Talented Genius

Chapter 2021: I am against (four more)

At 9:50, the convoy came from six directions, and they stopped more than fifty meters away from the gate of the conference hall.

King Qin Dai Hulang, Wei Wang Wei Ji, Qi Wang Qi Sanqiu, Huang Bajin, Lantian Xiang, Black Widow, Xu Facai Xiang continued to get off.

They nodded to each other as a greeting, then smiled and walked to the three security gates.

They took the initiative to check on the cold woman and others. Today was for a meeting. Dai Hulang and the others didn't like to see bloodshed.

"Tongzi, I haven't seen him for so many years, I didn't expect to grow so big."

When the black widow was examined, she looked at the cold woman and smiled: "The little crying bag from the beginning is now a big girl, so fast."

The cold woman's expression eased: "Time flies really fast, but for Aunt Ning, it hasn't changed a bit. You are still beautiful as always."

The Black Widow praised: "I can speak."

"No wonder the six old men value you so much and let you take over Ye Wannian's shift and become the leader of the Three Hundred Guards at Tianmen."

"You have to protect us today. We didn't have a bullet. Someone attacked with a gun. We can't hold it."

Xu Facai smiled and threw out: "Tongzi has three hundred guns in his hand, more than enough to protect dozens of us."

Wei Ji chuckled beside him: "Yes, Tong Zi is the top security leader in the city today, and the most lethal person in this meeting."

Lin Tongzi frowned, glanced at Wei Ji, then recovered calmly, and politely said to the black widow: "Aunt Ning, please come inside."

The black widow nodded, and then walked in with the wife and the others.

It didn't take long before everyone from Blue Sky and others stepped into the Chamber.


At 9:55, Ye Tianlong and Wei Ruqing arrived at the entrance of the conference hall, got out of the car door and went straight to the security checkpoint.

Today's Ye Tianlong wears a black tunic suit with shiny leather shoes on his feet.

From a distance, walking from the opposite side against the sun, giving people a sharp and glaring feeling.

All the Tianmen children and Lin Tongzi who stood guard at the door couldn't help but shrink their eyes.

Because the person in front of him is so dazzling, that slender figure, marble statue-like edges and corners, is handsome and enviable.

But at the same time, the sharp eyes of the blade, as if intertwined with the light and shadow of blood and fire, turned the jealousy of Tianmen children into fear.

Many people have seen the photo. This person is the new master of Tianmen. Although he is younger than himself, he still needs to look up to him.

"It is indeed a talent!"

The corner of Lin Tongzi's mouth moved a little, and he praised Ye Tianlong, and then sighed softly: "It's a pity..."

During the examination, Wei Ruqing glanced at Lin Tongzi, and then smiled: "Tongzi, don't be sullen all day."

"Girls, you should smile more, so that you can look bright, and your subordinates will be happier when you do it."

Wei Ruqing's voice was very soft: "Furthermore, the enemy will be afraid of you if you don't hold your face."

Lin Tongzi said coldly, "Thank you Wei Wang for reminding me. I will consider your suggestions."

"Come on, let me introduce to you. This is Ye Shao, your future boss, who wants to protect with his life."

Wei Ruqing smiled and introduced Ye Tianlong to Lin Tongzi: "You have to brighten your eyes today, and don't be disturbed by people who want to make a mistake."

"The meeting has not started yet, and the new master has not yet been established, so I only obey the Senate."

Lin Tongzi glanced at Ye Tianlong, his tone still without emotion: "As for the safety of the meeting, you can rest assured."

"Ye Shao, let me introduce to you."

Wei Ruqing laughed out again: "This is Lin Tongzi, Captain Lin, the captain of the Tianmen Guards, and there are three hundred elite soldiers under his hand."

"He is also the security commander of the Tianmen conference."

Ye Tianlong nodded lightly and stretched out his hand to Lin Tongzi: "Miss Lin, hello."

"Ye Shao good."

Lin Tongzi responded, but instead of shaking hands with Ye Tianlong, she stared at the detector and said, "Ye Shao, Wei Wang, you can go in."

"Okay, thank you, Captain Hardworking Forest."

When Wei Wuqing's expression changed, Ye Tianlong faintly smiled and retracted his right hand, and then followed Wei Wuqing to the front.

