Talented Genius

Chapter 1997: Black Wing Mercenary (four more)


A dagger was shot into the waiter's throat, and a burst of blood came out.

The waiter's eyes widened, and he fell to the ground without staring. He couldn't believe how fast he reacted and the knife was so fast.

Ye Tianlong also narrowed his eyes and looked at a glamorous bodyguard. Compared with the others, he could see clearly that she was the one who killed the waiter with a knife.

This glamorous bodyguard is less than 30 years old, with very beautiful features, a nice nose, thin lips, and a pair of cold eyes.

Next to her, there are two tall and similar women with pretty faces, full of blood and fire.

This Wei Wang really likes beautiful bodyguards by his side, but this bodyguard has so much trouble.

Several men in black rushed up, swept away the guns of the beautiful waiter, and then slapped her in the heart.

Leng Yan's bodyguard also took a step forward, but pulled back her own dagger, a snake-like dagger.

"Ye Shao, I'm sorry, I didn't expect there would be a killer here."

Wei Ruqing struck a sharp spirit, reacted, and hurriedly shouted to Ye Tianlong: "I will let people investigate this matter immediately..."

Wei Wuqing was very angry when the killer appeared on his site, or when he was banning Ye Tianlong.


Ye Tianlong picked up a glass of wine in front of him, drank it cleanly, and then took Wei Ruqing to the back door: "It's not safe here."

"Wang Wei, I think we should stay here."

Leng Yan's bodyguard blocked Ye Tianlong's way: "This is our site. We have more than 20 guns, and the firepower is strong enough."

"And the situation outside is unknown, it's better to be static than moving."

She added the last sentence: "And I have already called for help, and security personnel will arrive soon."

"Captain Shen is right."

A tall female companion echoed: "Going out is too variable and the staff is mixed, it is not easy to take care of Mr. Wei's safety."

The other female bodyguard was also proud: "As long as we stay here, with so many people, plus our three sharpshooters, the enemy can't hurt Mr. Wei."

Wei Ruqing was taken aback for a moment, then nodded, "It makes sense."

He looked at Ye Tianlong: "Ye Shao, this villa is my site. There are more than fifty brothers. They still have dozens of guns in their hands. Keep a good point."

"This is Captain Shen Manyun I invited from Scotland. Next to me are her deputy, Chen Yan and Jiang Li, who are responsible for my personal safety."

Please these three women, Wei Ruqing passed a British boss, so his attitude is different from other bodyguards.

Ye Tianlong nodded lightly, no wonder he was so arrogant, the flying knife was also top-notch, it turned out to be a person from the military training field.

Shen Manyun stared at Ye Tianlong, the corners of his mouth curled up: "If you have to go out and there is an accident by then, don't blame me for not reminding you."

Although she knew that Ye Tianlong was a distinguished guest of King Wei, she felt that this situation should be listened to by her captain, not Ye Tianlong should make trouble.

What's more, she didn't realize that Ye Tianlong was unique.

Chen Yan and Jiang Li also scanned Ye Tianlong: "In this case, we should listen to the experienced Captain Shen."

Employing Wei Ruqing These days, Wei Ruqing has obeyed their words, and now Ye Tianlong is gesticulating, they all feel uncomfortable.

There are two completely different feelings about the employer and being instigated by the employer. Therefore, Shen Manyun's three daughters resisted Ye Tianlong, and he was not the employer.

Ye Tianlong glanced at Shen Manyun: "We must move, there are more than fifty brothers in the villa, who can guarantee that they are still alive?"

"What if they are all dead? Staying here is making dumplings by the enemy."

"We must take advantage of the fact that they are not completely encircled and killed, disrupting the other party's deployment."

The beautiful waiter with a finger to death: "She's just an appetizer."

"If the other party dares to run wild on your site, it will not be alone."

Ye Tianlong also took a gun from a bodyguard: "The means will not be this."

"Don't you see the camera inside the suckling pig? It's just to find out where we are..."

Wei Wuqing was stunned, then glanced at the dead waiter, and he saw the broken roast pig drop a camera, and he shouted at his men:

"Quick, quick, get out of here, get out of here."

More than two dozen Wei's elites hurriedly walked backwards towards the back garden, and some people took out the phone to call the villa guard for support again.

Shen Manyun was a little angry at Ye Tianlong. He felt that Ye Tianlong was completely alarmist. How could the enemy be so powerful?

It's so amazing, how could the waiter be killed by her?

However, she still brought Chen Yan and Jiang Li to catch up with the team, with an ugly expression on Wei Wuqing and Ye Tianlong:

"You have to leave, if something goes wrong outside, don't blame me for not reminding."

Chen Yan glanced at Ye Tianlong: "Follow behind us well, otherwise we can't guarantee to take care of you if there is a danger."

"Swish swish!"

At almost the same moment, more than a dozen small objects were shot into the courtyard, all of which fell precisely on the banquet.

In the next second, all the small objects exploded, the entire banquet was blown up, and the hall was also black, cracked by steel balls, and black smoke rolled.

A ten-meter radius was completely covered by black smoke, and a pungent smell permeated.

Several Weishi elites who were slow and half-beat, inhaled some black smoke, and finally fell to the ground after walking five or six meters.

Seeing this scene, Wei Ruoqing's eyelids jumped, as if returning to the scene of Shiwan Dashan.

Shen Manyun's expression also changed. He didn't expect the enemy to be so fierce.

Chen Yan and Jiang Li secretly shouted that God had no eyes, and the enemy hit with all strength, unable to'corroborate' Ye Tianlong's guess, which made them very unhappy.

