Talented Genius

Chapter 1894: very dangerous

At ten o'clock in the evening, the magic knife garden is brightly lit.

Zhen, dressed in plain clothes, treated Ye Tianlong's shoulder wounds. The wounds were not deep, but poisonous.

The holy cicada pill suppresses toxins, but the skin and flesh still need to be cleaned up to avoid the spread of corrosion.

Although Xing Nazi had become Ye Tianlong's **** and died, Ye Tianlong still let Zhen come to Australia tonight, just to help deal with the wound.

Ye Tianlong allowed Zhen to cut off those poisoned muscles without even frowning his brows, causing the gods and Lei Jiuzhi to secretly say that they are really a man.

"Morita is really a lunatic, and he went to war without even having buffer time."

Lei Jiuzhi looked at the blood-stained gauze in the plate: "Regardless of the life or death of Superintendent Mo, it seems that the title of Beast is really without water."

"Ye Shao, you trampled Morita so badly today. Although he retaliated against you tonight, I'm afraid he won't give up like this."

When Zhen was cutting off a piece of flesh, the **** gave Ye Tianlong a cup of glucose: "You should be careful when you come in and out in the next few days, and you'd better bring a few more people."

"God don't worry, the injury tonight is just an accident."

Ye Tianlong smiled and said, "I thought of the sinister human nature, but I didn't expect the Kamikaze team to have such a bottom line."

"Not only did I take advantage of my sympathy, but I also used my life to act this out. It really opened my eyes."

Ye Tianlong knew in his heart that if he left the scene directly or didn't take care of him at that time, the old man in gray would probably bleed to death meaninglessly.

Because he shot no water in the chest.

This shows that the Kamikaze team is really betting on their lives.

"As for Morita, I'm sorry, he has wasted his opportunity."

Ye Tianlong exhaled a long breath: "Next it is my turn to hit him."

"Oriental, track down Morita's whereabouts with all his strength, once found, mobilize the brothers to kill at any cost."

The oriole nodded: "Yes."

"Canshou, you let Han Qinhu step on it, and let him lead the tiger master to take full revenge on the emperor sword."

Ye Tianlong looked at Canshou again: "If necessary, send someone to attack the Emperor Sword Garden for another round. It's better to create the illusion that we want to take the life of Yuan Shazi."

He doesn't know what situation Harako is in now, so he is ready to attack in an all-round way to alleviate her crisis.

Canshou nodded: "I understand."

Ye Tianlong looked at Tianmo again: "Tianmo, you make Caoji neighbours be more vigilant and send more people to arm them, lest the emperor sword will find them unlucky."

"At the same time, the Magic Knife Garden is fully guarded to protect the safety of God Lord and Sister Jiang."

Tian Mo also nodded: "Okay."

In the discussion of everyone, Zhen has been silent, and she has nothing to do with Ye Tianlong's wounds, as if everything has nothing to do with her...

Almost at the same moment, in an old-fashioned garden in Australia, in a wide study.

Daxiang Nakano was slapped at the table and slapped Morita's face with a slap: "Baga, who told you to send the Kamikaze team to deal with Ye Tianlong?"

"Do you know how precious the Kamikaze team is? When we came to Australia City, we brought six teams. One night, you lost one team."

He hated iron and steel and shouted: "The five warriors of the Yamato nation will all go to heaven because of your recklessness."

"Kun Nakano, I'm sorry."

Morita touched his swollen face, not angry, but stood up straight again: "I am reckless, but I can't bear it."

"Ye Tianlong stepped on me faceless today, smashed four of my wine bottles, and slapped Ouyang Xiong. I really want him to die."

"So I sent a Kamikaze team to deal with him. I believe in the methods of our Yamato Warriors. In fact, Ye Tianlong was also cut by a poisonous knife."

Morita's face was very aggrieved: "I just didn't expect that the kid was invincible and escaped."

He was depressed and couldn't figure it out. According to the report from the spies on the scene, Ye Tianlong was stabbed by a knife, and the poison above should have killed him immediately.

However, he did not expect that he would live well without even going to the hospital for treatment.

Nakano Daxiang's face sank: "Just because you underestimated the enemy and let the five warriors die meaninglessly, you still have to face Ye Tianlong's revenge."

"How terrible Ye Tianlong is. I told you clearly yesterday that Saburo Miyamoto's death caused us to provoke the relationship with the Xue family. It was all he did."

Nakano stared at Morita and shouted: "He is an opponent worthy of attention and vigilance."

"You were wronged at noon, you smashed the bottle, and you were angry. I can understand that I want to see him die even more than you."

"But now is not the time to start, you can't stand it for five or six days, wait for him to gamble with Xue Jia before making plans?"

There is a fierce light in his eyes: "If the Xue family wins the gambling battle, we will beat down the dog, and unite with the Xue family to violently kill him and his party."

"If the Xue family loses the gambling battle, we will provoke the Xue family to fight with him, reap the benefits of the fisherman, and then look for opportunities to kill Ye Tianlong."

"I planned to arrange it well. For this reason, I didn't touch on the internal problems of the Royal Sword Association, so as to avoid the start of the game in advance."

"I also fabricated the meat and bone regeneration medicine to deceive Xue Hu, the purpose is to gain his trust, in the future, I will better instigate him to deal with Ye Tianlong."

"Everything is under my control..."

Daisho Nakano wanted to shoot Morita with a single shot: "But I didn't expect that you would send a Kamikaze team tonight, making our deployment more variable."

Morita looked respectful, but his tone was disapproving: "Variables? What are the variables? A group of people will be lost, and another team will be transferred."


Nakano Daxiang almost slapped and slapped it over again: "You think Ye Tianlong is a soft persimmon. You can squeeze it if you want, or step on it if you want to step on it?"

"He dealt with you so aggressively today, and even dared to start at the police station, it means that he has grudges and will avenge him."

"I can tell that he is ordering your head right now. You'd better stay here these two days to hide, lest you get locked in and killed by him."

Daisho Nakano walked to the wall on the right, and a series of incidents were written on it, such as Shentoumen, Xue family, Saburo Miyamoto, restaurant, Feng family...

Each incident has a brief description, and the names of various characters are also marked to make the matter clear at a glance.

And these events, there is a red pen circled intersection, that is Ye Tianlong.

This is also the direct method Nakano used to lock Ye Tianlong. He didn't know who was behind it, and he ignored the conspiracy, only finding the intersection of events.

He believes that a guy who is active in various events must have problems.

"He killed me?"

Morita's eyes widened invisibly, blood-red and blood-red: "I still want to kill him, he will come here if he has the ability, and I will blow his head directly."

"To shut up!"

Daxiang Nakano turned his head and shouted, "You didn't understand what I was saying, did you? You are very dangerous now, you should avoid Feng Rui."

"If I avoid Feng Rui, he will let go of the Royal Sword Club?"

Morita is not stupid either: "I'm afraid he will step on us even more deadly."

Nakano Daxiang's face was cold: "Don't worry, I have roughly figured out the situation, you avoiding the sharp, it does not mean that I do nothing."

"I have proper arrangements in my heart. As long as you don't cause trouble for me, I will be sure to hit Ye Tianlong hard."

He scowled: "Do you understand?"

Morita was unwilling, but still nodded: "I understand."

Daxiang Nakano's voice was cold: "Also, don't go too close to Mrs. Xue, your way is not enough for that woman..."

Hearing Mrs. Xue, Morita's eyes became hot again...

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