Talented Genius

Chapter 1899: Good for yourself (seven more)

"By the way, and Xue Fugui's legs, I wonder if I can stand up?"

In the face of Xue Mingli's murderous aura, Ye Tianlong fluttered a word again, making the audience completely quiet.

For Xue Mingli and Bao Jinyi, Ye Tianlong's words were deterrence and warning.

Whether in the capital or in the Australian city, he would beat anyone he wanted to beat. Although there was a gambling battle three days later, it at least showed that he was not crushed.

He had no problem with Xue Fugui and his disability. Xue Mingli and Bao Jinyi had to consider whether they could withstand the consequences of Ye Tianlong's attack.

For Gao Qianli, who knew Xue Mingli and his background, Ye Tianlong was overwhelmed by a mountain.

Just now he regarded Ye Tianlong as a soil bun, as a weak one to be deceived. Now, the information that Ye Tianlong revealed made Gao Qianli ooze cold sweat.

How could the master who can break the Xue brothers' legs and feet be a passerby?

Langlang and Yudi were also stunned, obviously they didn't expect Ye Tianlong to have a conflict with Bao Jinyi.

They wanted to mock Ye Tianlong's irresponsibility, but they soon discovered that Ye Tianlong's face didn't have the slightest fear, more of a cynical smile.

But Bao Jinyi and Xue Mingli's faces showed a trace of fear.

Xue Mingli glared wide: "Ye Tianlong, are you looking for death?"

Bao Jinyi also said coldly, "Ye Tianlong, don't be too rampant, this is Australia City."

He asked a companion to go to the parking lot to call in the bodyguard, so as not to be irresistible in the event of a conflict.

Mo Yuge didn't say a word, his eyes were as cold as ever, and he couldn't see what the woman was thinking.

"Of course I know it is Australia City, Bao Shao and Xue Shao's site."

Ye Tianlong sighed softly: "I just want to remind you that our grievances have come to an end, and you should not provoke me again."

"Otherwise, you will follow in Xue Fugui's footsteps."

Xue Mingli moved the corner of his mouth twice, then gritted his teeth and said:

"Ye Tianlong, you bastard, you hurt me and disabled my brother. You also used the Bao family as a shield. I told you you better be careful when you go out."

His voice was stern: "You don't get hit by a truck."

Ye Tianlong smiled: "Xue Shao, are you threatening me?"

Feeling Ye Tianlong's hostility, Bao Jinyi stretched out his hand to hold Xue Mingli and said: "Xue Shao, there is no need to shout and scream, there are only three days left."

"Three days later, there was a battle at the Fengjia Casino, and he lost to Uncle Xue. Then you can slowly torture him."

"Didn't he interrupt your hands?"

Bao Jinyi showed a sullen smile: "When you come with both hands and feet, I believe that he will beg for you."

Hearing this, Xue Mingli exhaled a long breath, and his anger faded like a tide. Yes, he can get revenge in three days, so why rush for a while.

"Bao Shao deserves to be the leader in the circle. I think the problem is that he is more thoughtful than Xue Shao, but Bao Shao has overlooked one thing."

He whispered: "That is what if Xue Hu loses to me? Not only can he not avenge me, but Xue Hu will also go out."


Xue Mingli laughed and showed disdain: "Are you gamble with my father? Overwhelmed."

Ye Tianlong smiled: "Then you just wait."

"Fuck you uncle, can you be patient?"

A short-headed man who just came in couldn't hold back. He had never seen anyone screaming in front of Xue Mingli, and rushed in angrily.

He rushed from the side, and Lin Shaoqing subconsciously blocked when he saw it to avoid Ye Tianlong's sneak attack.

Seeing Lin Shaoqing deliberately blocked the way, the charging short-headed man roughly kicked Lin Shaoqing out without saying a word.

Lin Shaoqing staggered backward because of too much momentum!

Ye Tianlong reached out in time to support her before falling to the ground.

The short-headed man didn't notice that Ye Tianlong's face changed color, and he shouted viciously to Lin Shaoqing: "A good dog does not stand in the way!"

Ye Tianlong stared at the big man with an inch: "Did you kick her just now?"

His smile was still so warm, but his voice cooled the entire corner by two points.

Bao Jinyi and Xue Mingli changed their faces together.

Ye Tianlong's body was covered with indescribable loneliness and killing, which made the arrogant big man with a small inch give birth to a touch of chill.

The rest of the bodyguards also tightened their nerves. I don't know why, they all smelled a breath of danger, filling the hall:

The big man raised his head and said, "So what? Who do you think you are, Shao Xue dare to teach?"

Although he smelled a touch of danger, he felt that he had many companions, and they all carried guns. Ye Tianlong did not dare to mess around.

