Talented Genius

Chapter 2026: Reliance (five shifts)

"Don't move!"

Seeing Chu Fengyun appeared, he shot and killed six security personnel, and eighty-eight guards in the hall surrounded him with a hula.

They also drew out their guns from their waists and aimed them at Chu Fengyun and his group. As long as Chu Fengyun made any more moves, they would shoot bullets unceremoniously.

Wei Ruqing and they all got up one after another, staring nervously at the murderous Chu Fengyun.

Ten of Chu Fengyun's subordinates also raised their guns to fight against the guards who were pressing over them.


"Chu Fengyun, isn't your mind flooded?"

When Ye Tianlong squinted his eyes, Elder Gongsun slapped the stone table and roared: "Today is the Tianmen Conference. You brought people to the wild?"

"Not only broke in with a gun, but also killed six Tianmen children. Do you know what you are doing?"

Elder Gongsun lighted Chu Fengyun's nose like a furious lion: "You are treason, you are an enemy of the Senator Association!"

Following his scolding, dozens of guards' gunshots locked on the heads of Chu Fengyun and ten men.

In Ye Tianlong's slight frown, Chu Fengyun laughed, completely ignoring the muzzle facing him, watching Elder Gongsun jokingly:

"Treason? Gongsun, would you be a little ridiculous? Which eye did you see me treason? Which ear heard that I was an enemy?"

"I tell you, today I am not here to run for the sect master, nor am I here to fight against the Tianmen. This king is here on the side of the Qing emperor."

"Although no one has been seated for more than ten years, the sect master will endanger the interests of the Tianmen. As a child of the Tianmen, I have an obligation to safeguard it."

"So whoever dares to stop me from Qingjun's side today, I will kill anyone."

A killing intent was flowing in Chu Fengyun's eyes: "Whether it's the Seven Kings, the Four Gods of Wealth, or the Senior Clerk."

The black widow sullenly shouted: "On the side of Qingjun, on the side of Qingjun, Chu Fengyun, who do you want to clear?"

"Who do you want to clean? You say, who do I want to clean up?"

King Chu sneered: "For example, Ye Tianlong who snatched the interests of the Chu family, such as Dai Hulang who served as a tiger, such as you who supported Ye Tianlong."

"I came here today to kill the three of you."

He suddenly yelled: "All irrelevant personnel walk away for me, dare to stop me, don't blame me for turning my face and denying people."

When Wei Wuqing and Wei Ji frowned, Dai Hulang sneered with his pipe in his mouth: "Chu Fengyun, the game is getting deeper and deeper."

"Not only knows how to use Qingjun's side as a guise, but also learns to divide us."

"Do you think everyone doesn't know what you are thinking? First kill the three of us, then kill the three, and finally kill all of us."

"Today, you broke in with a gun and killed six Tianmen children directly. How could you stay alive?"

Dai Hulang instantly pierced Chu Fengyun's inner thoughts, blocking the minds of the veterans and Qi Wang from the sidelines.

Wei Ruqing also yelled: "Chu Fengyun, Qing Jun also clears you, I haven't counted the Black Wing mercenary account with you."

Yan Pobei's voice also sank: "King Chu, you are now extremely vicious and hopeless?"


Elder Gongsun hummed, "Chu Fengyun, this is the Tianmen site. Today is the Tianmen convention. Everything must follow the rules of the Tianmen."

"You have assassinated the kings and the God of Wealth without mentioning it beforehand. That is, if you bring people in to kill people today, you will suffer the punishment of the heavenly gate."

Elder Gongsun yelled: "Elder Tian, ​​how should King Chu commit the following acts of committing and killing his fellow clan?"

Elder Tian took a step forward: "King Chu broke his hands and killed all of them."


Elder Gongsun shouted to Zhu Tongzi: "Captain Zhu, take them down to me, then break off King Chu's hands, and kill all of his men."

When Ye Tianlong caught Zhu Tongzi's expression getting colder, Chu Fengyun laughed loudly: "Gongsun, old man, break my hands?"

"You guys are really shameless."

"I originally wanted you to live longer, but I didn't expect you to die, so I don't want to blame it."

Chu Fengyun's voice sank: "A group of old antiques can't live up to the past, relying on the old to sell the old, and keeping it is a waste of Tianmen food."

Ye Tianlong bit his lip slightly, and there was a dagger in his hand. He was a little puzzled. Where did Chu Fengyun have the confidence to challenge him?

There were only ten people around Chu Fengyun and ten guns. Obviously, his subordinates were also blocked off the island as soon as he did it. He was too overbearing for everyone.

You know, in addition to the kings and the four gods of wealth, there are three hundred guards of Zhu Tongzi on the entire island.

The ten people of Chu Fengyun, no matter how powerful it is, it is impossible to hold the 300 guards, even the 88 people in the hall, Chu Fengyun is also difficult to deal with.

But Ye Tianlong also knew that if Chu Fengyun dared to rush in like this, and even murder, he must have something to do.

Thinking of this, Ye Tianlong squeezed the dagger, and shot eyes at the Black Widow and Dai Hulang, motioning them to move slowly towards the Shimen behind.

At the same time, he turned his head to the ground and the sky.

"Chu Fengyun, would you still dare to speak insultingly?"

At this moment, Elder Tian's face was cold, and Chu Fengyun pointed his finger at him: "It seems that I won't give you any color. I think we are toothless tigers."

"Come on, take it for me, take it for me."

Elder Tian also grabbed a gun personally, and Niu Honghong pointed at Chu Fengyun not far away: "Dare to resist, kill on the spot, kill on the spot!"

He is in charge of law enforcement, so he was very angry with Chu Fengyun's challenge.

Zhu Tongzi led someone to press up, and the guns held flat with a sharp killing intent.

"Chu Fengyun, do you think that with ten masters and ten guns, you will be able to show off your power?"

Elder Tian's eyes burst into anger: "I tell you, we have three hundred guns, and I can smash you to pieces with an order."


At this moment, a bullet hit Elder Tian's back indifferently, and a burst of blood burst out.

"Boom boom!"

The next second, a burst of intensive gunfire sounded, and countless bullets hit Elder Tian, ​​causing him to constantly twist his body as if he had been electrocuted.

Elder Tian shook his body twice, then fell heavily to the ground, shocked on his face, condensing his eyes finally.

Seeing Zhu Tongzi's guns were smoking, the dozens of guards in her body were also surprised on Wednesday, but there was an absolute obedience in her eyes.

Elder Tian struggled to squeeze out the last word: "You--"


Zhu Tongzi clicked the trigger again, and Elder Tian splattered blood on his chest. Then, more than 30 guards also poured bullets and beat Elder Tian into a sieve.

Then Zhu Tongzi raised his left hand, took out an extra gun, turned the muzzle, and fired bullets at seven or eight guards who had not fired.

"Boom boom!"

The eight people didn't even scream, their heads blossomed and fell to the ground.

The rest of the guards instinctively followed and shot the eight companions into blood gourds. This time the gunshots were louder than before.

Elder Gongsun stiffened their bodies.

The audience was silent.

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