Talented Genius

Chapter 2018: Give up

When Canshou and Hongjian loaded the first pyramid to Yanshan Island, Ye Tianlong and Chu Zifeng also came out of the underground vault.

Ye Tianlong didn't even leave anyone to guard, he just closed the steel doors. He believed that without a talent like Red Arrow to unlock it, no one could move it away.

Chu Zifeng was completely defeated by Ye Tianlong, and the unshakable pyramid was broken like a game by Red Arrow.

Although the first pyramid was cast a long time ago and the card lock setting is a bit simpler, it is not easy for hackers to fix it.

At least Chu Zifeng couldn't unlock the first pyramid, so it was so easy to see Red Arrow, and it was hard to speak in shock.

This also made him think that Ye Tianlong might be a good choice.

Just thinking of giving away the ten tons of gold that had been removed, Chu Zifeng felt a faint pain in his heart, even if this lot of gold had nothing to do with him.

Halfway through, Chu Zifeng couldn't hold back, and said softly: "Ye Shao, I am a little puzzled."

"Why are you giving Wengsha such a thick gift?"

"Although he is the top general in Malaysia, the Chu family once wanted to win him over, but ten tons of gold as a gift, more than 3 billion..."

Chu Zifeng couldn't help but exclaimed, "Will this handwriting be too big?"

Ye Tianlong seemed to guess his entanglement, and a smile flashed across his eyes: "Young Master Chu, don't just look at the surface when looking at the problem, but look a little deeper."

"One ton of gold is worth 300 million, and 70 tons of gold is worth 21 billion, but if you measure this lot of gold purely by money, you are wrong."

"It is not only its market value, it is also a global strategic resource, and it is also the confidence of a country to maintain financial order."

"This batch of gold is worth 21 billion yuan, but I will give you 40 billion. You can't buy 70 tons of gold in one year."

"Even you incur a murderous disaster in a large-scale acquisition."

When Chu Zifeng's body shook, Ye Tianlong added: "Do you know how much gold reserves the entire country has? Thirty-five tons."

"Think about it. In Malaysia's national treasury, only 35 tons of gold are stacked, and there are a full 70 tons of gold. What is this behavior?"

"Malaysia can buckle a threat to the country at any time and confiscate all our 70 tons of gold unconditionally."

He pointed out the pros and cons: "Better, I'll give you five hundred yuan and a pennant. If it's worse, shoot them all on the spot."

Chu Zifeng was in a cold sweat, but Ye Tianlong's thoughts were recovered from the value of gold, and he saw another dangerous side of it.

Ye Tianlong sighed: "Your father can gather 70 tons of gold. I am afraid it is the result of ten years, and the manpower and material resources are unimaginable."

"He dared to hide in the Apollo Garden, and he must have managed the official relationship."

"That's why seventy tons of gold can be safe and risk-free these years."

He showed a hint of appreciation for Chu Fengyun. This guy is indeed a character, and the gold reserves of a family can sling two hundred countries.

Then Ye Tianlong turned around: "It's just that you have to see that there is no risk in gold in your father's hands."

"But now it falls into our hands. If he sue the officer cruelly, we will be in danger, so we must quickly find a backer."

Ye Tianlong's eyes became deep: "Otherwise, not only will he not be able to digest the gold, he will be killed by the country on the spot."

Chu Zifeng nodded: "So sending a pyramid to Wengsha is equivalent to buying protective clothing. If the official wants to move, we must weigh Wengsha's attitude?"

Ye Tianlong chuckled, "Yes, only by launching Weng Shala into the water, the risk of this batch of gold will be reduced by half."

Chu Zifeng exhaled a long breath. Although he was instinctively resistant to Ye Tianlong, he had to admit that he thought the problem was more profound than himself.

A gleam of light flashed in Ye Tianlong's eyes, and Laonsha's entry into the water was only a clear intention. He had deeper thoughts, but he couldn't say it.

While talking, the two walked back to Crescent Villa.

At this moment, the entire manor has been cleaned up, the Killer Bee was also taken back by Miao Tiannu, and the eight villas have been restored to peace one after another, with two points less bloody.

And the dining room of the Crescent Villa is also equipped with four dishes, one soup and two bottles of expensive red wine.

Ye Tianlong was about to invite Chu Zifeng to dinner, Zhehua walked in: "Ye Shao, Wang Wei has been here for a while, do you want to see him?"

Ye Tianlong smiled faintly: "How many people did he bring to Apollo Garden?"

Zhehua's voice was low: "A total of two hundred, one hundred and fifty gunmen, fifty masters who look extraordinary, the quality is far beyond Shen Manyun's."

