Talented Genius

Chapter 1996: Restless

In the next two days, Ye Tianlong and Zhehua made a model of Apollo Manor, simulating how to capture one of the Chu headquarters.

It's just that I have thought a lot about the attack method and deduced it in the most optimistic way, but the final battle damage ratio was beyond Ye Tianlong's imagination.

To conquer this Apollo Manor, three or five hundred elites will not be able to do anything without dying. This is the result of a sneak attack.

And so many people died, Ye Tianlong refused again in his heart.

During the period, the Feng group and the Oriole sent out to survey the Apollo Manor to see if there were any gaps, but it was still difficult to start.

In the few pictures taken by the drone, the levels are one-man and one-man, and each level has heavy firepower and armed personnel.

This is simply a hedgehog, no way to start.


At noon that day, when Zhehua went back to his room to sleep, Ye Tianlong stretched his waist and began to divert his attention.

He took out the secret recipe of "Old Godfather" given by Zhehua, wrote down dozens of ingredients on it, and scanned their respective portions.

Ye Tianlong went through each portion, moved slightly in his heart, and walked into the kitchen to make some tricks. He also added two raw materials from the Middle East...

Afterwards, he put his own sauce into a glass jar...

Just when Ye Tianlong was about to take a bite, an unmarked call came in.

Ye Tianlong frowned slightly, then put on his earplugs to answer, and just after the feed, a enthusiastic voice came from his ear:

"Ye Shao, good evening, I'm Wei Ruqing, I haven't seen him for a long time, I haven't seen him for a long time."

Hearing Wei's ruthless voice, Ye Tianlong showed a smile on his face: "Didn't Wei Wang suffer a poisoning attack? Why do you have time to call me?"

"I thought you were hurrying to recuperate and attend the Tianmen Conference in a week."

In Ye Tianlong's heart, Wei Ruqing is also a poisonous snake. Don't look at the sound of laughter, it is absolutely terrifying to bite people.

It's just that now the snake is pinched by Ye Tianlong, so Ye Tianlong is not afraid that he will bite himself, not to mention that he buried the chess piece of willow blossom.

Wei ruthlessly laughed with a hint of respect: "Fortunately, Shao Tuoye, my body is now free from poison, and it will be fine after being poisoned for two days."

"This is what I want to thank Ye Shao. It's not the Gu worm in my stomach. Like dozens of brothers, I am bleeding to death from Qiqiao."

There is a sense of fortune in his words. This year is really plagued by disasters. Fortunately, escaping from the dead is also a great fortune in misfortune.

Ye Tianlong smiled faintly, and said, "Alright, old acquaintance, stop talking nonsense, what can I do?"

Wei Ruqing laughed awkwardly, and then took over the topic: "Ye Shao is Ye Shao, quick talk."

"It's like this. I came to the new country ahead of time to see the injured Qi Wang Qi Sanqiu. I have a few days to spare. I want to visit you."

He revealed the purpose of this call: "One is to visit Ye Shao, and the other is to ask Ye Shao to help."

Ye Tianlong asked curiously: "What's the problem?"

Wei Ruqing hurriedly said: "I was poisoned a few days ago, and the Gu worm made the poison useless, allowing me to save my life, but the Gu worm became restless."

"Every day there is a noise in the middle of the night. I am several times more active than before. I can't sleep for several consecutive nights."

"Ye Shao, you know, that thing tortures people, that's really a broken heart, I almost lose my hair."

"So I want to ask you to see if there is a way to suppress it. I didn't have the idea of ​​getting rid of it, just want it to be safe."

Wei ruthlessly digs out his heart and lungs: "Ye Shao, help me."

Ye Tianlong's eyes narrowed slightly, he could hear that Wei Ruqing was a real emotion, and because of his character, he would not find himself until he couldn't hold it.

He finally nodded: "Okay, you come to see me, I will help you take a look."

Wei Ruqing was ecstatic: "Really? I will Fei Mingjiang immediately..."

"I am not in Mingjiang, I am in Puhai City, Malaysia."

Ye Tianlong interrupted him: "Xincheng is not far from Malaysia. You fly over from Xincheng. We will have dinner together tonight. You will arrange the place."

