Talented Genius

Chapter 2024: Conquer the Senate

"Yan Pobei, you are a human being."

When Ye Tianlong reached out his hand to support Yan Pobei, Huang Bajin laughed, making the atmosphere more harmonious:

"Although you usually bluff and bluff, I often see you not pleasing to your eyes, but I have to admit that your current willingness to bet and lose is still desirable."

He stepped forward and patted Yan Pobei on the shoulder: "From now on, you and I will work together to support Ye Shao. The future achievements are absolutely limitless."

Yan Pobei glanced at Huang Bajin, "Huang Bajin, except for Ye Shao, no one here is qualified to teach me."

"King Yan, it seems that there is really no senator meeting in your eyes."

When Huang Bajin smiled helplessly at Yan Pobei's arrogance, two stone doors suddenly opened at the back of the hall, and six old men in Tang suits walked out one after another.

The six people are all sixty-five years old, each of them looks majestic, has white beard and hair, and has different body shapes, but their temperaments are very similar.

One of them is the most dazzling, he is only about 1.6 meters, his left arm is half missing, he wears sunglasses on his face, and his hair is short.

At first glance, this man is no different from the rogue leader, but his aura is the most powerful, and his unspeakable confidence flows naturally.

Ye Tianlong once heard a brief introduction from Wei Ruqing that among the six elders, Elder Gongsun ranked first, with the greatest contribution and the strongest combat effectiveness.

The arrogant and domineering Qi Ba didn't get rid of the Senate Guild. In addition to the deterrence of the Ten-Rank Master, there was also the suppression of Elder Gongsun.

There is no doubt that this short old man with a broken arm is Elder Gongsun.

"Mr. Gongsun, Elder Tian, ​​Elder Wang, Elder Ma, Elder Zhang, Elder Zhao, good morning."

Seeing the six people showing up together, Dai Hulang and Black Widow were not arrogant, they all got up and greeted.

Yan Pobei and Huang Bajin also reduced their arrogance, and greeted everyone: "Hello, elders."

Ye Tianlong also turned around, walked to the front and bowed slightly: "I have seen the sixth old."

Before the others could respond, a round-faced old man hummed heavily:

"Ye Tianlong, although you are the master of the door, you are an outsider if you don't have a position in one day."

"On such an important day, on such an important occasion, what do you mean to fight against King Yan?"

"Do you want to show your mighty dominance, or do you want to frighten us?"

At the end of the talk, his voice sank, with a wave of inquiries from the teacher.

Ye Tianlong glanced around and recognized that it was Elder Tian, ​​that is, Qi Ba's father-in-law. This remark was obviously to vent Qi Ba's anger.

Yan Pobei stepped forward: "Elder Tian, ​​things started because of me. It was me who provoked the sect master. The sect master just counterattacked..."

Elder Tian arrogantly interrupted Yan Pobei's words: "Which sect leader is not the sect leader? Has he been approved by everyone? He may not even have the qualifications to stand for election."

"An outsider who is not of Tianmen bloodline, what can he use to sit in the position of the doormaster?"

He looked at Ye Tianlong contemptuously: "The goalkeeper is pretty much the same."

Elder Gongsun and none of them spoke, obviously they wanted to see Ye Tianlong's reaction.

When Dai Hulang's face changed slightly, Ye Tianlong's eyes flashed a smile, and then he took the topic:

"Elder Tian, ​​I need to correct you a bit. Although I am indeed a monk halfway to Tianmen, it doesn't mean that I don't have the blood of Tianmen."

"My contribution and credit to Tianmen, Mr. Dai has just said, I will not put gold on my face."

"I'm just talking about my relationship with Tianmen."

"I am the adopted son of Mr. Dai, the future son-in-law of the Black Widow, and the good brother of the children of the three gods of wealth."

"I am a Tianmen child of Hong Miaozheng, and I have served three sticks of incense with Mr. Dai..."

Ye Tianlong took a touch of joking: "Why don't you have the blood of Tianmen?"

Elder Tian's face sank: "This is just a statement from your side. It has not been filed in the Senate, and it is not a Tianmen child."

"Tell me, do they count as Tianmen children?"

Ye Tianlong pointed to the security personnel in the lobby, the cronies around the six veterans, the seven kings and the bodyguards of the four gods of wealth.

"If they don't count, how can they appear here? If they count, are they filed in the Senate Council?"

Ye Tianlong counterattacked unceremoniously: "Do you have to take refuge under your banner, or join Tianmen ten years ago, to be considered a child of Tianmen?"

Elder Tian became angry from embarrassment: "Ye Tianlong, don't pour dirty water."

Lin Tongzi, who walked in by Ye Tianlong sideways, their voices echoed loudly throughout the hall:

"Elder Tian, ​​if you can come up with the three hundred guards' record to prove that they are all Tianmen children as you said, I will get out of here."

"If you can't get it out, the veteran will raise the three hundred guards who are not the children of the Tianmen, or fake the public for personal gain, and waste the tribute of the seven kings."

"If there is no record and you do not identify them as Tianmen, then you can't deny my Tianmen bloodline."

Ye Tianlong looked at Elder Tian strongly: "After all, you can't be a double standard."


Elder Tian almost vomited blood when he was blocked by Ye Tianlong, but he couldn't refute it, and Tianmen, who was acting independently, had no habit of registering.

