Talented Genius

Chapter 1895: Let it go crazy first

Chapter 1895: Let It Be Crazy First

The next day, Ye Tianlong got up early, and after washing, let Zhen treat the wound for herself.

After resting for a night, Ye Tianlong's shoulder injury healed a lot, and most of the pain after detoxification last night disappeared, and his free movement was not affected.

Zhen is exquisite in appearance and graceful in stature, which can be regarded as the embryo of a beautiful woman, but she gives an indescribable cold air, as if she does not eat the fireworks in the world.

And she wouldn't talk too much if she didn't talk to her.

"Are you still used to being around me?"

Ye Tianlong looked at this woman who was gradually unable to see through: "If you are bored, you can go back to Nan Han for a while."

"Thank Ye Shao for your concern."

Zhen Yanran smiled and took the topic softly: "But I'm used to life now, and I enjoy this state. It's not annoying at all."

"As for Nan Han...Even if Ye Shao generously allows me to go back and turn around, the Park Group will not allow me to appear in front of them."

Zhenyou sighed: "I can't go back long ago."

"If you can't go back, don't go back."

Ye Tianlong stretched out and shook her hand, gently rubbing her fingertips, smooth and warm:

"You can stay with me at ease. There may be a little more strangeness and loneliness in a foreign land, but you will never let your fate be like duckweed."

"And Tianmo and them are also sincere people. You can try to blend in with them. As long as you work hard, they will become your good friends."

Ye Tianlong said softly: "At least they will not betray you."

Zhen nodded seriously: "Thank you Shao Ye, I will work hard."

"Ye Shao, Morita dealt with you like this, you want his life, so let me kill him for you."

"I heard that he is a lascivious, and it is difficult to control myself when I see a woman. I think I should be able to kill him silently."

Zhen looked weak, but the methods of murder were endless. She believed that as long as Morita was interested in her, Morita would be dead.

Ye Tianlong didn't hesitate to shook his head: "I know your methods, and I know your abilities, but let you seduce Morita, I can't pass this hurdle."

"And it will appear that we are too incompetent, so you can stay here at ease and wait for my other instructions."

He picked up his clothes and put them back on: "The Morita gang, they will clean up if they have Han Qinghu."

Zhen whispered: "Ye Shao, I can kill him, and let him die silently."

Ye Tianlong turned around and raised her chin, and smiled brightly: "Stay well."

Zhen looked helpless: "Yes."

Although she was a little regretful that Ye Tianlong would not let her kill Morita, she was moved in her heart. Ye Tianlong cared about her.

After treating the wound, Ye Tianlong went out to eat breakfast and turned on the phone to read the Australian City News.

Yesterday the turmoil in the restaurant, the clashes in the police station, the shooting on the highway, nothing happened. It seemed that it had never happened.

In the news, there are only reports of singing and dancing, and the opening of the Australian City Bridge and the implementation of the reclamation plan. There is a red envelope of 9,000 yuan per person.

There are also music carnivals co-sponsored by Hong Kong City, Macau City, and Taiwan City.

"It's really the age of singing and dancing."

Ye Tianlong was eating breakfast while scanning the news. He also captured a picture that was a promotion for Lin Shaoqing to perform.

He was taken aback for a moment, and then became relieved. Lin Shaoqing's piano skills are already top-notch, and it is normal to be invited to perform.

After eating breakfast, Ye Tianlong watched the news for a while, and then went to the study with Lei Jiuzhi to discuss gambling techniques, so that the gambling would have an extra two points in five days.

The two came out close to noon. Ye Tianlong had just made a cup of tea, and the gods hurried over and said to Ye Tianlong in a low voice:

"Ye Shao, I have heard some news that more than a dozen backbone members of the Royal Sword Association went to visit the twelve small gang bosses this morning."

Ye Tianlong squinted his eyes slightly: "Why? Go to comfort them? Worried that the gangsters who are eyeing each other will also tear the Royal Sword Society?"

After Saburo Miyamoto died, too many forces stared at the Imperial Sword Society, ready to fall into the trap, or rush to share a piece of the pie.