Wei Ruqing was even more happy: "Ma Guo? Great, I'll be right there, Ye Shao, see you tonight, I will call you again after the arrangements are made."

The suffering of Gu worm made Wei Ruqing treat Ye Tianlong as a relative.

At six o'clock in the evening, Wei Ruqing called and invited Ye Tianlong to dinner at Longhu Villa, a property owned by the Wei family.

Ye Tianlong glanced at the map, and after telling Zhehua to stare at home, he got into the car and let his hand go straight to Longhu Villa.

Di Kuangtian and Tianmo secretly followed.

At half past seven, Ye Tianlong appeared at Longhu Villa.

This is a clubhouse in the style of Sioux City. The scenery is natural, exquisite and deep. Although there are many buildings, there is no congestion. The mountains and pools are small but not cramped.

The curved gallery surrounds the pavilion and is decorated with flowers, trees and pinnacles, just like a condensed picture scroll.

"I'm Ye Tianlong, I'm here to find Wei Ruqing."

Three minutes later, Ye Tianlong came to the gate of a quiet small courtyard. Just after he reported his name to the two bodyguards, a man in gray walked out quickly:

"Ye Shao, good evening, good evening, welcome you if you miss, forgive your sins, and forgive you."

The grey-clothed man is Wei Ruqing. Compared to what Ming Jiang had seen, he was a bit fatter, and his smile was as bright as the spring breeze, but his expression was haggard.

Ye Tianlong glanced at Wei Wuqing and saw that he had indeed suffered a lot, so he patted his shoulder lightly:

"Wei Wang, you have worked hard, everyone is old friends, so there are not too many polite words."

Wei Ruqing had a smile on his face: "Ye Shao said so, old friends, please inside, please inside, this door is a bit cold."

Ye Tianlong strode and the meteor walked in.

The lighting in the courtyard is soft, a table of banquets has already been set up, a dozen dishes, two bottles of red wine, exuding a pleasant aroma.

A dozen men and women in black were standing on both sides, one by one indifferent, with rough fingers, which could be seen as well-trained bodyguards.

"Wine and food will be eaten later."

After sitting down, Ye Tianlong didn't greet Wei Ruthlessly either, but grabbed his hand directly.

Wei Ruqing wanted to say something, but finally calmed down, with a trace of gratitude in his eyes, Ye Tianlong's move touched him somewhat.

Ye Tianlong didn't talk about other messes when he appeared, and didn't think about profiting from the Wei family, but directly probed his condition for him.

"The pulse condition is indeed a bit confusing."

Five minutes after Ye Tianlong pulsed his pulse, a solemn touch was drawn across his face: "Gu worm was aroused by the poison and started to deviate from the original trajectory."

He made a judgment: "Gu worm has started to have autonomous consciousness. If this continues, within a month, Gu worm will not even listen to the purple bell instructions."

Wei Wuqing was shocked: "Then...what should I do?"

"It's okay."

Ye Tianlong said faintly: "I let Miao Tiannu fly over and deal with this stuff. He is the ancestor."

Ye Tianlong was confident to kill the Gu worms, but in this way, Wei Ruqing was relieved. Without Gu worm control, Wei Ruqing was a variable.

Therefore, Ye Tianlong moved directly out of Miao Tiannu, not only seemed to value his life, but also allowed Miao Tiannu to plant a new Gu when he got rid of the old Gu.

Sure enough, Wei Ruqing was extremely excited: "Thank you Ye Shao, thank Ye Shao..."


Before the words were finished, the courtyard door was suddenly knocked open. A beautiful waiter staggered in with a roast suckling pig, looked around and apologized:

"Sorry, sorry, I went to the wrong door."

Wei Ruqing frowned and was very upset to be disturbed, but Ye Tianlong was present, he still wanted to show some quality, and waved his hand: "Get out."

The beautiful waiter backed away in fear, touching the inside of the suckling pig with one hand.

"Wait a minute!"

Ye Tianlong raised his head and looked at the waiter and said, "Where are the two bodyguards at the door?"

Wei Wuqing's eyes were cold, his head suddenly tilted, the body of the beautiful waiter was shaken, and his right hand was inserted directly into the suckling pig.

Wei Ruqing said sharply, "Be careful!"

As soon as the voice fell, the waiter took out a gun.


At this moment, a blade of light flashed.

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