Wei Ruqing turned his head and glanced at her: "Ye Shao, this girl should teach her a little bit. I really think the veteran will protect her."

"If it were not for her father to die for Tianmen ten years ago, she was still half of the Qi family, I would have to slap her twice."

Ye Tianlong passed a faint smile: "After the loyal minister?"

"That's right, when the six veterans were chased and killed, it was her father who drove a speedboat desperately and ran into a **** road to save those old bones."

Wei Ruqing explained to Ye Tianlong: "It's just that his father was hit with dozens of bullet holes and he died before he even reached the open sea."

"Then her mother... regarded as Qi Ba's cousin, committed suicide, and the elders would think she was alone, so she kept her by her side."

"After some tempering, I became the current commander of the guards, with 300 people in his hand, and is the vital force of the Senate."

He added the last sentence: "It's just the respect of the Senate Council, which made her nostrils upright, thinking that she was qualified to sit on an equal footing with the Seven Kings."

Ye Tianlong's eyes narrowed slightly: "Looking at the guards, you seem to be in awe of her. Is a vase so powerful?"

In Ye Tianlong's view, even if Lin Tongzi had the favor of the elders, but without the strength, it would be difficult to convince the three hundred Tianmen children.

"She is still capable. She used two tricks from the ancients."

Wei Ruqing explained: "When leading the 300 Guards, no one was convinced at first. She first killed three team members who were late three times when they assembled."

"Then let the guards follow her to shoot. She shoots wherever she is, and her men must shoot there."

"She shot her Maserati for the first time, and the two of her men hesitated for a while and were headshot by her with two shots."

"The second time I shot her favorite Golden Retriever, the two backbones couldn't bear not shooting, but she was also killed."

"The third time, she blasted her sweaty BMW. This time, everyone shot..."

Wei Ruqing's smile turned gloomy: "She also completely controls the guards."

Ye Tianlong smiled: "Listening to you, this woman is also a ruthless character."

He turned to look at Lin Tongzi, his eyes thoughtful.

Wei Ruqing followed with a smile: "It is indeed a poisonous snake..."

While they were speaking, the two walked into the conference hall and heard a burst of laughter before they saw the figure.

Ye Tianlong walked a few steps forward and saw the stone table. The Black Widow and Wei Ji sat round the stone table.

They were smiling and talkative, as if they were talking about something funny, but "haha" laughed, looking cordial and casual.

But the chairs between them all kept a certain distance tacitly, as if everyone had a place for everyone.

Although they are already familiar and many people are still in close contact, their own space still does not allow others to invade.

The subordinates standing behind are similar and distinct, and even Wei Po and Aunt Wa are also polite.

"Ye Shao, are you here?"

Wei Ji first saw Ye Tianlong, her smile instantly bright, and she got up to say hello to Ye Tianlong: "Good morning."

Lan Lanxiang and they stood up from their chairs together to express their welcome.

In addition to Ye Tianlong will be their new master, there is also Ye Tianlong's strength that has won their respect.

Ye Tianlong smiled and said, "Hello everyone."

Dai Hulang and the others smiled kindly and greeted Ye Tianlong softly. Looking at all this, Wei Ruqing saw a word in his heart: the general trend.

"Good boy, good boy!"

Finally, Huang Bajin walked up to Ye Tianlong and hugged Ye Tianlong bravely: "The country of Malaysia did a good job in the first battle. You should beat that **** to death."

Regarding Zhehua, Huang Bajin was grateful to Ye Tianlong.

Huang Bajin expressed his attitude very arbitrarily: "Today, I fully support you, and whoever dares to oppose you, I will pinch to death."

"What a big tone!"

Before Ye Tianlong could respond, there was another cold snort like Hong Zhong:

"Emperor Bajin, I object, what's the matter with you? Pinched me to death?"

This cold snort not only caused Huang Bajin to shoot a murderous aura, but also caused Ye Tianlong to turn his head back sharply with a sense of danger.

He stared in the direction of Leng Hun, just colliding with the fierce gaze projected from the face.

In the void, there seemed to be an explosion of metal collision, and a little spark spattered.

Ten meters away, a cold-faced middle-aged man surrounded by ten people gradually settled in Ye Tianlong's eyes.

Yan Wang, Yan broke north!

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