Talented Genius

Chapter 1890: Do something for her


Ouyang Xiong, who was tall and mammoth, fell to the ground, a tooth fell, and the corner of his mouth bleeds in an unprecedented embarrassment.

Everyone was stunned, completely unable to accept the scene at hand.

Smashing the Morita bottle, provoke publicly, throws people at the police, and now beats Ouyang. The scenes that were originally unreasonable have repeatedly attacked everyone.

Because of this action, many people automatically ignored Ye Tianlong's words with guns in front of him, just staring at the chaotic scene and stagnant thinking.

Morita and the others thought that Ye Tianlong was simply a guy looking for death, and even Uncle Everbright thought Ye Tianlong was too careless.

Ouyang Xiong who fell to the ground was shocked more than painful. It was not that Ye Tianlong dared to fight him, but that Ye Tianlong shouted out the words.

This kid is the one who beats the cannibal Xue Fugui to stir up the situation of Haojiang?

Ouyang Xiong suddenly realized that he seemed to have accidentally kicked an iron plate, otherwise the Xue family would not have to rely on gambling to avenge Ye Tianlong.


Seeing that Ouyang Xiong had also been knocked down, his men raised their guns, as if to shoot Ye Tianlong into a sieve.

It was just that Ye Tianlong hadn't locked the muzzle, and he saw that he had an extra police gun in his hand, which was the gun in Ouyang Xiong's waist.

"Boom boom!"

Ye Tianlong squeezed the trigger decisively, the bullet shot out quickly, and directly shot the short gun in the hands of five or six people.

When Morita ducked back subconsciously, when the Dongyang women and the others screamed, Ye Tianlong stepped forward three steps in the gunpowder smoke, poking his gun on Ouyang Xiong's forehead.

"All are not allowed to move."

Ye Tianlong's hand holding a gun is as steady as Mount Tai: "Although there is only one bullet, it is enough to explode Superintendent Ouyang's head."

"Everyone, don't harm Superintendent Ouyang."

More than a dozen of his subordinates stopped their actions instantly, just looking at Ye Tianlong filled with righteous indignation, and at the same time revealed a touch of undisguised fear.

This kid's marksmanship is too fast and too precise.

Ouyang Xiong's cold sweat flowed down instantly by Ye Tianlong's muzzle. If he didn't know that Ye Tianlong had beaten the remnant Xue Fugui, he still had some confidence.

He would think that Ye Tianlong did not dare to shoot, but now that he knew that Ye Tianlong was the mortal enemy of the Xue family, Ouyang Xiong knew that Ye Tianlong was not afraid to kill himself.

Ouyang Xiong yelled to his men: "Don't move all, don't move, put down the gun in your hand..."

The corners of the mouths of more than a dozen men moved twice, and in the end they lowered their muzzles unwillingly.


At this moment, Superintendent Mo gave his men a wink, then rushed to knock down everyone's guns, and shouted:

"What are you doing? What are you going to do? If you shoot in broad daylight, if you hit an innocent person, who will bear this responsibility?"

"Bring them all back to the police station for isolation and interrogation. Those who should be caught should be caught and those should be released."

Superintendent Mo was righteous and awe-inspiring: "Don't wrong a good person or let a bad person go."

An hour later, the Australian City Police Station.


"Ye Tianlong!"



In the interrogation room, facing police officers' questions, Ye Tianlong answered honestly, even giving an objective confession about the noon matter.

Today's matter is nothing to him, but it involves the Everbright Uncles, Ye Tianlong still wants to give them innocence.

After half an hour, the two police officers gave Ye Tianlong a confession, and then took a pen and paper to sign Ye Tianlong, then turned and left the room.

Within three minutes, the door was opened again, Superintendent Mo walked in with a statement, turned off the camera and sat opposite Ye Tianlong.

"Ye Tianlong, very prestigious."

