Talented Genius

Chapter 1898: Collision (six more)


Seeing Ye Tianlong's bosom, Gao Qianli's heart suddenly shook, but he waved his hand immediately.


Finally—find—someone's dance music prelude sounded, Lin Shaoqing heard the melody, and his body immediately entered a state of ‘fighting’.

Ye Tianlong shook Lin Shaoqing's hand slightly, moved his left foot forward, turned his toes away, and began to move.

The clothes of the two were fluttering, the blue silk was not tied and danced in the wind, Ye Tianlong's resolute and handsome face was looming in the dim yellow light.

And his eyes are like the stars in the night sky, with endless coldness and depth.

Ye Tianlong's movements were gentle and soothing, but his dancing posture was extremely moving in the extreme silence, as if he could fly away with the wind.

The expression on his face changes with the dance music, creating an atmosphere of care and pampering, which makes people can't help but disappear.


Driven by Ye Tianlong, Lin Shaoqing also gradually let go, and the skirt began to fly, and the snow-white big skirt flickered in the deep light and shadow.

Lin Shaoqing's skirts overlapped, and the suspension brought out a three-dimensional effect.

The sultry long legs flashed in the shadow of the skirt. Before he could see clearly, he hugged the pipa half-hiddenly, leaving countless reveries.

The two cooperated tacitly, the movements were gorgeous, and their eyes were always looking at each other, whether it was a hug or a fleeting turn, their eyes were tightly linked.

I am in you, you in me, but I forgot all the others in the world...

The scene is beautiful and picturesque, and the audience is mesmerized.

"Wow, this rumba dances really well, handsome men and coquettish women."

"Although I don't understand rumba, it looks good, it's more interesting than on TV."

"Look at their pace, their tacit understanding, or the affection between their eyebrows. They are all couple dancers."

The guests who originally wanted to watch a good show opened their mouths in surprise and excited as the music played and danced.

Even the seven dancers in the bar showed their compliments, looking at the elegantly dancing Ye Tianlong, wishing to partner with him.

Gao Qianli and the others smiled stiffly. They thought of Ye Tianlong's ugliness, but they made them the focus of praise.


With the arrival of the last rhythm, Lin Shaoqing tapped the heel of Ye Tianlong's right hand lightly, and the water-grabbing dragonflies generally fell into Ye Tianlong's arms.

He raised his body and looked at Ye Tianlong.

Ye Tianlong also cast his eyes down, staring at Lin Shaoqing in his arms, seeing each other's shadow and affection from each other's eyes.


At the end of the song, there was thunderous applause from the audience. Countless people cheered and whistled to Ye Tianlong and Lin Shaoqing, and others grabbed candy and flowers and poured out.

Lin Shaoqing shook Ye Tianlong's hand, her pretty face was filled with indescribable excitement and joy, as if all the cells in her body had been activated:

"Denon, tonight is so beautiful, more beautiful than my first championship that year."

This will be a night she will never forget.

Ye Tianlong smiled softly: "There will be many such beautiful evenings in the future."

While they were speaking, the two had already walked back to their positions, but Langlang and Yudi were much colder than the applause coming back all the way.

At this time, seven tall dancers ran over, with a sweet smile asking for Ye Tianlong's phone number, and twittering praised him for his good dancing.

"What is it, we are a classy and tasteful music circle, why do all the messy people come here?"

Gao Qianli was very upset that Ye Tianlong was held up by the stars, his face sank and cursed at the seven dancers: "We are in the music industry, many entertainment circles."

"Get out of here, don't hinder us."

The seven dancers glanced at Gao Qianli, seeming to recognize his identity, biting their lips and leaving quickly.

Ye Tianlong sneered when he saw it, but he didn't say anything to Gao Qianli.

"Shaoqing, ignore those vulgar fans. They are blind and can't see you dance best. Ye Tianlong is just following you."

Gao Qianli provoke intentionally or unintentionally: "Of course, Ye Tianlong also has a sense of dance rhythm, but compared to you, the difference is too far."

