Talented Genius

Chapter 1893: Why not die?

Ye Tianlong judged the identities of the three gangsters who were not afraid of death, guessing that 80% of them were the Kamikaze squad that Mrs. Feng said.

It's just that there is the spirit of not being afraid of death, but the strength seems to be a little worse.

At this moment, although the gunfight had ended, the scene was in chaos. A dozen cars rammed into each other in a panic.

Many passing pedestrians are also running around, worrying that the fire at the city gate may damage the pond fish.

"Father, what's wrong with you? What's wrong with you?"

When Superintendent Mo approached Ye Tianlong to examine the corpse, the voice of an immature girl screamed, panicking and frightened:

"Help, help, my father was injured by a stray bullet, help."

Ye Tianlong and Superintendent Mo followed their prestige and saw a beautiful girl of fifteen or sixteen years old beside a car not far away.

Lying in her arms was a gray-clothed old man in her fifties. His body was constantly shaking, unable to stand up, and unable to speak. There was a pool of blood beneath her.

The beautiful girl cried and asked for help from passers-by, but passers-by just wanted to escape where they were, so how could they come forward to help?

"Superintendent Mo, you stare at the corpse and wait for the support to arrive, but don't touch it, lest there be poison or bombs."

Ye Tianlong asked Superintendent Mo to look at the corpses of the three gangsters, picked up a gun and put it in his arms, and then ran to the beautiful girl to check.

After all, this gun battle is related to him, so he has to take a look at it.

He quickly came to the pretty girl, glanced at them and found no danger, and then took a closer look.

Before Ye Tianlong spoke, the beautiful girl stretched out her hand to hold her trousers: "Save my dad, save my dad."

Pear flowers bring rain, and people feel pity.

"Little sister, don't be sad, let me see."

Ye Tianlong could feel the girl's grief. He took a deep breath and squatted down to check. When he saw it, he took a deep breath.

In his vision, the gray-clothed old man had a pale face, his chest was stained with blood, his clothes had been stained red, and his mouth and nose began to have blood stains.

"Brother, save my dad, save my dad."

The beautiful girl pulled Ye Tianlong's arm, tears streaming down her eyes: "He can't die, he can't die."

"Don't be sad, I have called an ambulance."

Ye Tianlong comforted the pretty girl softly: "I look at his wound."

Although Ye Tianlong judged from the gray-clothed old man's injury, he was afraid that it would be too bad, but he still wanted to do something to see if he could stop the blood.

He gently pulled open the gray-clothed old man's clothes, revealing the old man's skin, and he saw the bullet hole with the bullet passing through the ribs.

"Little sister, get some tissues and cloth strips, and a bottle of water."

Ye Tianlong exhaled a long breath, took out a pill and stuffed it in the gray-clothed old man, and then crushed two pills to stop the bleeding.

"Brother, here you are."

The pretty girl brought Ye Tianlong a bottle of water, then tore another piece of clothing, and gave Ye Tianlong some ‘ties’.

Ye Tianlong took it over and poured it into the gray-clothed old man so that the pills could be digested well.

Then, Ye Tianlong took a cloth strip to the gray-clothed old man to hug the wound. He bandaged it seriously, solemnly, and attentively.

With his efforts, the blood of the gray-clothed old man quickly stopped. Although his face was still pale, he lost the rapid **** cold.

"Well, well."

After bandaging the wound, Ye Tianlong put a piece of clothing on the gray-clothed old man to avoid making his body excessively cold.

The beautiful girl squatted down and pulled Ye Tianlong's shirt and shouted, "Brother, is my father rescued?"

Her little hands pulled tightly.

Ye Tianlong felt that she was worried and smiled and relieved: "The blood has stopped."

At this moment, the gray-clothed old man slowly opened his eyes and reached out to hold Ye Tianlong's hand with difficulty: "Thank you..."

Ye Tianlong just wanted to say no thanks, but suddenly his nerves tightened, his hands couldn't be pulled out, he was stuck.

The backs of the two hands were stuck to the palm of the old man like glue.


Ye Tianlong's hair exploded, and his body instinctively looked to the left side.

A cold light burst.

The beautiful girl who was crying just now, with a fierce light in her eyes, flashed a knife from the tissue, and the lightning pierced Ye Tianlong's neck like a flash.


