Talented Genius

Chapter 2005: Reenactment

"Secret ladder?"

Hearing this sentence, Ye Tianlong was a little surprised. The Oriole and the others almost flattened the vicinity of Apollo Manor, but they never found the hidden ladder.

He believed in the standards of the Chetang and Feng Group, so he was puzzled by this ladder.

"This ladder was discovered by one of our scout masters."

Before Wei Ruqing could respond, Shen Manyun stood up, turned on a tablet, and called up a few photos:

"It is located in a corner behind the cliff. Although the rock wall is amazingly steep, there is a row of rusty iron ladders leading to the top of the mountain."

"It is difficult for ordinary people to see it with the naked eye, because its color blends with the cliff wall, and it cannot be recognized at all without leaning over."

Speaking of this, Shen Manyun had a trace of pride on his face, and seemed to be very satisfied with their scouts.

"This iron ladder has a five-centimeter handle every half a meter, and there are almost 1,000 from the sea to the top of the mountain."

Shen Manyun magnified the appearance of the handle: "Our people tested the hardness and load-bearing of the handle, and it can withstand a person of two hundred jin."

Wei Ruqing smiled and took the topic: "When I found such a hidden ladder, I thought about it and gave Chu Fengyun **** a hard blow."

"He attacked us twice in a row. If we don't give some color, I'm afraid he will think we are weak and deceiving."

"Ye Shao, you said, if you send a team of gunmen to touch it and shoot down at the Chu Family Manor, wouldn't it feel great?"

He seemed to see Chu Fengyun and a group of ghosts crying and howling.

Ye Tianlong stared at that ladder, and indeed there were nearly a thousand hands reaching the top of the mountain. If he could touch it from here, he would go straight to the Chu Palace.

It's just that Ye Tianlong always feels that this ladder is a bit weird, or why didn't the oriole find this ladder?

"Mr. Wei, give me a team."

At this time, Shen Manyun stood up: "I took them to touch them in the middle of the night, kill those bastards, and avenge the blood of last night."

Chen Yan and Jiang Li also echoed: "Yes, the opportunity is not to be missed, take advantage of the big fish in the manor, take it in one go, let them cry to death."

Wei Ruqing smiled, looked up at Ye Tianlong and asked, "Ye Shao, do you think this plan is feasible?"

Ye Tianlong thought about it for a while and said, "If there is no problem with this ladder, and the other party has no preparation, then it will indeed create good results if it touches."

"But if there are traps, going to the top of the mountain is equivalent to an adult's home target."

He gave his own conclusion: "I think it's better to consider the long-term."

Shen Manyun's voice sank: "Ye Shao, this ladder is so secretive, our scouts are extremely difficult to find, how can there be problems?"

"This is a good opportunity for us to breathe a nasty breath. If we miss this time, or the enemy thinks of this ladder, we have no chance."

"Mr. Wei, I think we must not let go of the opportunity."

She reminded: "Besides, let me lead the team, what do you have to worry about? Once you encounter a problem, I will evacuate in time."

Shen Manyun is a little bit against Ye Tianlong now, and seems to want to prove his value through this, not losing to Ye Tianlong's value.

"I suggest you wait a while and wait until I go back in the afternoon to take a look."

Ye Tianlong frowned, and wanted to go back and confront the oriole and the others: "At this time, safety is the top priority."

For Ye Tianlong, he must either stand still or be destroyed by thunder, but he can't take a gamble.

Wei Ruthless stopped Shen Manyun from speaking, and then nodded: "It makes sense."

"Okay, let's not talk about this, let's eat first."

Ye Tianlong took his gaze back from the photo, then touched his stomach and said: "I'm a little hungry, I will discuss it slowly after eating..."

Shen Manyun clenched his fist slightly, her pretty face was very unwilling, but in the end she fell silent...

After eating, Ye Tianlong did not talk to Wei Ruqing about the hidden ladder, but told him to send a few more people to investigate.

At 2 o'clock in the afternoon, Ye Tianlong left Longhu Villa. Shen Manyun looked at him and Miao Tiannu from the back, walked to Wei Wuqing and whispered:

"Mr. Wei, Ye Tianlong doesn't know how to cherish such a good opportunity, we can't waste it."

"If this battle is successful, it will not only let out a breath of malice, but it may also kill Chu Zifeng and other backbones."

"And don't forget, there is the gold that Chu has reserved over the years..."

She added the last sentence: "The principal is willing to take a risk."

Wei Wuqing's eyes lit up slightly, and then he still didn't speak, but walked to the map and pointed his finger at Chu Manor...

Forty minutes later, when he returned to the Moon Villa, he called Huang Quan and the others, and then opened a few photos given by Wei Wuqing:

"This is the information sent by the investigators of King Wei. They found a ladder that could climb the Chu Garden."

Ye Tianlong looked at the oriole: "Oriental, did you ignore this at the time?"

The oriole frowned slightly, then zoomed in on the handles that were almost integrated with the cliff: "We have been to this area three times."

"Although I didn't study it completely close to the cliff, I can be sure that there are no handles there, otherwise it is impossible not to be discovered by me."

"Even if Feng Zu and I have gone wrong, what is the significance of these handles?"

The oriole raised her own question: "Is it convenient for members of the Chu family to escape when they are attacked? Or is it used to train garden guards?"

"Also, these handles look rusty, but the structure is still intact. How can they keep the handles so good after years of wind and rain?"

Ye Tianlong also nodded: "I think so too. I always find this hidden ladder a bit strange."

Canshou also took the topic: "If this ladder is really a gap in the Chu family, using it to climb up to sneak attack, it will bring the ending we want."

"But if this ladder is a trap, we touch it as a turtle in the urn."

He added the last sentence: "The risk is too great. It is not recommended to use this hidden ladder."

Tian Mo and the others also nodded lightly, obviously not like actions that they could not fully control.

"I originally had a chance, wondering if this was a gap that the enemy had overlooked."

Ye Tianlong sat up slightly, "Listen to you, even if it is a gap, you can't move it. Okay, this ladder will disperse."

"Let's rethink the idea of ​​capturing the Chu Manor."

Zhehua came over with a cup of black tea, with a touch of distress on her face: "We have been thinking about it for many days, but there has been no way..."

"Ye Shao!"

At this moment, Miao Tiannu suddenly stood up and smiled: "Don't you think, this Chu Manor is almost the same as Taishu Manor?"

Ye Tianlong looked startled: "What do you mean?"

"The drama of Uncle Tai Manor's falling apart can also be performed in Chu Manor."

Miao Tiannu smiled more and more vigorously: "As long as Ye Shao makes a big bottle of'Old Godfather'."

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