Talented Genius

Chapter 1887: People who dare to move our family? (Four more)

The day after Zhongye Daxiang contacted Xue Hu, Ye Tianlong and Lei Jiuzhi watched Xue Hu's gambling game.

I have to say that Xue Hu's abilities exceeded Ye Tianlong's expectations. With nearly a hundred battles, Xue Hu did not lose a single game.

Both tactics and psychology are excellent.

One of the rounds made Ye Tianlong very interested. A bear country master was very powerful, able to identify the dice points with his ears, and won seven consecutive opponents.

But when he encountered Xue Hu, he lost a mess, because Xue Hu could use the frequency of the dice's rotation and click with his fingers to disturb his hearing.

I have to say that Xue Hu's level is quite high.

"I haven't seen it for more than ten years. I didn't expect that Xue Hu not only has no wasteful gambling skills, but he is also more proficient than before. It seems that he is paying attention."

After Lei Jiuzhi watched his bet, he couldn't help but sighed: "I underestimated him."

"I think the same as you, thinking that after he sought your property and women, he would indulge himself every night, and his gambling skills have already fallen."

Ye Tianlong admitted that he underestimated the enemy: "It seems that we are a little naive now."

"Without any patience, he will not be able to survive now, let alone become one of the top six gambling kings."

"Of course, the most important reason is that he has been worried that you will come back for revenge, so he warns himself every day and tempers himself."

"However, because of his strength, this bet has become more interesting."

Ye Tianlong smiled and turned his words: "Lao Lei, if you let you play, how sure are you?"

Lei Jiuzhi's fingers moved on the table, and there were ten shuffled playing cards on the table, which were used to practice Lei Jiuzhi and Ye Tianlong's hand.

"Originally 80%."

Lei Jiuzhi looked back at Ye Tianlong calmly: "Now only 60%."

"There are six great achievements."

Ye Tianlong also picked up a few cards: "I'll leave this battle to you."

"Ye Shao, I haven't finished speaking yet."

Lei Jiu's fingers picked ten times, ten cards were placed in front of him, and he looked at Ye Tianlong with a wry smile:

"Compared with pure gambling skills, I am still higher than Xuehu. If the bets are only my shares and dividends, I still have the confidence to win him."

"Even if it's my hands, feet and eyes, I dare to let go of a fight, and even have a high probability of winning."

"But, it's about your hands, feet and eyes. I'm a bit stressed. I'm really only 50% sure."

Lei Jiuzhi directly told his own thoughts: "That is to say, five to five points. If you are a bit more direct, you can only win or lose at the will of God."

"It's okay, I have faith in you."

Ye Tianlong understood Lei Jiuzhi's mood somewhat. When the 80% certainty dropped to 60%, the fluctuation of the pressure in his heart was not as simple as 20%.

However, he couldn't say frustrating words at this time, and walked to Lei Jiuzhi to give encouragement: "You let go and fight, don't worry about my life or death."

"The Xue family can't afford my hands, feet and eyes. Once you lose, I ran away the first time, and they couldn't catch up with me."

Ye Tianlong relieved Lei Jiuzhi: "So you don't need to imagine the scene where I was poached."

Lei Jiu said he was startled when he heard the words, and felt relieved. Yeah, the big deal is that Ye Tianlong ran away, how could he let the Xue family ravage...

The two stayed in the room and discussed Xue Hu's habits, and then they came out of the hall to breathe.


As soon as Ye Tianlong walked into the lobby, Jiang Ziran came over with the phone: "Can you send someone to take me to the restaurant where I ate last time?"

Ye Tianlong asked curiously: "What's wrong? Do you want to eat the food there? There is no need to go there in person, I'll let you pack it back."

Although the Xue family will not trouble him for these seven days, for safety reasons, he thinks it is better for Jiang Ziran to stay simple.

"It's not that I want to eat there."

Jiang Ziran told Ye Tianlong the ins and outs: "It's because my mother was invited to dinner by the uncle."

"I asked my mother to accompany my mother to the hospital in the morning for a few neighbourhoods to review the body. The uncle even ran to the hospital to ask about the cold after they knew it."

She was very helpless: "Then took my mother to the restaurant for dinner, and asked my mother to call me so that I could come and gather."

