Talented Genius

Chapter 2023: Vassal clothes

Can you?

The simple three words, with arrogance and self-confidence, refreshed Wei Ji and the others, and changed the expressions of the ten Yan masters.

All of them felt ashamed, staring at Ye Tianlong and wanted to fight, but it was also clear that the strength of the two sides was too far apart.

They can only show their anger with unruly eyes.

Yan Pobei took a deep breath and tried to calm the impact of Ye Tianlong. He already knew that Ye Tianlong was powerful, but he would not give in easily.

If he doesn't have the tough nerves and the spirit of repeated defeats, how can he gain a foothold in the cruel bear country?

What is a failure? It doesn't matter if you fail ten times, as long as you live, there is hope for victory.

There is a saying in Xiong Guo: The injured black bear is truly invincible.

"Bring the wine."

Although Yan Pobei's face was still pale, he quickly recovered from the blow and reached out to take the vodka from one of his men.

Gululu drinking.

Ye Tianlong saw his fingers, hard and stable, without trembling at all.

This Yan Pobei is really no ordinary person.


Half a catty of vodka fell into his stomach, and Yan Pobei's entire face became ruddy, like the ferocious Zhang Fei in ancient times, and his fighting spirit began to spread.

"Ye Tianlong, if you can take my three punches, I will surrender to you."

Yan Pobei tossed an aluminum hip flask: "But you can't hold me three punches, so you have to vote for me, can you dare to fight?"

Picking up his three punches meant that Ye Tianlong was not allowed to evade, retreat, or counterattack, and could only passively bear his three punches.

To be simpler, Yan Pobei asked Ye Tianlong to make sandbags.

Wei Wuqing immediately sneered when he heard the words: "King Yan, although you are a little old, you are still confused. Are you gamblers like this?"

"How about I come to gamble with you?"

Wei Ruqing attacked unceremoniously: "I will shoot you three shots. If you are not dead, I will throw you under your command. If you are dead, will the Yan family belong to me?"

Wei Ji also smiled: "King Yan, just a palm, who is better, don't you have any points in your heart?"

Yan Pobei ignored them, just looked at Ye Tianlong and said:

"Ye Tianlong, I know this is unfair, but if you want to be the master of the sect, it is inevitable that you must bear the unfairness, otherwise anyone can be the master of the sect."

His gaze was full of warfare: "Can you make a bet?"

Ye Tianlong stopped Dai Hulang and the others from speaking, and stepped forward and replied: "Okay, that's it, I'll hold it, Yan's follow my instructions."

Yan Pobei raised his head and said, "You have won, and the entire Yan clan listened to your orders. I, Yan Pobei, is not a gentleman, but it is hard to chase after a word."

Several security personnel frowned, wanted to stop but did not dare to step forward, so they could only respond to Lin Tongzi.

Ye Tianlong smiled faintly: "Shoot."


As soon as the voice fell, Yan Pobei gave a low cry, squatted slightly on his knees, and bowed his body. The whole figure burst out like a cannonball.

Wei Wuqing's pupils dilated in an instant, and at that moment, they felt that Yan Pobei's whole body aura had changed.

At this moment, he was completely a black bear in the mountains, showing his powerful strength.

At a distance of ten meters, Yan Pobei was killed in a blink of an eye, without any magnificent moves, a simple straight punch, blasted towards Ye Tianlong's face.


The black widow subconsciously said: "Be careful!"

Ye Tianlong's face remained calm, and at the same time he became wary. He stretched his palms and stopped in front of him, forcibly accepting the opponent's fist.


His fist hit Ye Tianlong's palm, making a sound. Ye Tianlong stepped back three meters, his palm was painful, and there was a hint of appreciation in his eyes.

King Yan's power is indeed terrible.

There was also a touch of surprise on King Yan's face. He originally thought that a palm could blast Ye Tianlong, but who knew it only made him back three meters.

You know, he used 80% of his power, and a buffalo would be killed.