Lin Shaoqing grabbed Ye Tianlong: "Tianlong, I'm fine."

Ye Tianlong's eyes were still peaceful: "You know, what is the end of you kicking my woman in front of me?"

The big man sneered: "Oh, what can happen to you?"

"To shut up!"

Xue Mingli scolded his men, then his eyelids twitched: "Ye Tianlong, don't mess around..."

The voice hadn't fallen yet, but seeing Ye Tianlong's figure swayed, Mo Yuge moved to block him, but Ye Tianlong jumped by half a beat first.

He immediately came to the big man with an inch head, and didn't give him a mobile phone meeting, and hit his knee with one foot.

Ye Tianlong stepped on the opponent's calf when the big man with an inch head shook his body and knelt.


The big man's calf broke instantly, making a crisp sound, and then he collapsed like a collapsed building, screaming.

Ye Tianlong stepped on again and broke the other's other foot.

There was a dead silence in the audience, and he didn't expect Ye Tianlong to make such a harsh shot.

Gao Qianli's face was pale, this is a ruthless character.

Xue Mingli and Bao Jinyi also suddenly discovered that their wounds were aching again.

The other bodyguards subconsciously drew their guns to aim at Ye Tianlong, and Mo Yuge, who had been silent, yelled, "No hands are allowed."

A group of bodyguards was taken aback for a while, but Mo Yuge didn't expect Mo Yuge to stop them. You must know that the big man with a short head had his calf broken face to face.

They looked at Bao Jinyi and Xue Mingli, neither of them attacked, but their faces were ugly, and they were obviously very jealous of Ye Tianlong.

Ye Tianlong looked at Xue Mingli and smiled and said: "Xue Shao, your man, how much you have to explain."

Mo Yuge shouted: "Ye Tianlong, don't be aggressive."

Bao Jinyi also said coldly: "Ye Tianlong, you really want to take a shot and break up."

Ye Tianlong is noncommittal: "If Xue Shaoguan is not good, don't bring it out. If you bring it out, you will be somewhat responsible."

"Otherwise, I stabbed you to death by any one of my men. I said it has nothing to do with me. Will your parents agree?"

He took a step back, picked up the bottle of red wine in Gao Qianli, opened it, and opened it in front of Xue Mingli:

"Drink it and apologize to Miss Lin. What happened just now hasn't happened."

Mo Yuge let out a sigh of relief, this confession is still possible.

"Ye Tianlong, you have a seed!"

Xue Mingli's face changed twice, and finally people helped pick up the wine bottle and drank it in one breath.

Coming out tonight in a hurry, with insufficient manpower around him, and Ye Tianlong's tyrannical skills, Xue Mingli didn't want to risk Ye Tianlong, so he decided to bear with him first.

Then, in the surprise of Gao Qianli and the others, Xue Mingli bowed slightly to Lin Shaoqing and spoke word by word:

"Miss Lin, I'm sorry that I'm not strict in discipline and recklessly offending."

When Lin Shaoqing nodded in response, Gao Qianli and Langlang were all in a trance.

It never occurred to him that Ye Tianlong would have frightened Xue Mingli and made him have to bow his head to compromise.

Thinking of their offense to Ye Tianlong just now, the few of them became panicked, wondering if Ye Tianlong would settle accounts with them.

Gao Qianli's face was even paler.

It’s just what I’m afraid of.

Ye Tianlong put his gaze on Gao Qianli's face and said, "Gao Shao, you just asked Shaoqing to punish three glasses of himself, and don't let me drink in her place..."

"I wonder if Bao Shao is qualified to drink your three fine wines?"

He looked at Bao Jinyi again and smiled: "Bao Shao, your man?"

Bao Jinyi didn't need to ask to know that this guy was making trouble for himself, and couldn't help but drink out: "Useless things."

He was very unwilling, but there was no way. Who knew if Ye Tianlong would break his can and break his legs.

Hearing this sentence, Gao Qianli's face changed drastically, and his calf trembled subconsciously.

In the astonishment of Langlang and Yudi and others, Gao Qianli, who was still arrogant just now, walked up with a sad face.

He knew he was in trouble: "Shaoqing, no, Miss Lin, Bao Shao, I'm sorry, it's all my fault, I will never dare to do it again."

"I fined myself three bottles."

After speaking, he quickly took three bottles of wine, and Ye Tianlong reached out and swept them away, letting people bring three bottles of vodka.

Gao Qianli cried and finished all the guru, and then fell to the ground with drunkenness.

"Ye Tianlong, let you be mad for two more days."

Bao Jinyi glanced at Ye Tianlong coldly, and then waved to Xue Mingli and the others: "Go!"

Mo Yuge looked at Ye Tianlong: "It's a good idea."

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