"Listening to my mother's happy voice, she has been praised by the stars. It is rare to be warmly entertained by her brothers, and she is so happy."

Jiang Ziran sighed quietly: "So let me go as far as possible."

Ye Tianlong said with a smile: "It seems that the uncle has turned their temperament."

Jiang Ziran exhaled a long breath: "What is changing your temper? It's not because of your background and the position of deputy residence you gave me."

"It is estimated that at the last gathering, they felt that they were still not enjoying themselves, or that it was not enough to make up for my relationship with them."

Jiang Ziran was very depressed by these wonderful relatives: "So this time I moved my mother out again, and I want to promote the relationship again."


Ye Tianlong laughed and looked at the time and said: "I will take you there myself, without my company, I am worried about your safety."

"Also, Lao Lei and I have watched the video for more than ten hours. It's time to take a good breath."

He waved to let people drive a car: "You change your clothes and I'll wait for you at the door."

Jiang Ziran whispered: "Tianlong, thank you."

Ye Tianlong smiled: "Hurry up and change your clothes..."

Ten minutes later, Ye Tianlong took Jiang Ziran away from the Magic Sword Garden and drove to the restaurant at noon that day.

Jiang Ziran wore a pair of sunglasses, long clothes and trousers to cover the wound, two points less coquettish, but more capable and heroic.

Ye Tianlong drove quickly and arrived at the restaurant in less than half an hour, then got out of the car door and walked to the target wing with Jiang Ziran.

The wing room opened, and Ye Tianlong suddenly saw the people in the room. Jiang Ziran's three uncles all dragged their family to the scene, chatting enthusiastically about the past with Jiang's mother.

In the corner of the house, piles of tonics like a hill.

Ye Tianlong had to sigh, Uncle Everbright and the others are really capable of bending and stretching...

"Oh, Shao Ye, sister, you are here, come in quickly."

The cousin's cousin yelled sweetly and greeted Ye Tianlong and Jiang Ziran first, and the charming fragrance poured into Ye Tianlong's nose.

After the luncheon that day, Xu Donglai did not tell her to break up, but his attitude became invisible, which made the cousin cousin feel a crisis.

She guessed somewhat that it was because of Ye Tianlong, so she was extremely enthusiastic at the moment.

Several cousins ​​and cousins ​​also smiled, their faces were beautiful and beautiful, and their figures were convex and concave. The spring breeze-like smile drowned Ye Tianlong...

Reaching out without hitting the smiley, Ye Tianlong also raised a smile: "Hello everyone..."

"Ye Shao, Zi Ran, come and sit here, waiter, hurry up and serve."

Uncle Everbright and the others yelled and greeted Ye Tianlong enthusiastically: "The best wine, the best food, serve it to me."

Cousins, cousins, and others also gathered together, babbling in praise of Ye Tianlong and Jiang Ziran, what a match made in heaven, and their appearance.

After a few days of deliberation, interests finally overwhelmed the embarrassment.

Ye Tianlong greeted Uncle Everbright and the others one by one. Although they didn't have a good impression of these people, he still handled them politely for Jiang's sake.

After all, Ye Tianlong is willing to see Jiang's mother happy, and it is a piece of merit to be able to make Jiang's mother finally pass away with a happy ending.

The food and wine came up quickly, and Ye Tianlong accompanied everyone to eat. He was not polite. He didn't have to pay for what was delicious anyway.

Not only did the uncle Everbright and the others spurn this gorgeous act, they praised Ye Tianlong for being a man of temperament, not hypocrisy...

Jiang Ziran couldn't laugh or cry.

After eating this meal for more than an hour, at the end of the chatting, cousin cousin coquettish and the three female relatives left to go to the bathroom outside, rushing to settle the bill.

Ye Tianlong didn't care either, holding a bowl of bird's nest and slowly tasting it.


Just halfway through the drink, I heard a piercing scream in the corridor outside, and then a cousin ran back rolling back, holding on to the door frame and shouting:

"No, sister-in-law and they were beaten by Oriental people..."

"Damn! Who dare to move our family?"

Cousin Bo became angry as soon as he heard it. He seemed to want to show something and rushed out after holding a bottle...

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