Talented Genius

Chapter 2022: Can you?


When Ye Tianlong looked at Yan Pobei, who was thrown into the Xiong Country but still stood proudly, Yan Pobei also looked at Ye Tianlong in surprise.

Yes, Yan Pobei was surprised, because Ye Tianlong at this moment was completely different from what he imagined.

When Yan Pobei learned that Ye Tianlong had obtained the support of the Four Kings and others and was still committing a murder in Manguo and other places, he was shocked and admired.

He is indifferent and full of expectations for a rare meeting with Ye Tianlong.

It's just that his idea is not to become the new master, but to subdue Ye Tianlong under his command, so that the Yan Element can develop better and grow stronger.

Only when the Yan clan grows, can he hold up the entire Tianmen, let the Tianmen stand forever in the world, and even have a certain right to speak.

But Ye Tianlong's look back, the violent light in his eyes, and the figure that was as straight as a javelin made Yan Pobei feel a pressure.

At that moment, Yan Pobei felt his whole body tighten, and even needed to breathe harder.

Then, they looked at each other.

The coldness that came out of Ye Tianlong's eyes, and the terrifying light that passed by from the depths of his heart, made Yan Pobei annihilate the thought of surrender.

On Ye Tianlong's face, in addition to the young and frivolous he should be at this age, there is also a stunned pride.

It is absolutely impossible for such a son to subdue to others, even Yan Pobei himself.

A silent and cold undercurrent surging between the two.

"Yan Pobei, what are you talking about?"

At this time, Huang Bajin took a step forward, carrying his hands on his back and looking at Yan Pobei's group: "You object, do you give me a reason to object?"

"Can't give me a reason to convince me, I will abolish you on the spot today."

Huang Bajin knew Yan Pobei's character, the truth was useless, and strength was the most important factor.

Yan Pobei raised his head: "This king has worked hard in the country of Xiong, and has stood firm after five lives and deaths, and made great contributions to Tianmen."

"Except for Qi Ba, I have the most money given to the Senate."

"Where was this kid when I fought for the Tianmen South and the North? When I shed half of my blood for Tianmen, where was this kid?"

He snorted: "I am much bigger than him in terms of merit and money. It is better for me to sit in this master position than for him."

"Yan Pobei, don't mess around."

The black widow scowled and uttered: "Tianlong has four kings and four great wealth gods jointly recommended, and seven kings cauldron, how can I not sit on it?"

"It's you, except for the filial piety fee that you pay every year, are you embarrassed to say that you will fight for Tianmen in Xiong Country?"

"At the entrance of Xiong Guoshi Hall, which hall master is not surnamed Yan?"

She retorted Yan Pobei unceremoniously: "Which of the hall master sent by the veteran society, the accountant sent by the elders, did not die?"

Yan Pobei's expression remained unchanged: "That's because they are incompetent and assassinated. It's my business?"

The black widow's eyes cold: "Dare you say it has nothing to do with you..."

Yan Pobei snorted: "If you want to prosecute, show evidence. As long as there is evidence, I will kill them. I will wipe my neck and apologize on the spot."

Wei Ruqing didn't laugh out loud and said, "Although King Yan is a little bit grumpy, he is definitely not a fool. How can he let his subordinates kill?"

"With the help of the Mafia and their hands, dissidents can also be eradicated."

He was overcast and broke the north.

Yan Pobei's face was cold: "Wei Ruqing, you villain, splashing dirty water?"

Dai Hulang stopped everyone's disputes, and dangling his pipe to speak: "King Yan, you do have merit in Tianmen, but Tianlong has done more than you."

Yan Pobei glanced at Ye Tianlong: "What credit does he have? It's bigger than me, you blow it."

"When I was making sacrifices to the Dai family, I was besieged by the Easterners and Yanhuang killers, and Ye Tianlong took the initiative to resolve it. Is this considered merit?"

As always, Dai Hulang poked at the key point: "Lianxiangxiang was poisoned by people, and his life was hanging for a while. Ye Tianlong took the initiative to diagnose and treat. Is this considered merit?"

"Xu Facai was sniped on the sea in the deep city, the yacht exploded, and countless casualties. Ye Tianlong scared away the mysterious gunman. Isn't it gong?"

"Wang Wei was nearly killed by a shell in Shiwan Dashan, and he was still infected with Gu poison. Life is better than death. Tianlong controlled him. Isn't it merit?"

"The black widow was attacked by a car and suicide a few days ago. Ye Tianlong's men desperately protected from the enemy's attack. Isn't it meritorious?"

"Huang Bajin's son was kidnapped and almost died. Ye Tianlong saved people thousands of miles to make Zhehua turn the crisis into peace. Isn't it a work?"

"You have laid down all your confidants in the country of Xiong, and it is all you have done for Tianmen..."

Dai Hulang had a sharp look in his eyes: "Ye Tianlong almost saved half of the life of a high-level Tianmen, and it is the credit of the credit."

Wei Ji smiled and put on the icing on the cake: "There is one more thing. If Ye Shao saves my life, I will also die in Manchester."

King Yan frowned. He originally wanted to bring Ye Tianlong into the army, but he didn't expect to be hit back by Dai Hulang to show Ye Tianlong's merits.

"Even if he has merit in Tianmen, what about it?"

King Yan once again challenged him: "At this age, this small body, what should I take to hold this position? Eighty percent will become your puppet."

Yan Pobei hummed: "If you want to prosecute, show evidence. If there is evidence that I did it, I will just wipe my neck and apologize!"

Before Huang Bajin and the Black Widow spoke, Ye Tianlong's figure flashed, and he immediately reached Yan Pobei's face and slapped a palm directly.


The security personnel wanted to shout that they could not fight, and Ye Tianlongtian's violent aura was released.

That kind of power and coercion that seemed to control the world not only made more than a dozen security personnel instinctively retreat, but also made Yan Pobei's face changed dramatically.

He gave birth to a feeling of being in a stormy sea.

This is the world where Ye Tianlong rules the power of life and death, and Yan Pobei is just the ant in this world.

I was shocked in my heart, but at the same time, an unprecedented war spirit rose from the depths of Yan Pobei's heart and filled his whole body.

Such a powerful opponent is definitely he has never encountered in Xiong Country.

As the thoughts turned, Yan broke through North Africa but did not retreat, but turned like a javelin, going against the trend.

He threw a punch and went all out.


A dull clash of fists exploded like thunder.

Almost at the same time, the two withdrew each backwards. In Wei Ji and their shock, both feet plowed two deep grooves in the carpet.

Ye Tian Longtian retreated three meters, his face was a little red, but he quickly recovered his calm.

Yan Pobei retreated five or six meters, his chest was constantly rising and falling, and blue veins burst out on his arms.

With the last kick, he happened to step on the threshold of the entrance.


Yan Pobei bit his lips tightly to stabilize his figure, and suddenly there was a bomb exploding under his feet, the stone on the threshold was torn apart and dust was flying.

A bunch of Yan's elite are all dead.

Ye Tianlong looked at Yan Pobei: "King Yan, do you think, who can let me be a puppet?"

His smile this time changed his gentleness, and his whole body was up and down. At this moment, there was even a **** publicity:

"Can you?"

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