Talented Genius

Chapter 1891: The law will sanction him

At 4 pm, Lei Jiuzhi's team of lawyers arrived at the police station.

Both parties knew that this conflict would not kill the other party, so they settled down quickly.

Jiang Ziran and the others did not pursue Morita's insults and beatings, and Morita and Ouyang Xiong did not pursue Ye Tianlong's actions, and the conflict came to an end temporarily.

At five o'clock in the afternoon, Everbright and the others left the police station first. Ye Tianlong and Jiang Ziran finished handling the end of their hands, and led the team of lawyers out of the interrogation room.

As Ye Tianlong walked outside, Morita and his group swaggered out from the other end, accompanied by Ouyang Xiong and his lawyer.

Both parties took a look, and then proceeded unhurriedly.

No one made a sound, but everyone could see that Ye Tianlong and Morita's murderous aura was getting stronger and stronger.

When they were three meters apart, the corner of Morita's mouth was curved, and the flesh didn't smile, "Ye Tianlong?"

Obviously he had already found out the origin of Ye Tianlong's identity, and his eyes also indicated that he would retaliate for tonight's affairs sooner or later.

Moreover, he wanted to make Mrs. Xue happy.

Ye Tianlong put his hands in his pockets, and said noncommittal: "I knew you were the Emperor Morita, I should blow your head with one shot."

"I think so too. If I recognized you as Ye Tianlong, I should blow your head with a punch and give Madam Xue a gift."

Morita Yin smiled and said: "But it's okay, the days are still long, remember what I said, I will definitely kill you."

"By the way, Jiang Ziran, I will use her to vent her fire sooner or later."

He looked at Jiang Ziran with evil eyes: "What Xue Shao didn't finish, I will finish it for him."

Ye Tianlong smiled radiantly: "What did you say? I didn't hear clearly. Say it again?"

"You **** deaf."

An Oriental man was furious, and he pointed his finger at Ye Tianlong and grinned: "Fuck you woman, didn't you hear it?"

Ye Tianlong smiled: "I heard it."


When the voice fell, a tiger master behind him rushed forward, hugged him by the neck, flashed a knife in his hand, and stabbed a dozen times against his abdomen.

Very fast.

The Dongyang man soon had more than a dozen blood holes in his abdomen, bursting out a puff of blood, and then fell to the ground with a thump, struggling for two times and he didn't have any interest.

His eyes were wide, and he couldn't stare at him.

Master Tiger threw away the knife and held up his hands: "I kill, I confess."

Superintendent Mo and Ouyang Xiong all had a dog's expression, unable to believe the brutal and **** scene before them.

Too cruel, too cruel, too ruthless...

Superintendent Mo and the others felt that all the adjectives were not enough. They stabbed someone to death in front of a police officer in the police station. This act was really lawless.


Morita and the others were startled at first, and then reacted, yelling forward one by one, preparing to avenge their companions.

Several people around Ye Tianlong blocked the way, not allowing them to approach Ye Tianlong and the tiger master.

"Don't move, don't move!"

Superintendent Mo and the others also stunned, drew out their guns to frighten the audience, and yelled: "All are not allowed to move."

Morita and the others didn't care, screamed and charged forward, and several police officers were kicked away by them.


Superintendent Mo fired a shot at the window, the gunshot rang, and the chaotic scene instantly fell silent, and many police officers also rushed out to take control of the scene.

Morita and the others were quarantined to death and could no longer move forward. They wanted to struggle, with a few more guns on their heads.

Ouyang Xiong also pulled Morita, and signaled him not to be impulsive, lest the police officers went off fire and killed everyone.

A few police officers quickly took control of the Tiger Division, and a few others looked at the Orientals on the ground, shaking their heads one after another when they pricked their fingers.

The dead cannot die again.

Morita clenched his fists and was extremely angry: "Ye Tianlong, you bastard, if you dare to kill in public, I will kill you."

With his unprecedented killing intent, he wanted to smash Ye Tianlong's body into pieces. Today, he was not only slapped in the face by Ye Tianlong, but also stepped on his head directly.

Killing his own people in public, killing chickens and cursing monkeys, this is what he often does, but now it has been done by Ye Tianlong, which is a shame.

"Didn't you see me standing here?"

Ye Tianlong patted his hands and smiled, "Which eye do you see when I shoot?"

He pointed his finger at the tiger master: "I don't know him, nor do I know him. If he kills, he pleads guilty and the law will sanction him."

"Mr. Morita, don't wrong me."

Ye Tianlong's expression sank: "It's you who threatened me repeatedly at the police station to kill me. Do you still have King Fa in your eyes? Is there still a law?"

Superintendent Mo and Ouyang Xiong almost fell to the ground, and the most unruly person shouted whether others had the law, but they couldn't refute them.

After all, Morita and the others clamored first.

The lawyer also said: "Yes, you just threatened and intimidated Mr. Ye, we can sue you at any time."

Ye Tianlong pointed a finger at Tiger Master and spoke to several lawyers: "Several guys, this young man stabs the Oriental in public. I don't support it, but I appreciate it."

"You give him legal aid as much as you can, and don't let the passionate youth chill."

The lawyers nodded together: "Understood."

"Boy, there is a kind."

Morita laughed angrily, and then did not fight with Ye Tianlong, pushed Ouyang Xiong away, and they left the police station, even ignoring their dead companions.

Just when he went out, he turned his head to look at Ye Tianlong, his face full of resentment...

An hour later, at the Australian City Hospital, on the floor where Xue Fugui was located, Morita re-dressed the wound and kicked over a chair.

Afterwards, he beat the table a dozen times, venting the depression and anger in his heart.

"Mr. Morita, I heard that you had a conflict with Ye Tianlong, and were you injured by him?"

At this moment, the door of the room was gently pushed open, a scent of fragrance poured in, and then a tall figure came into Morita's vision.

Mrs. Xue held a fruit basket and said charmingly, "What? Is the wound serious? Is it better?"

Seeing Madam Xue coming in, Morita's body was shaken and his eyes lighted: "Madam."

Li Xin put down the fruit basket, told Sambo to close the door and wait outside, then walked to Morita and reached out to touch his wound:

"It should be quite heavy depending on the degree of bandaging."

She leaned forward to look at Morita's wound: "But it's okay, I will ask the best doctor to treat you, and you will be fine soon."

Morita was sitting, Mrs. Xue was standing, her waist slightly bent, her upper body leaning forward, and the open neckline of her shirt revealed a touch of white tenderness, which was very sultry.

Morita's anger dissipated instantly, there was a touch of heat on his face, and his breathing became rapid. He looked at Li Xin as if possessed by a demon:

"Thank you Madam for caring, I'm fine, I can hold it."

He sniffed the scent of Madam Xue.

"How do you provoke Ye Tianlong?"

Mrs. Xue rubbed Morita a few times, and she sighed: "That's a demon king, and few people can take advantage of him."

"Madam, don't worry, I will kill him."

Morita grabbed Mrs. Xue's hand, and exclaimed:

"To myself, to Xue Shao, take revenge on Xie Hen."

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