Therefore, he could not produce evidence to prove Lin Tongzi and their Tianmen identities, and could only admit the similar identities of Ye Tianlong.

Otherwise, the Seven Kings can indeed say that the elders will use their tribute to cultivate a group of guards who are not the children of Tianmen.

"Yes, sharp teeth."

At this moment, Elder Gongsun took off his sunglasses and walked to the front, raising a slight smile to look at Ye Tianlong:

"Ye Tianlong, you do have a two-way line, you are better than we thought, but your shortcomings are also very obvious, that is, young and frivolous."

"Young people think that if they have some ability, they will be invincible in the world, but they don't know that there are people outside, and there are heaven outside the sky."

Elder Gongsun reprimanded: "Such arrogance will only make you die faster and worse, how can you lead the rise of Tianmen?"

Ye Tianlong's body is still stiff: "The arrogance without strength is called young and frivolous, and the spirit with strength is called self-confidence."

"Furthermore, Tianmen is now a pile of scattered sand and a pool of stagnant water. I am not going to be mad. How can I boost everyone's morale?"

"A raging soldier, and a raging nest."

Ye Tianlong carried a wave of arrogance: "The last thing Tianmen needs now is to be successful, but to be as unstoppable as a treasured sword out of its sheath."

"Tianmen's eyes should not be one acre of land, but the entire world, the world of Malaysia, the world of the bear country, and the world of the world."

Yan Pobei and Wei Wuqing nodded together, their eyes flashed with light.

"Elder Gongsun, you say, I am proud, how come I will rise up with Tianmen..."

Ye Tianlong slapped his face directly: "Then the veteran will keep a low profile for ten years, has Tianmen risen?"

Elder Tian and the others said together: "You—"

Elder Gongsun squinted his eyes to examine Ye Tianlong: "We are incompetent and ashamed of the children of Tianmen. We have not been tepid for ten years, but there is always a meal to eat."

"What you said is nice, let King Yan be the godfather in three years, and hegemony in five years, but this is just the rise of lipstick."

"I really let you sit in the position of the master of the gate, what do you use to ensure the rise of the Tianmen?"

Elder Tian and the others also nodded: "Yes, what else can you do besides being able to fight a little and make King Qin and the others owe favor?"

"First, I am behind the Huaxia Dragon Gate. In one year, I integrated the Flying Dragon Gang and the Axe Gang, and together with the Dai family, I swept the entire South."

"Two months ago, Longmen had become the overlord of the South. Next year, it will start a war against the Thirteen Leagues and completely control the Chinese underworld. Who can do it?"

"Second, the Tianmen Group I established is gradually becoming an aircraft carrier for China."

"Tianmen Liquor Industry has not only become China's No. 1 Liquor, it also has full authority to act as an agent for all the brands of Ba Da Zhuang, with annual profits of 5 billion.

"Tianmen beauty industry not only sweeps the entire China market, but also occupies 60% of the Southeast Asian market, Hongzhuang No. 1 is invincible."

"The annual profit is not less than 10 billion."

"Tianmen Construction has not only won the Baishizhou project of China's 100 billion yuan transformation, but also joined the Bai family and the Kong family to enter the Belt and Road Initiative."

"In the next ten years, the profit will be 50 billion yuan. Ten years later, it will be more than 10 billion yuan a year."

"Tianmen Antiques is not only China's top appraisal company, but also integrated with Niu's, Qiao's and Taishu's to become the number one antique company."

"The annual tour ticket profit is one billion."

"Tianmen restaurant, not only opened in every provincial capital of China, but also supported by the President of Hungary, has become a business card of Tianmen's internationalization."

"I also obtained two gambling cards in Australia City, and the Xue Family Casino has also been transferred to my door. Each casino has an annual profit of tens of billions."

Ye Tianlong's words fell to the ground with a sound, one by one, they burst into the ears of Elder Gongsun.

Let their expressions change from disapproval to shock, then from shock to unbelievable, and finally from unbelievable to dumbfounded.

They never thought that Ye Tianlong controlled so many industries, even if there was no upper sect master, Ye Tianlong was a predator.

In this way, it is not so much that Ye Tianlong gains the advantage, it is better to say that Tianmen has his light.

Following this momentum of expansion, in less than five years, Ye Tianlong is not only the godfather of the Chinese, but also the wealth of the senator, the seven kings and the four gods of wealth.

Elder Gongsun and their expressions invisibly eased, and Yan Pobei's eyes flashed even more, and he became more confident in the future.

Elder Tian squeezed out a sentence: "Ye Tianlong, are you sure you are not exaggerating?"

Dai Hulang smiled faintly: "Elder Tian, ​​I can guarantee that what Ye Tianlong said is true, and you can verify what he said."

The black widow also nodded: "Yes, Tianlong said there is no water, and he is conservative."

She knew that many official contacts, political resources, zombie mother-in-law’s treasure house, sixty tons of gold, etc., Ye Tianlong deliberately did not say.

"I won't talk about past achievements."

Elder Gongsun straightened up and stared at Ye Tianlong and said, "If you are allowed to be the master, what will your first step be?"

"The first step is very simple. I used 150 billion to buy this small island from the Senate."

Ye Tianlong dissipated from the power, and said softly, "Then put another hundred billion in to build it into the base camp of the Tianmen family..."

The six veterans all freeze...

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