Talented Genius

Chapter 2015: Help you up

Chu Zifeng and more than 20 members of the Chu family surrendered, and more than 20 mercenaries also knelt on the ground, but they were unwilling to surrender their weapons.

These mercenaries asked Ye Tianlong to let them go. In return, they would not avenge the snake, the tiger, and the holy fire.

Ye Tianlong knows that mercenaries are only for profit, knowing that they will not work for worthless people, especially those who have died.

So he happily agreed to give the mercenaries a living, but Ye Tianlong added a condition, that is, to defeat the Chu elite who came to rescue.

To this end, Ye Tianlong is also willing to give them one hundred thousand dollars each.

Twenty-odd mercenaries readily agreed. Just a few hundred of the Chu's reinforcements arrived at the foot of the mountain, and they took up their weapons and went down the mountain to snipe the hundreds of people.

The mercenary's marksmanship is accurate and the firepower is strong, but the Chu's reinforcements are also elite, and each savior is eager, so the conflict is fierce.

This battle can be described as a river of blood and **** on earth.

Twenty-five mercenaries hit only three wounded, and Chu’s reinforcements fell down almost two hundred people and had to evacuate the foot of the manor.

Zhehua led the Golden Warrior to take advantage of the victory and defeat the 200 evacuated people again, completely dismantling the Chu family's intention to rescue Chu Zifeng.

Canshou gave three mercenaries one hundred thousand U.S. dollars, and all of them were green cash. Ye Tianlong released them as promised and returned the money.

As for whether they can go back safely with a large bag of banknotes...

While defeating the elite of the Chu family, Ye Tianlong was sitting on the big round table of the Crescent Villa, drinking English afternoon tea leisurely.

Opposite him, sitting with a pale face, Chu Zifeng, the general situation is gone, the heart is mostly dead, and the look of incomparable past is never returned.

Today, not only the entire manor was lost, but three mercenary leaders died, and even the hundreds of members of the Chu family in Malaysia were maimed.

Chu Zifeng knew that he no longer had a foothold in the Chu clan, and he might even be used by his father to appease the high-level Chu clan.

"Young Master Chu, congratulations, you survived."

Ye Tianlong smiled: "Perhaps you think you are a failure, but you are still alive after all. It is much better than the dead, so don't be bitter."

Chu Zifeng slowly raised his head. There was a lot of unwillingness and aggrievedness. He wanted to yell a few times but finally held back. What if the loser is unwilling?

"The winner is the king and the loser, Ye Tianlong, I will admit it today. If I want to kill or kill, I will do whatever you want."

A flash of arrogance shot into Chu Zifeng's eyes: "I just hope you will leave me with some dignity so that I can die decently."

"Keep some dignity? Do you think that losers have dignity?"

Ye Tianlong took a sip of black tea: "Yue Wang Goujian is also considered a monarch. If he failed, he didn't wash the toilet and was thrown mud."

"You want to die with dignity, don't you laugh."

Ye Tianlong slapped and said, "I won't give you anything decent."

Chu Zifeng's face changed drastically: "Then what do you want? Torture me to satisfy your abnormal psychology? So that you can show off better in front of Han Jing?"

Ye Tianlong took a teacup and poured a cup of tea for Chu Zifeng: "Since ancient times, all dignity and dignity have to be won by themselves."

"Either you are strong, or you can trade things out."

Ye Tianlong reminded: "I have stepped on your strength, and now the rest depends on whether you have sincerely exchanged it."

Chu Zifeng's voice sank: "What do you want to do? Want me to betray my father or the Chu family? I tell you, there is no way, and I will not bow my head when I die."

"I won't bow my head even if I die."

Ye Tianlong sneered: "If you are really not afraid of death, you didn't kneel down just now, but charged to death with the snake."

"You chose to kneel down, indicating that you want to live. This is more important than your face, dignity and family."

Ye Tianlong attacked Chu Zifeng unceremoniously: "I will give you a knife now, and you won't wipe your neck."

Chu Zifeng's expression was ugly for a moment, and then he uttered, "Ye Tianlong, you humiliate me."

Ye Tianlong pushed the tea in front of him: "I didn't humiliate you, just to help you see your heart and let you know what you think."

"Young Master Chu, everyone is smart, so don't go around in circles."

"Everything I want you to know, there are also 30,000 catties of gold reserves, and your father's current whereabouts."

Chu Zifeng wanted to speak, but Ye Tianlong stretched out his hand to stop him: "Don't refuse abruptly, I haven't said a word."

"Your trip to the heavenly capital failed, and today you lost Apollo Manor and Chu's gold reserves. You are already a sinner in Chu's family."

"Losing thirty thousand catties of gold...you can't turn over at all."

"I just don't kill you, let you go back, you won't have a good home, the position is probably not even comparable to your sister."

Ye Tianlong reminded Chu Zifeng: "Even though you are a young and old Chu family, the interests of the Chu family always come first."

Chu Zifeng's expression was slightly stiff, and there was still a touch of struggle in his eyes. There was no doubt that this was a problem that worries him.

"I told you those things, wouldn't it be even more insecure?"

Chu Zifeng ridiculed himself: "By then, he will not be a sinner, but a traitor."

"How can you be a traitor when you give me the golden ones?"

Ye Tianlong smiled and walked to Chu Zifeng's side and patted him on the shoulder: "That's a gift to the new master of Tianmen."

"I will treat these gold and valuable clues as your gift to my superiors."

"I will also favor you because of this, and make you the new King of Chu."

"You said, you are the new King of Chu, who would dare to say that you are half-wordless?"

Ye Tianlong's smile is very playful: "To resist you is to resist me, to resist Tianmen, that is, a traitor."

When Chu Zifeng heard this sentence, his right hand shook, most of the tea poured out, his fingers were hot and red but he didn't care, but he looked at Ye Tianlong in shock:

"what did you say?"

Ye Tianlong said softly: "I said, I think your father is not pleasing to the eye. He should retire. I think you are suitable for the position of King Chu."

Chu Zifeng's eyelids jumped and he looked at Ye Tianlong with complicated eyes. He didn't expect that he would throw such a temptation.

Chu Zifeng, who thought that he would have to peel off his skin if he didn't die, was full of feelings in his heart, knowing that Ye Tianlong had a plan, but he couldn't suppress that heartbeat.

There is no need to die, no torture, and to be the king of Chu appointed by Ye Tianlong in advance, and most importantly, there is no need to kill his father to replace him.

Chu Zifeng felt his breathing was short.

"Ye Shao, Wang Wei is here."

At this moment, Canshou walked in from the outside and said respectfully: "He wants to see you."

Ye Tianlong smiled faintly: "Young Master Chu said it's okay. King Wei knows that you have 30,000 catties of gold, and naturally knows where they are hidden."

"Rather than supporting your superior King Chu, it's better to give King Wei a cost of five thousand catties."

He waved to Canshou: "Let Wang Wei come in."

"Wait a minute!"

Chu Zifeng bit his lip and said, "I will take you to the vault."

Ye Tianlong smiled sideways: "Thank you Chu Wang for leading the way."

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