Talented Genius

Chapter 2016: treasury

"Slashing the Tiger, the Holy Fire, the Black Wing, and the Long Snake are the mercenary forces my father has collected."

"A week ago, he handed over these four powers to me for the purpose of hoping that I would deal with the Six Kings."

Chu Zifeng took the key from the study and took Ye Tianlong to the vault. On the way, he informed Ye Tianlong of what he knew:

"The Tianmen Conference is imminent, and my father knows that the situation is critical. Once you are given the position, the Chu family will be destroyed."

"So I want to kill the six kings or take a heavy hit, so that the number of people does not meet the Tianmen regulations, delay or cancel."

"After the King Qi and the others were attacked, they became very simple, and they often set smoke bombs on their whereabouts. I am not very happy to move them."

"When I heard that Wei Ruqing had come to Malaysia, I let Black Wing and the others start, hoping that killing Wei Ruqing would save you one card, but unfortunately it failed."

"As for my dad, he also came to Malaysia a few days ago and stayed at Apollo for one night, but he flew away the next morning."

"I don't know where to go and what to do. He has never liked me to talk too much."

There was helplessness on Chu Zifeng's face: "He also took away all the helicopters. This is because you attacked today and I couldn't run away by helicopter."

Ye Tianlong's eyes condensed into a light: "Take all the helicopters?"

Chu Zifeng let out a long breath and nodded directly:

"Yes, we originally had six helicopters. Although they were all marked for civilian use, they were all equipped with weapons. Two of them had artillery shells."

"I originally wanted my dad to keep two for me, but he said he needed it, so I didn't insist on it anymore."

"And when he left, he took away the old minister Chu Bo who guarded the manor and sixty black warriors, reducing the manor's combat effectiveness by 20%."

Having said this, there is a trace of resentment in his heart. If his father hadn't driven away all the helicopters, he might not have lost so badly today.

Even, he might not lose...

With this, Chu Zifeng started to feel at ease about the current betrayal.

Ye Tianlong suddenly asked: "Do you know the Tomahawk pirates in Ma Bajia?"

Chu Zifeng was taken aback for a moment: "Pirates? I don't know them. I rarely interact with these people. These four mercenaries are also given to me by my father."

Ye Tianlong glanced at Chu Zifeng and recognized that the other party was not lying. He really didn't know pirates like that.

"It seems that your father has a bigger plan."

"Otherwise, why would you take away the guard general and sixty black warriors?"

Ye Tianlong kept calm and asked, "You are his son, you said, what would he do with these people?"

Chu Zifeng shook his head slightly: "I don't know, why is his mind so easy to guess?"

"But it should be related to the Tianmen Conference. The meeting will be held the day after tomorrow. It is a thorn in his heart, and his mind is all about preventing you from taking the lead."

"He wants me to lead four mercenaries to attack and kill the Six Kings with all their strength. If I have no effect, then he will personally deal with you at the last minute."

Chu Zifeng said everything he knew. Although he would be guilty to betray his father and the family, it was much better than sitting on a cold bench for a lifetime.

He can no longer rely on the Chu Clan for his future life, he can only pin his hopes on Ye Tianlong.

"To deal with me at the last minute, it seems that your father is really emboldened."

A smile appeared at the corner of Ye Tianlong's mouth: "Can you contact your father now?"

Chu Zifeng shook his head bitterly: "I couldn't get in touch. I called him and Uncle Chu when I was in the study, but they were all turned off."

"It is estimated that he has important actions to do, so he does not contact unrelated personnel."

He bit his lip slightly: "He is very suspicious, and he is used to only believing in himself, especially important actions, without letting us know at all."

Ye Tianlong joked: "This habit is good, this is not, if you know what he is going to do, I know now?"

Chu Zifeng's face sank, and he didn't speak again, seeming to be dissatisfied with Ye Tianlong's banter.

Ye Tianlong remembered something: "You deal with the six kings, your father dealt with me, the division of labor is quite detailed, but I want to know, how do you deal with the six kings?"

Chu Zifeng hesitated to express his plan: "On the 8th, you go to the Emperor Island for a meeting, and you will usually enter from Malaysia, Singapore, or the Philippines."

"My original plan was to let Long Snake and the others lead a team to wait in the three countries. They will be distributed in airports, docks and the sea."

"As long as the Six Kings appear, I don't hesitate to start."

"A team of thirty people, each with a sniper rifle and a grenade, even if you can't kill all of the six kings, you can turn over two or three."

"It's a pity that I met you, otherwise Wei Ruqing is dead."

Chu Zifeng sighed that people are not as good as the sky. If it were not for the evil star Ye Tianlong, he would be able to make a huge contribution this time.

Ye Tianlong smiled: "The plan is good, and you will show more in the future. I hope you can secure the position of King Chu."

"If I am in the position of King Chu, I hope you don't have an operation on me in a few days."

Chu Zifeng was worried that Ye Tianlong would clean up his Tianmen black spot: "How about letting me change the business of the Chu family?"

Ye Tianlong nodded gently: "Yes, as long as you are loyal enough, I will give you the power and time, and give you a year of rectification."

When Chu Zifeng heard this sentence, he completely let go of his heart. Although cutting off the Chu family's dark business is a lot less money, it is good to survive.

"Don't worry, I have a sense of measure."

While talking, a group of people came to the basement, passed a long corridor, opened four checkpoints, and came to a door guarded by a heavy steel door.

Tian Mo and Canshou hurriedly opened the cut power grid and protected them from Ye Tianlong's body so as to prevent hidden weapons from flying over.

Chu Zifeng got out and said directly: "Don't worry, there is no mechanism."

Ye Tianlong frowned: "Is the vault so simple?"

"You'll find out later."

Chu Zifeng pressed a brick on the side, the brick fell in, and then stretched out a tablet computer.

When Tianmo held the knife and stared at Chu Zifeng's movements, Chu Zifeng entered the password, entered the palm print, and then turned his eyes again...


After Chu Zifeng's operation, with a loud rasping sound, the huge steel gate of the vault slowly opened upward.

When the huge steel gate was fully opened, a blast of air flowed out, and then a few flashes of light flashed.

The sudden ray of light made Ye Tianlong's eyes narrowed subconsciously, and Tian Mo and Canshou also tilted their heads to avoid the intense light.

Everyone blinked a few times quickly and slowly adjusted to the light of the vault, and then walked into the vault.

At the entrance, there is a steel staircase similar to a staircase. Going up is a small balcony, and then there is a door that blocks everyone.

Chu Zifeng entered the password and pressed his palm print.


With a crisp sound, the last door opened.

The contents of the entire vault were all presented in front of Ye Tianlong and the others.

After Ye Tianlong saw the scene inside the vault clearly, he immediately took a breath, and within his eyes, the pupils contracted sharply.

So shocking!

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