Superintendent Mo looked at Ye Tianlong jokingly: "The city of Australia was turned upside down the night before, and today there was a public fight, assault on the police, and shooting at noon."

"Do you know that the old account and the new crime are counted together, and you can spend the New Year in prison."

Upon closer inspection, Ye Tianlong found that Superintendent Mo was still pretty good-looking. Although he was forty years old, his charm obscured his ten years old.

Today, she is dressed in a black police uniform and a pair of black leather shoes under her feet. The whole dress is noble but elegant, upright and charming.

Hearing her question, Ye Tianlong smiled lightly:

"Supervisor Mo, I have reached an agreement with the Xue family about the matter the night before, and we will solve the problem in our own way."

"And what happened at noon today, I was just defensive."

He sighed softly: "The Easterners indecently treated our sisters and injured seven or eight of my relatives, so I smashed a bottle because I couldn't see it."

Superintendent Mo snorted: "The legitimate defense is going to smash three wine bottles? You also smashed everyone's head with a big hole?"

"The Dongyang guy is very perverted. After I finished hitting, he said to move him again. I was willing to help others, so he hit two more."

Ye Tianlong looked at Superintendent Mo innocently: "Everyone at the scene can testify. He really asked me to touch him. You can't wrong me, a good man."

"After Ouyang Xiong's incident, you were there to attack the police and fire. You should understand that I was forced to fight back."

"In other words, if I don't use Thunder, I'm afraid I will be maimed or killed by Ouyang now."

Ye Tianlong's expression was very indifferent: "Of course, how do you judge me, whatever, anyway, I have a clear conscience."

Superintendent Mo sneered: "Don't think so dark as we think, your justice will be your justice."

Ye Tianlong let out a burst of laughter: "I didn't think of the darkness as you think. At least for me, Superintendent Mo performed well at noon."

"After all, you didn't report private enmity against me, nor did you join forces with Ouyang Xiong to fix me."

He leaned forward: "Of course, this may also be related to your hatred of Ouyang Xiong."

Superintendent Mo's pretty face changed slightly, and then he smiled: "You know a lot."

Ye Tianlong smiled and said, "Not many, just to see something."

Superintendent Mo's legs crossed, making his upper body look more proud: "Okay, let's stop talking nonsense, let me tell you something business."

"The Oriental man you beat is called Morita, who is a general of the Imperial Sword Association. After Saburo Miyamoto's death, he was sent to Australia to revive the Imperial Sword Association."

She had a cold tone in her tone: "Ouyang Xiong is a superintendent of the same level as me, and he is someone who will be supported by the Emperor Sword."

"The Emperor Sword will smash a lot of manpower and material resources on him, and also give him a lot of clues to solve the case, so that he will become a superintendent from a police officer."

Superintendent Mo sighed lightly: "If Ouyang Xiong is not irritable, and has injured many suspects, his position is estimated to be higher than mine."

"Ouyang Xiong is regarded as a dog raised by the Emperor Sword Association in Australia. This is also the main reason why he hurriedly showed up when he heard of Morita's accident."

"Ye Tianlong, you have not only offended the Xue family, but also the Emperor Daohui and Ouyang Xiong. Be careful when you enter and leave."

Superintendent Mo reminded Ye Tianlong: "I don't know your true background, but I want to tell you that it's easy to hide with a gun, but it's hard to guard against an arrow."

"Morita and Ouyang Xiong are both mad dogs, and they have no bottom line compared to the Xue family. Maybe they won't face you face to face, but secretly it's hard to protect them."

She stood up and tapped her fingers on the table twice: "I can do it myself."

After speaking, Superintendent Mo walked to the door.

Ye Tianlong looked at her back: "Superintendent Mo, why are you telling me this? Are you not Mrs. Xue's distinguished guest?"

"I also wounded you by a shot. Logically, you shouldn't help me..."

Superintendent Mo stopped and said lightly: "I just want to do something for a sister who died tragically..."

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