Although Ye Tianlong escaped the critical point, his clothes were torn and a slit was cut on his shoulder. Blood flowed out and his clothes were dyed red.

The speed of the beautiful girl is too fast, like a sudden outbreak of a poisonous snake.

If Ye Tianlong had a strong sixth sense just now, he might have been stabbed to the point by sticking his hands.

The beautiful girl was unsuccessful in one blow, without any hesitation, a cold light flashed, and another stroke at Ye Tianlong.

Ye Tianlong turned his arms and directly blocked the gray-clothed old man in front of him.

The beautiful girl's knife plunged into the gray-clothed old man's body, and a stream of blood sputtered out. Her face changed slightly, her eyes fascinated, and she subconsciously drew the knife back.

At this moment, Ye Tianlong had already kicked out.


Ye Tianlong tapped the beautiful girl's chest on the tip of her toes, and there was a crisp sound, her breastbone fractured, and the beautiful girl screamed and fell straight out of five meters.


Taking advantage of this gap, the seriously injured gray-clothed old man bit Ye Tianlong in one bite, with a sharp tooth in his mouth, which seemed to be highly poisonous.

Ye Tianlong's head deflected, avoiding the fangs bitten by the gray-clothed old man.

"court death!"

Without waiting for the gray-clothed old man to move again, Ye Tianlong bumped his forehead and directly exploded the gray-clothed old man's head, causing him to bleed from his veins and die.


At almost the same moment, a sharp gunshot sounded, and Ye Tianlong subconsciously pulled the gray-clothed old man to block, and at the same time looked at the gunshot.

Seeing that Superintendent Mo was holding the police gun still, not far away, the injured beautiful girl fell to the ground again, a hole in her shoulder was pierced by a bullet.

And she was holding a tube of sleeve arrows taken out of the car in her hand.

"Ye Tianlong, are you okay?"

Superintendent Mo rushed over and asked with a look of concern. She had already witnessed everything, and she knew the tricks of the gray-clothed old man playing with the beautiful girl.

"I'm fine."

Ye Tianlong stood up reluctantly, and directly tore the gray-clothed old man's skin, let his hands come out, and then took out a ‘Holy Cicada Pill’ and swallowed it:

"Superintendent Mo, you are called support."

After that, Ye Tianlong picked up a knife on the ground and walked to the beautiful girl with blood in her mouth and nose, his face gloomy: "What a big play."

"You two are the real killers of the Kamikaze team?"

Ye Tianlong had already got the answer at this time. The three gunmen who attacked were just a cover, and the real killer was the old one.

The two acted with their lives. In order to let Ye Tianlong relax their vigilance, they would not hesitate to self-mutilate to win sympathy and be a real killer.

The beautiful girl didn't expect Ye Tianlong to be able to escape from the gray-clothed old man, with a gray expression on her face, but she still gritted her teeth and laughed:

"My knife is poisonous, you can't survive..."

Superintendent Mo rushed over and shouted: "Hand over the antidote..."

Before she finished speaking, she saw black blood pouring out of the pretty girl's mouth:

"The poison on my knife sees blood in the throat, it is ten times more powerful than potassium cyanide. One gram can kill 20 cows, no one can survive..."


She looked at Ye Tianlong triumphantly, but soon became a little surprised:

"You... why are you still not dead? This... impossible..."

According to the time of the poison, Ye Tianlong should have been bleeding from his seven orifices and died in pain, but he still stood in front of him.

The pretty girl had an incredible and unbelievable face, and then struggling to die with her throat, but she kept staring at Ye Tianlong.

She couldn't understand why Ye Tianlong could not die?

Ye Tianlong didn't check the pretty girl, and didn't want to leave alive and ask something.

These are all dead men. There are a hundred ways to let your opponent die, and there are a thousand ways to let yourself die.

Not far away, police sirens howled, and a large number of police officers rushed over.

"Superintendent Mo, I leave it to you to deal with, I won't go to the police station."

Ye Tianlong handed the gun in his waist to Superintendent Mo: "I'll go back and treat the wound first..."

Superintendent Mo was silent for a while, then nodded: "You be careful."

Ye Tianlong said thank you softly, and then left the scene quickly...

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