"Placing is one of the purposes, but the Emperor Sword will be more to win them over."

The god's expression became more solemn: "I heard that the emperor sword will prepare to gather them to deal with our magic sword gate."

Ye Tianlong raised his head: "Gather the small gang to deal with the magic sword gate?"

"It seems that the Emperor Daohui finally knows the problem. Daxiang Nakano is indeed a difficult person. He found the key in just a few days."

There was a hint of approval in his eyes: "And he also found a way to break the game."

"Drawing in small gangs will deal with us, not only to relieve a lot of pressure on ourselves, but also to create danger for us."

"It kills two birds with one stone."

While drinking tea, Ye Tianlong asked the gods: "How many gangs are now mingled with the Emperor Sword Association?"

The gods obviously found out a lot of things: "According to our reliable information, there are already eight small gangs hosting banquets for the Emperor Swordsmen."

"As for what interest agreement they reached, I don't know, but it is certain that these eight small gangs have been tempted."

He added: "Otherwise, they won't entertain people from the Royal Sword Club, the monitoring brothers have heard news, and the bosses are all smiling."

Ye Tianlong asked: "Where are the other four?"

"It is estimated that the other four have not mixed up, because the royal sword will send the person in less than 15 minutes, and they will be sent out by their gift."

The gods clearly told the matter: "At the same time, the four gangs have also raised their alert levels and have sent a lot of people to guard the headquarters."

"These four companies have a bit of conscience. Write down their names so that you can cooperate deeply in the future."

Ye Tianlong smiled, and then he asked: "Which one of the eight families that invite the Easterners to dinner is the most powerful?"

"Xiaodaohui, the boss, Liu Zhihao, has about 300 people. The main business is ecstasy. He has had a lot of cooperation with Zhu Tianao before."

The **** knows these people well: "He is a person with a gap between ambition and strength, but he has a lot of manpower, that is, he takes the lead in treating guests."

The meaning of these words couldn't be more obvious. Liu Zhihao was very ambitious, but he was not strong enough to support his ambition.

Ye Tianlong didn't have too many emotional ups and downs, and a sneer flashed subconsciously on his face: "It's not just a foolish man, or an idiot."

"Kill the Easterners together and divide up the underground business of 21 casinos. It has a good reputation and a big cake."

He snorted softly: "These people just take care of petty gains and cooperate with the Oriental people to deal with their own family. No wonder they have been suppressed for ten years."

"But it's okay, it's time to wash the underworld in Australia."

Ye Tianlong asked: "How many hands of the eight families add up?"

"Almost two thousand."

The **** gave a number: "It looks like there are not many people, but they are all local gangs. It is more destructive to kill."

"Ye Shao, no matter what, we have to be prepared! Otherwise, if they really gather to attack, we will be in big trouble."

The gods made a suggestion: "Even I think we can act first to be strong, and kill the knife and Liu Zhihao to deter."

Ye Tianlong waved his hand: "No, a knife won't be enough!"

"If you want to kill, kill all of them, and leave none of the eight."

He had a decision in his heart: "Only in this way can the authority of the magic sword gate be truly cast."

The gods were taken aback for a moment: "Will this be excessive?"

Ye Tianlong's words revealed a killing intent: "I just want to tell them that whoever is the dog of the Royal Sword Club, I will take the life of the dog."

"Only when they are effectively loyal to the sword, can they eat meat and soup."

The Lord thought a little bit, and finally nodded: "It makes sense!"

Ye Tianlong issued an instruction: "Send eight envoys out to give Liuzhihao eight bosses, one hundred boxes of hairy crabs, and three million cash."

"I beg them again, raise your hands high and let go of the magic sword..."

The **** is stunned: "Ye Shao, what does this mean?"

Ye Tianlong smiled brightly: "God wants it to die, he must first make it crazy." zGsGQ6gPHWsR6VeCaooqaxzXUlnOykhFtO4TfxTir2or1VR37Ffz48qYUF9RXF3Q==

"We don't appear to be incompetent, how can they be rampant?"

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