"There are guns, grenades, and the firepower is no less than Apollo Manor."

He told Ye Tianlong what he saw: "Wei Wuqing is protected by three great monks."

"These great monks look unremarkable, but I can feel the surging power contained in them."

Zhehua smiled and added: "The king of Wei has lost his blood."

When Chu Zifeng heard these words, he subconsciously took the topic:

"Father once said that King Qin is deep, King Yan is violent, King Qi is arrogant, King Wei is cunning, King Han loves sex, and King Wei is fickle."

"Furthermore, Wei Ruqing likes to go slant with the sword. Compared with the other six kings, he prefers to play spies and doormen."

"He also likes to make friends with so-called'strange people and strangers', so it's not uncommon to see outsiders around him."

"It's just that these people he has made friends with, 80% of them are the scum of the various big sects, because Wang Wei feels that the scum of the scum can only work for himself."

Chu Zifeng commented on Wei Ruqing: "Father said that King Wei had regarded himself as the Lord Xinling."

Ye Tianlong raised a smile: "The analysis is very accurate. Wei Wang is a person who likes to hunt for strange things. Zhehua, let someone bring him in."

Zhehua nodded and waved to invite Wei Ruqing to come in.

It didn't take long before Wei Ruqing walked into the villa quickly, with an indescribable daze on his face, completely puzzled by what he saw along the way.

In order to be able to break the Apollo Manor and protect himself, Wei Ruqing broke his team, but when he came to the entrance, he found that the manor had been taken down.

And the whole army was wiped out.

Wei Wuqing, besides Ye Tianlong's powerful combat effectiveness, couldn't understand why he did it in advance.

As his thoughts turned, Ye Tianlong greeted him with a smile: "Wei Wang, you have worked hard."

Wei Wuqing was taken aback for a moment, and then walked over: "Ye Shaoyan is serious, how can I have trouble, but I don't understand, what's the matter?"

"It's very simple. I caught a loophole in Apollo, so I looked for a chance to poison them for lunch, and then brought people to kill."

Ye Tianlong smiled and replied: "Because the fighter was fleeting, Wang Wei was not notified, but I will give you a credit for this battle."

"Because King Wei, you didn't run away, but you really did what I told you to kill at six o'clock."

He patted Wei Ruqing on the shoulder: "I believe in your loyalty now, so you have a part in this battle."

Wei Ruqing hurriedly waved his hand and replied, "Ye Shaoyan is serious, ruthlessly, he didn't fire a shot, and didn't get any injuries. How can there be credit?"

"Ye Shao is not only sentimental and righteous, but also resourceful, and he managed the Apollo Garden with his fingers, which is really a rare genius."

Wei Wuqing deserves to be an old fox, and he flattered Ye Tianlong when he turned the corner: "Ye Shao's battle can be called a classic of the world..."

"You don't even know how I attacked, just open your mouth and come to the classic battle of Jianghu?"

Ye Tianlong smiled and interrupted Wei Wuqing's words, and then the conversation changed: "Okay, let's not talk about it, come and get to know the new king of Chu."

He didn't explain much about today's battle. First, he didn't want Wei Ruqing to know too many details, and second, he avoided Chu Zifeng's feelings.

Ye Tianlong turned to Chu Zifeng again: "Young Master Chu, you guys are familiar with each other, and you will not see you when you bow your head and raise your head."

"New... New King of Chu?"

In Ye Tianlong's side hand, Wei Wuqing was slightly startled, and was even more surprised to see Chu Zifeng. He didn't expect that he was still alive, or the new King of Chu?

However, he was in a daze, and then he reacted and walked over with an enthusiastic smile: "King Chu, hello, hello."

"Welcome to abandon the dark and cast the light, welcome to abandon the dark and cast the light."

He shook Chu Zifeng's hand vigorously: "From now on, everyone will be brothers. Let's fight against the world with Ye Shao together, the horse shroud."

Chu Zifeng's eyelids jumped, somewhat resisting Wei's ruthless enthusiasm, but politely squeezed out a smile: "Please take care of Wei Wang."

Wei ruthlessly waved his hand: "Don't talk about caring, support each other, if there is anything Chu Young needs to help in the future, even if I speak, I will go all out."

In Ye Tianlong's playful smile, Chu Zifeng gave a dry smile: "Thank you Wei Wang."

"Come, sit down, eat and talk."

Ye Tianlong waved his hand to let the two sit down in the dining room: "By the way, let's discuss, the day after tomorrow's meeting..."

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