However, Yan Pobei did not stop there, his palm once again turned into an iron fist, containing the power of overwhelming power, and attacked Ye Tianlong's chest.


The attack rushed.


Ye Tianlong, who had diminished pupils, did not retreat but moved forward, and then raised his palm to make a hard touch with the opponent.

The palms of the fists collided in the air again, making a dull sound, Ye Tianlong retreated another three meters, and King Yan retreated uncontrollably.

After two consecutive palms, Ye Tianlong only defended, did not counterattack, and kept his promise just now.

"The third punch."

Nine Chenggong strength still did not blast Ye Tianlong, Yan Pobei who stepped back two meters completely let out a long roar, his fist wind suddenly changed, and his strength surged wildly.


Ye Tianlong laughed loudly, ready to explode, and his whole body took a step forward, heading straight to the front.


The palm of his hand sealed his fist again, and his voice was dull and heavy. This time, Ye Tianlong stood still, his clothes rustled, like a grandmaster.

Yan Pobei groaned and withdrew six meters, tearing a deep crack in the carpet.

Afterwards, he fell on his knees with a plop, breathing very quickly, and a touch of blood was flowing from the corner of his mouth, which seemed to be hurt a little.

"King Yan——"

Ten masters of the Yan family rushed over and held Yan Pobei one by one, while others held a knife and stared at Ye Tianlong.

"Get out!"

Yan Pobei let out a shout, and let ten of his subordinates step back, then raised his head and looked at Ye Tianlong.

Ye Tianlong also looked at him.

The eyes of the two interlocked, both admiring each other in that way.

"King Yan, you are very powerful. It's just that this world cannot be conquered by one person, and Tianmen is not something that King Yan can carry."

"This world is the world of Tianmen, and this Tianmen is also the Tianmen of one hundred thousand children."

Ye Tianlong's voice resounded throughout the hall, and also shook the hearts of Yan Pobei and the others: "Brothers are united, and the benefits can cut gold."

"King Yan, I think you can be regarded as an extraordinary person with heaven and earth in mind."

"Could it be that a little bear country, a ten-seater godfather, can make your ambitions unfulfilled?"

"King Yan, do you think your value is a red city, a godfather with a little surplus? You too despise yourself too much."

"If you can get help from me and Tianmen, then the Red City and the ten halls can be ignored like dust..."

"At most three years, I will be able to make you the Chinese leader of Xiong Country, and share the underground world of Xiong Country with the Mafia."

"Up to five years, you will be the godfather of Xiong Country, not to mention the dark world, even the Du Xiong Capitol will have your place."

"King Yan, are you willing to be my brother, life and death in the same way, never leave?"

Ye Tianlong stood in front of Yan Pobei, and needed people to look up like a god.

If he didn't fight Ye Tianlong, Yan Pobei would definitely sneer, feeling that Ye Tianlong's brain was flooded and arrogant.

But just now with three punches, he knew Ye Tianlong's dominance, and Yan Pobei felt an aura of destruction.

His three punches, one punch is heavier than one, and the last punch exhausted his whole body skills, but Ye Tianlong took it calmly and rebounded his strength back.

Ordinary people couldn't feel it, but Yan Pobei knew in his heart that Ye Tianlong was at least a quasi-ninth-rank master, otherwise he couldn't hold his final blow.

It was also the three punches, he had confidence in Ye Tianlong, and felt that there was nothing Ye Tianlong could not do in this world.

At this moment, even if Ye Tianlong said that the sun came out from the west, Yan Pobei might subconsciously believe that Ye Tianlong's arrogance made people involuntarily convinced.

The unreachable Chinese leader, Xiong Guo. Godfather, and Du Xiong Mansion suddenly became extremely clear, and Yan Pobei was full of blood.

The blood never before.

With this enlightenment, Yan Pobei stood up, put on his clothes, bowed down:

"Clan Yan, Yan Pobei, I have seen Yemen Master."

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