Talented Genius

Chapter 2004: Hidden Ladder

At noon, Longhu Villa, No. 3 courtyard.

The fight last night was over. Although the police cordoned off the place where the incident occurred, the entire villa resumed normal operations.

When Ye Tianlong walked into the courtyard with Miao Tiannu, Wei Ruqing and Shen Manyun were waiting in the courtyard. Although they were injured, they were in good spirits.

Seeing Ye Tianlong walking in, Wei Ruqing greeted him and shouted with a smile on his face: "Ye Shao, good noon, we meet again."

Shen Manyun stood behind and made no sound, nodding slightly to say hello.

Jiang Li and Chen Yan cocked their mouths and turned their heads, as if they were still angry at Ye Tianlong's refusal to join the training camp.

After that, they looked at Miao Tiannu again, a little curious about who this was, gloomy, and wearing a fake skin.

"Wang Wei, don't say anything for now."

Ye Tianlong didn't treat Wei Ruqing with politeness: "I have invited King Miao to come over, let him see your doctor first."

"After reading, let's have dinner and discuss the news you received."

Ye Tianlong found that Wei Ruqing's eye sockets were a little bit deep, worried that the gu worm might kill him, so he asked Miao Tiannu to take a look first.

"Thank you Shao Ye, thank you King Miao."

Wei Ruqing was grateful to Ye Tianlong, and then looked at Miao Tiannu and smiled: "There is King Lao Miao."

When he looked at Miao Tiannu, he was respectful and awed. Only those who had tried the methods of Zombie Granny would know Wei Wuqing's jealousy towards the people in the mountains.


Without too much nonsense, Miao Tiannu walked directly into a small house, Wei Ruqing hurriedly followed, and let a team of bodyguards stay in the yard.

Upon seeing this, Chen Yan murmured: "Pretending to be mysterious."

Ye Tianlong made an understatement and explained: "It's not pretending to be mysterious, it's that Gu worms will scare you, so that you won't be woken up by nightmares in the middle of the night.

"What age is it now, still Gu worms."

Jiang Li sneered: "It's just that Mr. Wei's kindness is fooled by you, and we will never believe it if he is replaced."

Shen Manyun and the others also laughed jokingly, apparently disagreeing with these things, thinking that they were purely fooling money.

Ye Tianlong did not argue with them, but sat at the table dangling tea.

Shen Manyun hesitated for a while, then walked up and asked: "Ye Tianlong, you really didn't consider my proposal last night?"

The training ground has trained her for so many years, and she also hopes to return something to the training ground, such as letting Ye Tianlong serve as an instructor.

Ye Tianlong sighed softly: "Captain Shen, thank you for your kindness, but I really don't want to enter. I like freedom and don't like bondage."

"Ye Tianlong, no matter how powerful a person is, it is difficult to do it alone. On the contrary, with a strong team supporting it, you will have a straight back wherever you go."

Shen Manyun made the last effort: "If you miss this opportunity, I'm afraid you will regret it later when you think about it."

Ye Tianlong smiled: "It's okay, I'm doing things and being a man, no matter what the result is, I will carry my own choice."

Chen Yan couldn't help it: "Captain Shen, don't persuade him. It seems that our training ground is too low-level and we are asking him to join."

Jiang Li also snorted: "Ye Tianlong, I tell you, it is an honor for you to enter the training ground."

"Thank you three for your kindness, but I really don't want to join the training ground."

Ye Tianlong raised a faint smile, then the conversation turned:

"You are Mr. Wei's bodyguards. Instead of spending energy to convince me, it is better to protect Mr. Wei with dim sum."

"There will be another attack from last night, Mr. Wei has died, and it is too late for you to cry."

"Don't worry, the training ground already knows that our enemy is strong, and we know that we are hard to protect with few people. A group of people will come today."

"All the elites and masters of the training ground, they will closely protect Mr. Wei when that happens."

Jiang Li is very proud: "Our handsome Jack will also come, his demeanor is not what ordinary people can imagine."

Ye Tianlong asked: "Mr. Wei has a good relationship with the training ground. Not only can you let the three of you work hard, but you can also call in so many helpers."

Chen Yan subconsciously answered, "Of course, he is our big..."

Halfway through, she noticed that she had missed her mouth, biting her lip and stopped making a sound.

Ye Tianlong glanced at her, smiled, didn't chase, but drank tea...

Miao Tiannu was very efficient. He came out in less than half an hour. Wei Ruqing followed closely, his face ruddy with a touch of comfort.

Ye Tianlong asked: "Is it done?"

Miao Tiannu nodded gently: "After the treatment, the Gu worm has mutated and grown, which is very dangerous."

"I suppressed the activity of the Gu worm again. In the next half month, it will slowly shrink and then burst into death."

"When it dies, dozens of toxins in the body will all penetrate into the flesh and blood, so I have to get stuck in time and take it out when its strength is weakest."

His voice was as indifferent as ever: "Today is the 4th and the 20th. I will take the Gu for King Wei to completely dissipate the risk."

Ye Tianlong nodded secretly, Lao Miao was doing things steadily, and the timing was just right, making Wei Ruqing afraid to make trouble.

At this moment, Wei Ruqing said again and again: "Thank Miao Wang, thank Ye Shao, thank you for giving me a chance to regain my life."

"Needless to say the kind words."

Ye Tianlong waved his hand: "Wang Wei, you are on the phone, the snake, the tiger, and the life are all here?"

Wei ruthlessly nodded: "Yes, I have definite news. The three mercenary leaders arrived in Malaysia and went directly to the Chu secret headquarters."

"Moreover, intelligence confirmed that these three parties were all out, and they totaled almost 300 people."

He broke another piece of information: "I also learned that the Chu family is connected to the Malacca pirate "Tomahawk" organization..."

Ye Tianlong squinted his eyes, "Is the Chu family still in contact with the pirates?"

Wei Ruqing smiled and replied: "The Chu family trades so many people every day, travels to and from all continents and oceans, and it is normal to have a relationship with pirates."

"But this time the action was a bit big. Chu Fengyun personally went to visit the leader of the battle axe and brought a generous gift.

He whispered: "Two patrol ships give tomahawks."

Ye Tianlong asked: "When did it happen?"

Wei Ruqing replied clearly: "Yesterday morning."

Ye Tianlong's eyelids twitched. Although he didn't know Chu Fengyun's true purpose, he still made him feel the conspiracy, and then the conversation changed:

"You said you know a headquarters of the Chu family, and you know their gaps?"

Wei ruthlessly nodded: "Yes, I received news that Apollo Garden is a headquarters of the Chu family, and it seems that Chu Zifeng is on it now."

Ye Tianlong asked again: "Then what is its gap?"

"After I knew that Apollo was the Chu headquarters, I sent someone to investigate."

A ray of light flashed in Wei Ruqing's eyes: "I found a hidden ladder to go up the cliff..."

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