"Eat the pill and wrap your nose and mouth."

Ye Tianlong threw out a small bag of pills, and let Wei Ruqing and the others take it, so as not to be poisoned and fall into a coma.

Shen Manyun hesitated, and finally rejected Ye Tianlong's kindness: "Thank you, I have medicine."

She took out a syringe, gave herself an intravenous injection, then took out a mask and put it on, looking down on Ye Tianlong's pills.

The same is true for Chen Yan and Jiang Li.

Ye Tianlong ignored it, and after everyone had finished taking the pills, he touched the back door.

"Be careful!"

When he was about to reach the back door, Ye Tianlong grabbed a stone, threw it abruptly, and slammed open the wooden door of the back garden.

When the door bang sounded, six western men rushed over from different angles, holding a silencer pistol in their hands, and pulling the trigger continuously.

Ye Tianlong, who had countless assassination experiences, threw himself at him, pulling Wei Ruqing to hide quickly.


Almost as soon as he fell to the ground, a dozen bullets shot from the back door. Wei ruthlessly hurt his arm and a bruised blood flowed out.

But before Wei Ruqing could make a sound of pain, Ye Tianlong held him and turned into the rockery next to him.

The fast ones don't give the killer a chance to shoot at all.

"Boom boom!"

All this was born in the midst of electric flashes. Six Western men fired dozens of shots at once, but they had no chance to make up for Ye Tianlong and Wei Ruthlessly.

Wei's bodyguard reacted quickly after falling down the two of them and hid himself into the bunker, and then followed Shen Manyun to pull the trigger to the six.


The expressions of the six western men changed drastically, and their guns wanted to shoot Wei's bodyguard, but in the end they were shot late and bullets poured out.

The six western men shook their bodies, then fell to the ground with a scream, all their rough faces were beaten.

Then, Shen Manyun turned around and turned around to shoot. There was another shot, and the three killers advancing in the front yard were shot in the eyebrows.

Under the impact of the bullet, he fell on his back and died absolutely.

Shen Manyun shouted angrily: "I'm right, the situation outside is unknown, there are enemies at the back door."

"It's true that there are enemies at the back door, but haven't you noticed that they are not ready yet?"

Ye Tianlong hid his body and smiled: "Otherwise, it would not be six people, but a dozen people would charge together."

Looking at the blood hole in the enemy's head, his breathless body was still twitching, the corners of Wei Ruqing's mouth couldn't stop moving, but he quickly became crazy:

"Kill, kill, kill them all for me!"

Since the poisoning and killing dozens of his men last time, Wei Ruqing has paid more attention to the security of his side, and all bodyguards are carefully selected.

The nine killers fell to the ground, not only made Wei's bodyguards confident, but Shen Manyun also had confidence, thinking that the enemy was nothing but this.

Only Ye Tianlong was still tightening his nerves. He vaguely felt that these were just cannon fodder, cannon fodder for testing and consuming bullets.

So he didn't make a move either, waiting for a thunderous blow at the critical moment, he also let Tianmo and Earth Kuangtian solve the external danger first.

As for Wei Ruqing did not take action, Yu Ye Tianlong seemed to be normal. He cherished his life far more than others.

"Boom boom!"

There were footsteps at both ends again, and gunfire sounded again. Wei's bodyguards shot at the front and back yards, screaming again, and then calmed down.

After waiting for a while, Shen Manyun looked around on both sides, a touch of sweat on his face:

"Mr. Wei, the enemy has been killed, don't worry."

Chen Yan and Jiang Li also had a touch of pride in their eyes: "This kind of stuff dared to appear, it's really not enough to stuff your teeth."

She also gave Ye Tianlong a provocative look, feeling that he overestimated the enemy's strength.

Wei Ruqing exhaled a long breath: "It seems that the enemy has been killed, great..."

"Swish swish!"

As soon as the voice fell, he saw several jars flying into the front and back garden, and Ye Tianlong shouted again: "Be careful!"

Wei Wuqing and the others changed their expressions, and evaded again. At almost the same moment, the jar exploded like a bomb.

Four Wei's bodyguards were overturned, and a stone table, a few flowers, and a rockery were also blown to pieces.

Wei Ruqing was so angry that he could not denounce: "Bad son, looking for death?"

When Wei Wuqing and Yigan's bodyguards were holding guns tightly, three men and women appeared in the front yard and the back yard each, murderously pressing their guns.

Wei Wuqing and Shen Manyun were shocked when they saw the appearance of these six people.

The enemy’s limbs and all joints were covered with bullet-proof mechas, and a bulletproof helmet made of tempered glass was worn on his head, and both hands wore mech gloves.

They also have bulletproof vests on their backs, and their entire body equipment weighs no less than a hundred catties. Together with the submachine guns they are holding, they are a small Transformers.

Ye Tianlong's eyes instantly condensed into a light: "Blackwing mercenary?"


Wei Wuqing's body was shaken, and his face was shocked: "Are they the notorious Blackwing Mercenaries in Europe?"

Black Wing is a mercenary organization in Europe. Many of its members are veterans, but they are basically hired for tasks that violate international laws.

Killing for pleasure, assaulting good women, and assassinating enlightened people are their regular tasks.

With a solemn expression, Shen Manyun shouted to Ye Tianlong and Wei ruthlessly: "Mr. Wei, Mr. Ye, don't go out in hiding, the enemy is very powerful."

"I can't protect you two at the same time..."

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