Talented Genius

Chapter 2025: Are you blind? (Four more)

Hearing Ye Tianlong's words, Dai Hulang and Xu Facai were all startled, and then they both bit their lips and laughed.

Obviously they all knew that this was the temptation that the six veterans could not refuse.

Wei Wuqing also secretly sighed, Ye Tianlong is really a talent. When he came to chat on the boat, he became Ye Tianlong's killer.

He had to admire this thought and this method.

The fact is as they guessed, the original cold face of the six elders cracked like ice, and then all smiles.

Even Elder Tian, ​​who was blowing his beard and staring at him, became amiable.

"Masters, masters."

Elder Gongsun’s face was no longer strong, as bright as a spring breeze, and spoke in a tone that Dai Hulang had never heard before:

"Excellent mind, outstanding skill, young and mature, no lack of sharpness, courtesy to the next, and not afraid of the strong."

"At a young age, there is love and righteousness, and yet so young and promising."

"The old man has countless people, but this is the first time I have seen a talent like Tianlong."

Elder Gongsun did not hesitate to praise Ye Tianlong: "You should be like Ye Tianlong when you have children!"

Lan Lanxiang and Wei Ruqing almost vomited blood, these old foxes changed their faces so quickly that his grandma.

Ye Tianlong remained humble: "Thank you, Elder Gongsun, for the praise. I will continue to encourage and live up to the expectations of the six elders."

"Elder Gongsun, there is no problem with Tianlong's identity, and your ability has been recognized by you. Can we vote earlier?"

Dai Hulang has always been steadfast in his work, and he was worried about the long dreams, he strikes while the iron is hot: "The dust is settled, let's slowly go back to the past."

Qi Wang Qi Sanqiu, who is the most lighthearted, smiled: "Yes, yes, business matters, business matters."

Elder Gongsun nodded lightly, whispered to Elder Tian for a while, and then said: "I declare that Ye Tianlong is eligible to stand for election."

Ye Tianlong replied politely: "Thank you six elders."

"Everyone please take a seat!"

Elder Gongsun led everyone to the stone table, and then one after another sat in their seats, and the main seat was vacant.

Ye Tianlong sits in the audience temporarily, waiting for everyone to vote before taking the seat.

After everyone sat down, Elder Gongsun stood up and said: "The six elders, the four gods of wealth, and the seven kings, a total of seventeen votes."

"According to Tianmen regulations, as long as the number of participants exceeds 85%, that is 15 people."

"Ye Tianlong gets more than three-quarters of the votes, or twelve votes, and he will become the new sect master."

"Today there should be 17 people. In fact, there were 15 people. King Han and King Chu did not appear. The number of participants met the requirement."

Huang Bajin snorted heavily: "Chu Fengyun is clever, he dares to appear, I must kill him."

Wei Ji hated it too: "That's it, I didn't get any stab wounds on me because of so many of us. It's really shameless."

Qi Sanqiu also touched his wound, his expression was very complicated.

Yan Pobei said faintly: "Fortunately he didn't attack me, otherwise I would have entered his nest."

"There is not enough evidence for these things, so let's not buckle King Chu."

Elder Gongsun waved his hand dignifiedly: "Furthermore, the top priority now is not to resolve grievances, but to vote."

Everyone nodded and stopped talking.

Elder Gongsun raised his head: "There are enough participants today, and the procedures are in line with Tianmen rules."

"We can vote now. Those who support Ye Tianlong's position write down his name and add the word "support."

Elder Gongsun looked around at Dai Hulang and the others: "Those who oppose, just write their opposition directly, do you know the rules?"

The Black Widows nodded together: "Clear!"

Elder Gongsun waved his hand: "Okay, start voting..."

"You can't wait for me on such an important day, right?"

At this moment, a hoarse and dry voice came from the door, Ye Tianlong and the others turned their heads and looked over, seeing a group of people walking in.

Ten people came in in a wheelchair, walking slowly and carefully, as if they were protecting some kind of baby.

Ye Tianlong's eyes fell on the wheelchair, an old man wearing loose clothes, but his entire face covered in mummy, only his eyes and nose were exposed.

Many scars can be seen on his neck, ears, and the back of his hands, all of which are burn marks.

Reminiscent of the attack a few days ago, and the bombing, Ye Tianlong made a judgment, this is probably King Han.

In fact, he also saw a corroboration. Han Jing, who was wearing black clothes behind the wheelchair, pushed Han Wang forward slowly.

Ye Tianlong was slightly surprised: Why did Han Jing also come?

"Wang Han, are you here?"

Elder Gongsun laughed, and then greeted King Han: "I heard that you had severe burns and went to the intensive care unit twice, thinking you would not come."

The rest of the people also stood up to welcome King Han. This was not because of his physical dignity, but because he was seriously injured and everyone sympathized.

"No matter how bad the burn is, I will come to vote."

King Han's voice is like sharpening a knife: "After all, the master is related to the destiny of the Tianmen. I am a member of the Tianmen. How can I not do my best?"

"King Han is interested."

When Ye Tianlong looked at Han Jing, who nodded to him, Elder Gongsun smiled and said, "It is a great blessing to have a veteran like you."

"Come on, relocate to King Han."

Zhu Tongzi personally stepped forward, moved a chair, and let King Han walk in.

Elder Gongsun walked back to his position: "King Han, to make a long story short, this is Ye Tianlong. He has made a great contribution to Tianmen, and he is also affectionate and righteous..."

"Needless to say, I know him."

Wang Han looked at Ye Tianlong, and said dry voice: "He is also the benefactor of the Han family. He has saved my daughter several times. I like him very much."

"My vote, support!"

King Han asked him to take the ticket in front of him, and he happily wrote two words of support, and then signed his name: Han Xiongtu!

He then asked Han Jing to throw the ticket into the box.

"Wang Han, why did you use this name?"

Dai Hulang laughed: "Don't you like Han Jiangse's name more? Love Jiangshan and beauty more, but you have always been style."

"Today is an important occasion, how can you use the name that is not on the table?"

King Han struggled to squeeze out a sentence: "To support Ye Tianlong's position, naturally I have to use my most domineering name."

"Dragon, I support you."

He nodded to Ye Tianlong.

Ye Tianlong smiled politely, "Thank you, King Han."

Then he looked at Han Jing again, with a touch of puzzlement in his eyes...

"Boom boom!"

At this moment, there was a dull gunshot from the door, and five or six Tianmen children from the security check screamed and fell in.

When Elder Gongsun and their expressions changed dramatically, a large number of burly men in blue with live ammunition came into the hall surrounded by a majestic elder:

"Let Ye Tianlong take over, are you all blind?"

It was Chu Fengyun.

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