Talented Genius

Chapter 2019: Blessed and shared

After Ye Tianlong and the others were discussing the Tianmen Conference after dinner, Canshou and Red Arrow appeared in Weng Sha's study.

The ten tons of gold brought over were all wrapped in white cloth and moved into the study, and then neatly placed in the corner of the study.

After the soldiers had finished carrying them, Red Arrow stepped forward and tore off a piece of white cloth, so that ten tons of gold appeared in front of Weng Sha and Wu Jing.

Wu Jing's eyes widened instantly, and she looked at the ten tons of gold in disbelief.

Although he knew that he had no part, everyone accelerated his heart, and was deeply shocked by the dazzling golden light and huge weight.

Ten tons of gold is worth three billion, especially this kind of work, the value is even more than 30%, but it is far more exciting than three billion.

Because of its scarcity and strategic nature, it is destined to be the darling of the world since ancient times.

Canshou and Red Arrow did not randomly pile up gold, but stacked one by one in the original way, gradually turning it into a pyramid.

Compared with Wu Jing and the others, Weng Sha is much calmer. He leaned on the sofa while drinking Chinese medicine while watching the superposition of Canshou and Red Arrow.

The stacking speed of the two is very slow, so it slowly piles up like a puzzle.

Wu Jing's eyes were sharp and she found that these golden cards were very stable together.

When Canshou put the last piece on it, Red Arrow turned on the computer to connect to the system, and then smiled and looked at General Wengsha:

"General, this is a gift from Shao Ye."

Red Arrow is polite and polite: "I hope the general can laugh at it."

"Ye Shao has such a big hand, a random gift is three hundred million."

Weng Sha gently blew the hot Chinese medicine, without any emotional ups and downs on his face: "It's just that Ye Shao's gift seems to have been given by mistake."

"Ye Shao is my benefactor. He rescued me from the ghost gate and gave me life again."

"Also let those who support me be happy for more than ten years."

"In terms of gratitude, I should be grateful to Ye Shao, and I should send ten tons of gold to Ye Shao instead of Ye Shao giving me this generous gift."

Weng Sha's smile became playful: "So I think the two of you should move it back, lest the host and guest upside down the manners and make people laugh."

"Moreover, things like gold are not suitable for me to pile up."

"The entire country of Malaysia has only 35 tons of gold. Ten tons of gold appeared in my house. People who don't know think I am hoarding gold and want to rebel."

Weng Sha gently blew the Chinese medicine: "So, let's take the gold back, Ye Shao's kindness, I have my heart."

Wu Jing struck a spirit, and her gaze was withdrawn from the golden gold. Thinking of the meaning of gold, she secretly cried out that this gift is really hot.

At the same time, she wondered where Ye Tianlong got such a batch of gold? Is it robbed of the national treasury?

Seeing Weng Sha not accepting this batch of gold, Hong Jian did not panic on his face, still maintaining calmness: "General, Ye Shao also asked me to bring three sentences."

"First, look at a thing, don't just look at its bright side, but look a little deeper."

"A piece of rotten iron, in the eyes of ordinary people, may be worthless scrap iron, in the eyes of a smart blacksmith, it will be a knife for cutting vegetables."

"In the eyes of the general, it is likely to be a murderous sword."

When there was a hint of interest in Weng Sha's eyes, the red arrow pointed at the gold in front of him: "So in the eyes of ordinary people, it is ten tons of gold."

"But in Ye Shao's eyes, it is an artwork for the general, a pyramid."

Having said that, Red Arrow's finger hit the keyboard.

"Card, card, card..."

With this action, the stacked pyramids began to move instantly, and layer after layer began to jam and overlap, as if a drawer was pushed back.

In less than 30 seconds, the gold like building blocks turned into a pyramid, and the dazzling golden light became restrained and unshakable.

Wu Jing opened her mouth slightly, "God--"

She never thought that ten tons of gold could become like this, and she reached out to push her, and found that she couldn't move at all.

Weng Sha was also slightly startled, somewhat surprised at this change.

"General, gold is a vulgar thing, no matter how much it is, it is difficult to get into the general's eyes, so Ye Shao said that what he gave was a piece of art that was ingenious."

Red Arrow chuckled: "It's just this artwork, which happens to be made for gold, and it has nothing to do with strategic resources."

Wu Jing secretly sighed, although Ye Tianlong is a bastard, but she has to admit that EQ is higher than ordinary people.

These words were not leaking, and he flattered General Wengsha intentionally or unintentionally.


Red Arrow hit the iron while it was hot: "He said, it's rare to make friends in a foreign country, and the general sent him a car, courtesy. He should give this gift."

Weng Sha smiled faintly: "How can a few cars compare with ten tons of gold?"


Hong Jian still smiled calmly: "Ye Shaohao, as a friend, we should share weal and woe and wealth."

"Ye Shao regards the general as a friend. He now has two pyramids. It is normal to take out one to share with the general."

He chuckled and added: "Unless the general never regarded Ye Shao as a friend..."

When Wu Jing's eyelids twitched, Weng Sha was startled slightly, and then laughed loudly. The laughter was loud and clear throughout the hall.

"What a Ye Tianlong, what a Ye Tianlong, it really surprises me, and a few words hit me on the wall."

He walked slowly to the front of the pyramid and stretched out his hand to pat the gold that could kill people: "It's really a character, so it's so for giving birth."

"It seems that if you don't accept this'artwork', you can't do it. Ye Shao is so generous and so outrageous. If I refuse to be a thousand miles away, it would be a bit out of the ordinary."

Weng Sha turned and looked at Red Arrow and said, "The pyramid, I accept it, and go back and tell Ye Shao that I am his friend, and he is also my friend."

The red arrow replied loudly: "Thank you General, I must tell."

Weng Sha issued an instruction to Wu Jing: "Major Wu, invite the two to dinner, and then let someone take them back by helicopter."

Wu Jing respectfully responded: "Yes!"

Hong Jian and Canshou replied in unison: "General Xie."

An hour later, Hong Jian and Canshou left the villa. Looking at their backs, Wu Jing thoughtfully, then looked at Huang Jin and said:

"General, this Ye Tianlong is really rich, and he will give you a pyramid without blinking his eyes."

She sighed with emotion: "Three billions."

Weng Sha smiled kindly: "How can there be a free lunch in the world..."

Wu Jing looked blankly: "What do you mean?"

Weng Sha sighed: "Blessed and shared, what's the next sentence?"

Wu Jing responded subconsciously: "If you have difficulties, you should be the same!"


Weng Sha smiled deeply: "Now, he shares my wealth with me. Will he have trouble in the future?"

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