Talented Genius

Chapter 2008: Killer bee

Chu Gongming was the purchaser of Apollo Garden. He would go down the mountain to purchase every three days to ensure the daily diet of more than 500 people.

He always deals with rice merchants and meat merchants personally. In addition to ensuring the safety of food, he also collects a little rebate.

Five hundred people, one hundred food per capita, 20 million in and out a year, just a little bit on the card, a year more than one million in income.

Today, as always, he came to the cooperative butcher shop market, directly let his subordinates load three thousand catties of pork, and then walked into the lounge to drink tea by himself.

The boss of the butcher shop made tea for Chu Gongming while secretly giving him a big red envelope, and then asked enthusiastically:

"Brother Ming, did you have breakfast? Let's have some together?"

He personally brought a tray with a large plate of stir-fried rice noodles and a large plate of stir-fried pork offal, which was delicious in color, flavor, and flavor.

Chu Gongming originally wanted to refuse, he had already eaten a few steamed buns and soy milk, but he smelled the scent of rice noodles and pig offal, and his appetite was greatly appetite.

That feeling is like taking drugs and smelling white powder.

"It's pretty good."

Chu Gongming was not polite with the boss either. He picked up his chopsticks and put a piece of pork liver into his mouth: "Lao Zhu, your level is much higher..."

The pig liver was stuffed into his mouth. Before he could finish his words, Chu Gongming was taken aback, unable to believe the taste in his mouth.

Does this taste too good?

Afterwards, he hit a sharp spirit, chewed hard, swallowed it, closed his eyes and exhaled deeply, and said sincerely:

"It's so delicious! It's so delicious!"

Then, he didn't have any nonsense. He picked up his chopsticks and ate quickly. The more he ate, the happier he ate, and the faster he ate, he swept out two plates in an instant.

Chu Gongming had a round belly, but he still looked unsatisfied. He looked up at the boss who didn't eat a bite and shouted:

"Lao Zhu, who made this pork offal and fried rice noodles?"

The boss looked depressed: "Who else? I chant." Then he smiled bitterly: "Brother Ming, you haven't eaten in a few days, so hungry?"

"You made it? I have eaten the food you made several times. It has never been so delicious."

Chu Gongming licked his lips: "Honestly, what did you put in this dish, so delicious?"

"It's the sauce my cousin sent from the country. It's been more than a week."

The boss smiled and replied: "I think it will expire if you don't eat it anymore, so I will fry something and eat it today, why? Is it delicious? I haven't tried it yet..."

He went to the kitchen and took out a large bottle of "Old Godfather"...

"any left?"

Chu Gongming snatched the "old godfather", opened it and smelled it hard, and took a clean chopsticks to taste a bit. After eating, he was happy:

"If you have any, bring it out to me."

The boss replied: "Just this bottle. I rarely eat sauce, so I don't send much. If you want, I will ask him to send some."

Chu Gongming happily shouted: "Send! Let him post immediately! Send as many as there are!"

"I received one thousand yuan a bottle, and I can only sell it to me, sell to others, I will not cooperate with you immediately."

He also threw the red envelope back: "This red envelope is considered a deposit. Tell you uncle cousin, send it all to me, and then make more."

The boss was stunned for a moment: "Brother Ming, are you kidding me? You collect this country stuff for 1,000 yuan? It's so delicious, I'll try it..."

"Don't try it."

Chu Gongming hugged the jar, worried that the boss would not sell it after tasting it: "Hurry up and ask my uncle to send it over, the sooner the better."

"I will come back to you the day after tomorrow for five thousand catties of pork. I hope to see these sauces by then."

Chu Gongming simply and neatly struck an agreement with the boss: "That's it, one thousand yuan a bottle, only allowed to sell to me."

Boss Zhu smiled: "Okay, I will let him send it right away."

Two hours later, Chu Gongming returned to the Chu Garden. He went straight to the manor kitchen when the rice meat and other things were slowly detected by professionals.

He found the eldest brother Chu Gongyi, who was the chef, muttered a secret, and then revealed the bottle of old godfather:


Chu Gongyi initially looked unbelievable, and immediately shocked after tasting, and then ate three bites. If Chu Gongming did not grab it quickly, he was afraid that he would continue to eat.

Then, Chu Zheng asked the manor professionals to test the ingredients of the old godfather and at the same time test whether it contains toxins.

After confirming that there was no toxin, at noon that day, Chu Zhengyi personally headed the cook, frying ten large pots of dishes, all adding a spoonful of ‘old godfather’ sauce.

An hour later, the entire manor boiled. The guard who had not had much appetite for the food in the cafeteria, was completely excited after eating the dishes cooked by Chu Zhengyi.

Countless people lined up for the dishes cooked by Chu and even added money to get a portion...

At this moment, at the foot of the Apollo Manor, Ye Tianlong leaned in the RV, listening to the noise from the top of the mountain, a smile was drawn from the corner of his mouth.

"Ye Shao, listening to the movement inside, it is probably the old godfather who excited them."

The oriole stared at the top of the mountain: "It's just more than 500 people, such a bottle of old godfather, can you turn them all over?"

Ye Tianlong shook his head lightly: "Apollo Manor is not only one of Chu's headquarters, it also involves 30,000 catties of gold."

"The Chu family is doing dark business and making a fortune. Its experience of poisoning people is ten times richer than ours."

"So in addition to strict precautions, it also has seven inspection procedures for food."

"It's all checked by virus experts and advanced instruments."

Ye Tianlong smiled: "In other words, it is impossible to harm Chu Zifeng and others by poisoning rice or old godfather."

Although Wei Wuqing is eager for quick success, a lot of information is still valuable.

"Then what are you doing so hard to send the old godfather to them? Exciting them and neglecting to defend?"

Canshou also asked softly: "But how did I see it, each level is still highly guarded, and even an extra machine gun."

"The old godfather cannot be poisoned, but some attractants can be put in."

Ye Tianlong smiled: "After eating it, the body will emit a little smell, and this smell is enough for the old Miao's pet to work."

After speaking, he made a gesture.


With this gesture, the three caravans behind opened the door, and eighteen men and women in black robes got out and put a basket of beans into the woods.

The beans rolled to the ground, very beautiful.

They took out a bottle from their arms, and then sprinkled liquids of various colors on the beans without forgetting to say something.

Half an hour later, the eighteen men and women in black robes stopped moving and stepped back together.

At this time, Miao Tiannu got out of the car and took out a bottle, poured some powder from it, and sprinkled it on the beans.


In the astonishment of the oriole and Canshou, the beans rattle like chestnuts, and then the beans turn into insects.

There are eyes, a nose, zebra prints on the body, ugly, with wings, and grows slowly at the speed of the naked eye...


Canshou, they were stunned, the oriole could not restrain the upsurge of stomach acid when they thought that they had bitten the "Golden Bean"...

"Mani Mani..."

When Ye Tianlong watched all this quietly, Miao Tiannu muttered something, and then screamed: "Get up!"

Eighteen kinds of flying insects of different colors, following Miao Tiannu's instructions, fluttered with a bang, and went straight to the top of the high mountain...

Under the sun, these flying insects are very beautiful, but a needle at the end flashes a cold light, which makes people feel inexplicably killing intent...

Di Kuangtian couldn't stop squinting his eyes:

"The Zombie Killer Bee, it seems that Tiannu Daoxing has gone a bit deeper..."

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