Talented Genius

Chapter 2007: Greed

At 7 o'clock in the morning, at Moon Villa, Wei Ruqing walked in with an embarrassed face, and when he saw Ye Tianlong he half-kneeled on the ground:

"Ye Shao, I'm sorry, I didn't resist the temptation to let Shen Manyun and the others attack the Chu Family Garden at night."

Wei Wuqing's words were full of anxiety: "As a result... the whole army was wiped out."

Ye Tianlong was preparing the'old godfather' sauce in the dining room, and he didn't look back and said, "I told you yesterday, don't take risks."

"Chu Fengyun is now a vicious dog, whoever catches him will bite a piece of meat."

He hated iron and steel and sighed: "You don't listen, you just want to gamble."

"What Ye Shao taught is that I am greedy."

Wei ruthlessly revealed a sense of self-blame: "One is that he can't waste the hidden ladder, and the other is that he is confused by Chu's gold reserves."

"I heard that Chu Manor has 30,000 catties of gold..."

His eyes burst into light: "So when Shen Manyun was fooled, I was moved and acquiesced in their actions last night."

Ye Tianlong did not stop the work at hand, recording the ginger, onion, garlic and chili on a piece of paper, keeping the calm tone:

"In fact, your **** is only the second thing. The most important thing is that you don't cherish the lives of Shen Manyun and the others. You only regard them as chess pieces."

"In your heart, if Shen Manyun and the others succeed, you will make a lot of money, which can give Wei's strength three points."

"Shen Manyun and the others failed, you don't care much. Seventy to eighty lives, what matters to you?"

He debunked Wei Ruqing's thoughts: "Use nearly a hundred lives to vent your anger and gamble on 30,000 catties of gold reserves. In your eyes, this is very cost-effective."

Wei Wuqing's face changed slightly, and then he lowered his head and replied: "Ye Shao taught me that I am so lustful, and I really have no humanity."

"Ye Shao don't worry, I must reflect on it when I go back."

Wei Ruqing assured Ye Tianlong: "This kind of thing won't happen again next time."

"I hope you can really reflect."

Ye Tianlong said faintly: "In this world, you can't be beaten by one heart alone. What you want is a team of brothers and sisters working together."

"Actually, for me, the more profitable the Wei family is, the better it will be for me, but I still wake you up today."

Ye Tianlong threw a sentence: "Because I treat you as my own person, I can't bear to watch you fall into the pit without reaching out."

"Relentlessly understand."

Wei Wuqing was taken aback for a moment, then he slapped himself twice, slapped, and then straightened his chest: "Thank you, Shao Ye for reminding."

Ye Tianlong sighed softly, "Forget it, it doesn't make much sense to tell you this. What can you do for me today?"

"I came here to tell Ye Shao about the current situation of Apollo Manor."

Wei Ruqing hurriedly took the topic: "Last night Shen Manyun and the others attacked a total of 75 people, 72 people were killed, and Shen Manyun's three daughters were injured and captured."

"They are equipped with cameras, so they can see the whole story of the war last night."

"I brought these clips here today to see if Ye Shao needs it. It shows that the snake, the tiger, and the holy fire are all there."

He added: "However, Chu Fengyun was nowhere to be seen, nor did he see Bo Chu who is in the Apollo Manor."

Ye Tianlong tilted his head slightly: "Red Arrow, see if there is any clue in the video."

The red arrow in the corner of the hall, while sucking the warm milk tea, walked over to take the memory stick, and then typed it into the computer to check...

Wei Wuqing looked at Ye Tianlong: "Ye Shao, we really can't clean up Chu Zifeng and the others?"

"Apollo Manor not only has several big fish, but also 30,000 catties of gold. If you win it, you will definitely be angry with Chu Fengyun."

Although he didn't care about the life and death of Shen Manyun and the others, he still couldn't bear being stepped on by the Chu family.

Ye Tianlong smiled and replied: "Of course there is a way."

Wei Wuqing smiled with joy: "What way?"

Ye Tianlong asked: "Wang Wei, are you absolutely loyal to me?"

Wei Wuqing was taken aback for a moment, then straightened his body and replied loudly: "The world is a lesson, I am absolutely loyal to Ye Shao."

"Swords and flames, you will die."

Ye Tianlong closed the jar and then shook it twice: "Very well, you have this loyalty. I am very satisfied. I will give you a task now."

Wei Ruqing held his head up tall: "Ye Shao orders!"

Ye Tianlong asked people to take a steamed bun from the kitchen: "At six o'clock this evening, you will bring a hundred dead men into the Apollo Manor for me."

Wei Wuqing was stunned when he heard the words. He didn't seem to think about it, and then took the topic:

"Ye Shao, I'm willing to enter the manor, but there is nothing but gold, not to mention a hundred people, even a thousand people can't get in."

He stared at Ye Tianlong and said, "I am not afraid of taking the lead or dying halfway, but I am afraid of disrupting Ye Shao's plan."

Ye Tianlong's eyes were cold: "Don't talk nonsense, I will ask you, will you enter the manor at six o'clock in the evening?"

Wei Ruqing moved the corners of his mouth, and then replied loudly, "Yes."

"Very well, you will go back later and gather a hundred dead soldiers for me, and then wait for my instructions to arrive at the attack site."

Ye Tianlong stepped forward and patted Wei Ruqing and said, "Don't worry, I'm different from you. I let you take the lead, but it doesn't mean that you will be cannon fodder."

Wei Ruqing's eyelids twitched: "Understand, I must try my best to enter the manor."

Ye Tianlong scooped a spoonful of sauce, then put it on the steamed bun, and handed it to Wei Wuqing to speak:

"This steamed bun, it's my kindness. I wish King Wei you will win every battle tonight and catch Chu Zifeng alive."

Wei Ruqing took the steamed bun subconsciously: "Xie Ye Shao."

After that, Wei Ruqing turned around and went out, his expression a little solemn, unable to figure out Ye Tianlong's attack tonight, it was completely to send him and Wei to death.

But he also knew that he had no choice at all, and he had a forcibly attacked at six o'clock in the evening, and he still had a chance to survive.

If he didn't agree to Ye Tianlong, he wouldn't even be able to get out of the gate.

Long fate!

Wei Ruqing gave a wry smile, then took a look at the bun. He wanted to throw it away and was worried about being seen by Ye Tianlong, so he immediately took a bite in his mouth.

At this entrance, the taste buds were completely conquered by the taste of the sauce.

"How could this be steamed buns, how can steamed buns be so delicious?"

The moment the steamed bun covered in sauce entered the abdomen, this paragraph blurted out of Wei's ruthless mouth.

What is melting in the mouth, what is salivating, Wei Wuqing had an understanding at this moment.

His countless admirations were all shocked into an expression of exclamation, and then he gobbled up the buns in his hand, and subconsciously looked at the hall...

Obviously I want to have a few more...

Looking at Wei Ruthless Ye Tianlong through the window, he raised a faint smile when he saw it, and then faintly said:

"Prepare for war."

Behind them, Miao Tiannu, oriole, and Canshou stood up at the same time: "Prepare for war."

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