Talented Genius

Chapter 1896: Fisherman's Bar

Chapter 1896 Fisherman's Bar

In the next two days, Ye Tianlong asked the Cardinals to fully track down the whereabouts of Morita and the Kamikaze team, and also asked Han Qinhu who arrived in Australia to replenish their energy.

At the same time, let the gods stare at the movements of the eight small gangs, and finally honed their gambling skills with Lei Jiuzhi, and the life was extremely fulfilling.

Many things are under the control of Ye Tianlong, only Morita disappeared without a trace, as if digging a hole to hide, there was no trace for a while.

The Yellow Sparrow sent many children of Sparrow Hall to investigate, and he personally followed the heavily protected Nakano Daisho, but he did not see Morita's shadow.

This made Ye Tianlong somewhat surprised.

In Ye Tianlong's impression, Morita is a manic and erotic, and his personality is also arrogant and arrogant. He shouldn't hide.

But now there is no sound, it can be seen that there is an expert pointing, Ye Tianlong had to think of Daxiang Zhongye, and he also paid attention to the latter two points.

He told the Oriole to look for it with all his might. In any case, Ye Tianlong wanted to kill Morita and the Kamikaze team, otherwise he and Shendaomen would not be at peace.

That evening, Ye Tianlong and Lei Jiuzhi finished playing a few stud games, and then went out to stretch their muscles and bones while waiting for Jiang Ziran's sumptuous dinner.


At this moment, a call came in, Ye Tianlong glanced at the number and was taken aback for a while, then picked up the phone to answer:

"Shaoqing, good evening."

Ye Tianlong heard a string of sweet laughter: "Tianlong, good evening, guess, where am I?"

Ye Tianlong remembered the propaganda seen on TV the day before yesterday, and raised a smile:

"Let me figure it out. Today is Friday, and it is also the golden day. Your surname is Lin, and you are in a very good mood. You can see that everything went well today."

"Jinshengshui, Shuishengmu, Shaoqing, you should be in a city with three points of water in its name."

"Even though there are three points of water in Hong Kong City, you won't ask me to guess if you are in Hong Kong City."

Ye Tianlong exaggeratedly yelled, "Wow, you are in Australia City?"

Lin Shaoqing exclaimed in surprise: "Ah, Tianlong, you are so amazing. I'm really in the Australian city. Are you a fortune teller? You can count it all?"

Ye Tianlong smiled and said, "Of course, the first fortune teller in Asia is me."


Lin Shaoqing snorted, and then laughed softly: "Tianlong, I am indeed in the Australian city, come to a concert."

"The ship returning to Hong Kong City at 10:30 tonight has five hours left. I know you are also in Macau City. Would you like to come and see me?"

She looked forward with two points: "I haven't seen it for a long time, and I don't know when to see you again in the future..."

Ye Tianlong hesitated for a while, then smiled and replied: "Okay, I'll go to find you, and invite you to dinner by the way, where are you?"

Lin Shaoqing excitedly shouted, "Fisherman's Bar."

Ye Tianlong said to Jiang Ziran and the others, and then took Tianmo to leave the Magic Sword Garden and drove to the Fisherman's Bar in the navigation.

He didn't want to go out, but Lin Shaoqing's expectation made him feel sorry, so he decided to eat a meal in the past, and then send her back to the ship in Port City.

The Fisherman's Bar is on the pier. Although the location looks remote, it is not small in popularity.

Because here you can see the sunset, the sea, the shuttle ferry, and the Hong Kong City and the Pearl City on the mainland. It is very interesting.

Lin Shaoqing chose to stay at the Fisherman's Bar, obviously for the convenience of boarding, but the excitement of the Fisherman's Bar was still beyond Ye Tianlong's expectations.

The shape resembles the bar of the Sydney Opera House, with people coming and going, alcohol is permeated, music is harsh, and blood is boiling.

Ye Tianlong looked at the noisy scene, glanced around and couldn't see Lin Shaoqing, so he took out the phone and called.


