Talented Genius

Chapter 2017: The perfect gift (six more)

It's really shocking!

Although Ye Tianlong had imagined the appearance of the vault a long time ago, he also imagined the appearance of 30,000 catties of gold.

But when he stood on a high platform and saw all this in front of him, the excitement and shock in his heart could only be described as incomparable.

Under the shining of the lights, a warehouse with a diameter far exceeding the standard basketball court appeared in front of you. The walls were all special stones that were moisture-proof, waterproof and insect-proof.

In the middle of the warehouse, there are seven magnificent pyramids, each with eighteen stories, two stories high, and a base of about 20 square meters.

One is already very eye-catching, and seven is even more stunned.

The country of Egypt is built with bricks, and the warehouse pyramid is made of gold, and each layer of these pyramids is glued together and cannot be separated.

Ye Tianlong looked at these pyramids, his blood boiled instantly, and he wanted to find an axe to chop them all and take them home.

If these pyramids are used as gifts, Ye Tianlong believes that few people can hold this sugar-coated cannonball, and many people will be blinded.

"The 30,000 catties of gold that Wang Wei said was a few years ago."

Chu Zifeng introduced: "Here are seven pyramids, one is ten tons, and seven are seventy tons."

"That is seventy thousand catties."

"Each building uses a high-tech code lock, so that each floor is stuck together, just like a house without nails."

"If you want to remove them or move them away, you can only enter the password on it and let each layer automatically open the card lock before you can remove it by hand."

"You have to split it into eighteen layers before you can take away the gold."

"If you don't have a password to open the lock, let alone the treasury checkpoints, if you let go, you will not be able to move it easily."

Not to mention those cars that can't carry the weight of a pyramid, even the door of this vault can't go out, how to steal?

At that time, only the most primitive method can be used to turn this place into a gold melting site, and it will take a year or two to process the gold.

Ye Tianlong asked: "Do you know the password of the pyramid?"

Chu Zifeng asked with a wry smile: "Do you think I might know?"

"This is my father's most reliable family background, and it is also the Chu family's reserve. No matter how chaotic the world is, with these seven pyramids, the Chu family can live well."

He sighed softly: "For such an important thing, only my father knows the password. It's not bad that I can open this library door."

Ye Tianlong looked at these pyramids and sighed: "Your father is really a good method."

This is not only Chu Fengyun's gold reserve, but also Chu Fengyun's amulet. The members of the Chu family have to weigh on his password.

"Ye Shao, the treasury is here."

Chu Zifeng exhaled a long breath: "Whether you can take it depends on your ability. I can't get it out."

"Perhaps when you see my dad during a meeting, you can ask."

Chu Zifeng added the last sentence: "I heard that this card lock was designed by the world's top master, and the password protection system is also very complicated."

Ye Tianlong stepped forward to touch the cold gold, then looked at the high-tech card lock, a smile flashed in his eyes:

"Your father is really prudent in doing things. For ordinary people, this pyramid is indeed gold that can't be seen and spent."

"But for me, it's just spent money."

Ye Tianlong turned his head and looked at Canshou: "Set up a small room here, and then let Red Arrow come over to break the card lock."

Canshou nodded: "Understand."

When Chu Zifeng was surprised that Ye Tianlong had a master, a call came in, Ye Tianlong glanced at the number, and then went outside to answer it.

"Ye Shao!"

Ye Tianlong heard Bailihua's voice quickly: "Black Widow and they will leave for the new city tomorrow, and then go straight to Emperor Island in the morning on the 8th."

"it is good!"

Ye Tianlong nodded: "You remind them that they must pay attention to safety. Although Chu Zifeng was taken by me, Chu Fengyun lost contact."

"It's a critical juncture. No one knows what he will do, so Mr. Dai and the others must be careful."

Bailihua took the topic: "Understood."

Then she changed the conversation: "Ye Shao, we received two news, one is that three Tomahawk members went to the Black Triangle to recruit a group of bounty hunters."

"Zhao Wenguang said that several bounty hunter bars in the Black Triangle were empty, and at least a hundred people were recruited by the Tomahawk members."

Ye Tianlong's eyes narrowed slightly: "Although pirates will also supplement personnel, they are basically localized."

"One is that it is easy to manage, and the other is that if you don't worry about undercover, how can you go to the black triangle to recruit people? And also recruit so many at once?"

"I haven't heard of Tomahawk being besieged recently."

He exhaled a long breath: "Is it related to Chu Fengyun?"

Bailihua nodded: "I told you about it because of this guess. You said that Chu Fengyun went to meet Tomahawk a few days ago."

"After he saw the Tomahawk, the Tomahawk recruited people, and with so many people, I have to suspect that there is a three-party involvement."

She sighed faintly: "It's just that there is no direct evidence now."

Ye Tianlong glanced at the red arrow coming forward, nodded and greeted, and then spoke to the phone: "What's the second thing?"

Bailihua responded: "The three major arms dealers in Malaysia and Xincheng bought a large amount of arms from abroad a week ago, worth almost 200 million."

"But today they announced that they are all out of stock, and they will also go to North America to rest for half a month."

Ye Tianlong's heart moved: "Who is the buyer?"

Bailihua shook her head slightly: "I don't know, no one knows. The three major arms dealers haven't leaked them, and they are all flying to North America in the morning."

Although there is one clue in the east and the other in the west, at first glance, Bailihua can still capture the connection.

"A large number of gunmen in the Black Triangle were invited away, and the three arms dealers in Malaysia and Xincheng sold out their goods..."

Ye Tianlong raised a smile: "The former was invited away by pirates in Malacca, and the latter is an arms dealer in Malacca. Things are getting more and more interesting."

Bailihua whispered: "Ye Shao, I am worried that King Chu will jump over the wall in a hurry, you must be careful..."

"I understand, I will be prepared."

Ye Tianlong quickly passed the information: "This conference, I won't let it change at all."

After hanging up Bailihua's call, Ye Tianlong read a few more emails, and then asked people to find the base camp of the "Tomahawk Pirates".


As soon as the message was sent out, I heard a loud sound from the vault, just like a slot machine winning, and then I heard Chu Zifeng yell:

"Oh my God, opened it? Oh my God, opened it!"

Ye Tianlong swiftly rushed to the door of the vault and climbed to the high platform. He suddenly saw the red arrow beating continuously with the computer.

And the first pyramid, the eighteen layers of gold, opened just like peeling an onion, with one layer shining and one layer more exciting.

"What a perfect gift..."

Ye Tianlong smiled more vigorously than ever before, and then issued an instruction to Canshou:

"This one is loaded and sent to Yanshan Island..."

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