Langlang and the others also agreed, saying that Ye Tianlong was purely taken by Lin Shaoqing.

Lin Shaoqing faintly said: "You are wrong, I am following Ye Tianlong's rhythm. Compared to him, I am too far away."

"Shaoqing, you are so kind and considerate of others everywhere. Ye Tianlong dances well."

Gao Qianliyan insincerely squeezed out a smile: "But these days, dancing can't make it out. It's just to be a dancer and eat."

"Guo Tianwang's case is not universal. In the future, if Ye Tianlong wants to keep up with you, he will have to rely on the Lin family to introduce a better job."

"The current society is a society of personal connections, a society of capital, and the history of the poorest sons is over."

He slandered Ye Tianlong with a needle in his cotton, and then pretended to pat Ye Tianlong's shoulder generously: "Work hard, there will be promise in the future."

Ye Tianlong moved his shoulders away, and then responded lukewarmly: "Thank you."

Gao Qianli slapped his right hand, shrugged his shoulders and retracted his hand with a dry smile, and joked at Ye Tianlong:

"Brother Ye, this should be the first time we met. There is no misunderstanding, right?"

Ye Tianlong faintly said: "Sorry Gao Shao, I have always been reckless, like it is like, hate is hate."

"Shaoqing, what kind of boyfriend are you? Are you polite at all?"

Yudi frowned and shouted to Lin Shaoqing: "Is it great to jump a rumba?"

Langlang was also quite proud, relying on Gao Qianli to say: "Gao Shao, forget it, don't know this kind of people, they don't have any quality."

Lin Shaoqing smiled: "I think Tianlong is very good, at least braver than me. If you hate a person, you are a person."

The implication naturally refers to a thousand miles away.

Gao Qianli gently waved his hand to stop Langlang and Yudi to help out, looking at Lin Shaoqing and Ye Tianlong and sighed:

"Shaoqing, I know that you are a wealthy daughter and a genius violinist, but for everyone here, your background will not be bad."

"Everyone is a friend and a person in the circle. If there is any conflict between each other, everyone just smile, after all, it's not a big deal."

"But you were a bit too much tonight. Calling this person over and slapped me in the face so unceremoniously made everyone feel bad."

Langlang and Yudi also crossed their legs, showing their own style, and at the same time cocked their mouths and said, "Yes, he is here, making us so uncomfortable."

"There is no common topic, the wealth is too far apart, it is really abrupt."

"Not only does it prevent everyone from having fun, but it also reduces the rank of our circle."

They moved their graceful postures and sneered at Ye Tianlong.

Gao Qianli asked Lin Shaoqing to bring a bottle of red wine with a smile: "Shaoqing, did you hear it? The voice of the people, everyone really feels it."

"I think you should apologize to everyone, three cups, how about it?"

Lin Shaoqing said coldly: "It's a big deal, I withdraw from this circle."

Ye Tianlong held Lin Shaoqing's hand and stepped forward and said, "Or, this wine, I'll drink it?"

"I'm talking to Shaoqing, what's the matter with you, what are you?"

Gao Qianliheng suddenly changed his face, scorned Ye Tianlong with his eyebrows, "Go away."

At this time, the low-hanging bead curtain was suddenly lifted, and seven or eight men and women in Chinese came in. Gao Qianli turned his head and immediately greeted him with a smile:

"Shao Bao, Shao Xue, Miss Mo, are you here?"

This group is Bao Jinyi and Xue Mingli.

When Langlang and Yudi saw Gao Qianli's slave-faced maidservant, they knew that the big men were coming, and they stood up and laughed with fear and sincerity.

Xue Mingli, with two arms dangling, slammed into Gao Qianli, rushed up with a stride, staring at Ye Tianlong and shouted:

"Ye Tianlong!"

Bao Jinyi's eyes widened instantly.

"Xue Shao, long time no see."

Ye Tianlong smiled: "Is your hands broken by me any better?"

The incredible smile of Gao Qianli was instantly sluggish.

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