Before the phone was connected, a beautiful figure rushed out of the dim light, then hugged Ye Tianlong and shouted, "Are you here?"

Ye Tianlong looked down and saw that it was Lin Shaoqing, the genius girl smiled three-pointers, three-pointed drunk, and four-pointed joy.

"Did you drink?"

Ye Tianlong touched her head, and said softly, "Why do you have to go back to Hong Kong City tonight and drink so much alcohol? Aren't you afraid of getting drunk and being sold?"

"Not afraid."

Lin Shaoqing still hugged Ye Tianlong tightly, then raised that delicate face and said, "Our concert ended successfully, and everyone is very happy."

"So gathering here to have a celebration wine is also a farewell wine. Many people in the circle are not afraid of being sold."

She rarely let go of herself: "Besides, you all know that I am here. If I was sold, you will find me back."

The good girl of the past is a bit more playful and free and easy at the moment, obviously she wants to use wine to promote the relationship with Ye Tianlong.

Ye Tianlong chuckled, "I think you are almost drinking. Let's go, I will take you to eat, then stroll around, and send you aboard later."

"It's so boring."

Lin Shaoqing's pretty face blushed: "It's rare to be happy tonight, so let me do something crazy, no, do something crazy together."

"Go, come with me to the bar for a drink, I will introduce friends from the music industry to you."

Lin Shaoqing finished speaking like a magpie, and then, regardless of whether Ye Tianlong agreed or not, he dragged him into the bar...

Ye Tianlong was very helpless, but knew that Lin Shaoqing would rarely let herself go and be a good girl when she went back to Gangcheng, so she thought about it and didn't stop her.

When Ye Tianlong's figure appeared in the bar, a guest in a corner looked at him, then turned slightly to his side, turned his back to Ye Tianlong, and then took out the phone...

Passing through the great music hall, Lin Shaoqing led Ye Tianlong to a corner, which was a circular corner that could accommodate more than 30 people.

There are more than 20 men and women in Chinese clothes, young and mature, each with fashionable makeup and temperament different from ordinary people. At the moment, they are talking and laughing.

Ye Tianlong glanced at the dim light and smiled bitterly at Lin Shaoqing who was holding him: "So many people? I thought how many people were."

"It's okay, they are all friends who play music, very familiar with each other."

Lin Shaoqing clung to Ye Tian's hand tightly: "Some of them are my friends, some I met at the music festival, and all of them are easy to let go."

Ye Tianlong nodded lightly and didn't say anything, he could feel it somewhat, and Lin Shaoqing let herself come over, a bit to declare sovereignty.

Lin Shaoqing took Ye Tianlong's hand and smiled: "There are many beautiful women, right? You have to look attractive, have a good temperament, and have a wealth."

Ye Tianlong smiled and took the topic: "I didn't order a girl from the family, what do you use to play music?"

"Artists and musicians, in addition to being talented, also have to be rich. Now there are tens of thousands of good musical instruments."

He sighed softly: "Where can ordinary children toss?"

Two people with the same talent, one on their own groping, a famous teacher, famous equipment, hundreds of thousands of millions of training, it is self-evident who can get ahead.

"Remind you that these beautiful women have a rich family background, but you told me a lot of truth."

Lin Shaoqing rubbed her head: "You are almost even better than my father."

"Okay, okay, don't say anything."

Ye Tianlong smiled and stopped discussing: "In fact, I still have one sentence left. No matter how beautiful they are, they cannot smile as well as Shaoqing."


Lin Shaoqing gave Ye Tianlong a roll of eyes, but there was a useful expression on his face. Obviously, women didn't like being praised for being beautiful.

"Shaoqing, where did you go just now? Master Gao has been looking for you for a long time."

At this time, a girl with bangs spotted Ye Tianlong and Lin Shaoqing coming in, and shouted to attract the attention of the chatting and laughing: zGsGQ6gPHWsR6VeCaooqaxzXUlnOykhFtO4TfxTir2or1VR=37Ffz48QYUF9RXF3>

"Ah, who is the handsome guy next to you?"

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