hands, holding Li Xin's body: "Madam, are you okay?"

"It's okay, just thinking of Ye Tianlong's hateful face, the spirit is not good... It's a pity that I can't help him..."

Li Xin's body was slightly to one side and proudly wiped Morita's arm: "Thank you Morita-kun."

Morita's breath became thicker again: "You're welcome, you're welcome, Madam, don't worry, the murderer will not end well..."

"Thank you Morita-kun... Who can kill the murderer? I don't care what he wants from me... It's a pity that the murderer is too powerful."

Li Xin sighed quietly, and then left Morita to follow her husband and the others, her body twisted and charming.

But Morita slowed down, licking his lips, a flash of red light in his eyes...

Five minutes later, in the Dongyang car that went to the restaurant, Morita, who was sitting in the passenger seat, turned his head and looked at Taisho Nakano, who closed his eyes and asked:

"Mr. Nakano, when did the military develop a meat and bone regeneration medicine?"

Nakano Daisho slowly opened his eyes: "God said, there must be light, so there will be light."

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