Talented Genius

: 2034 white fan


Elder Gongsun was very ignorant, shocked, and never expected that so many pirates would appear.

You know, although this Emperor Island is on the edge of Malacca and is at the junction of several countries, it still belongs to Malaysia in terms of sovereignty.

Pirates act more on the high seas. It is really surprising to break into this place, and who is it with so many people?

Looking at the dense array of enemies in front of him, Wei Ruqing also struck a spirit:

"It's a battle axe, a tomahawk man!"

Hearing this sentence, Wei Ji and many other people's eyelids jumped. They all knew that the tomahawk was the most ferocious and combative pirate in the world.

Tomahawk came to the fore eight years ago, and three years later, it incorporated the major pirates of Malacca and became the king of pirates and the richest pirate in the world.

They not only ransacked the merchant ships going to and from Malacca, but also robbed two cargo ships carrying armored vehicles in Singapore.

Five years ago, various countries jointly attacked the Tomahawk organization, but after five years, Tomahawk has not been destroyed, but has become more secretive and organized.

No one thought that if they appeared on the Emperor Island on such a large scale today, they would still be coming towards the gate of heaven.

Wei Ruoqing yelled: "Chu Fengyun, you bastard, call pirates to help out, you are frantic."

He knew that Chu Fengyun had met the boss of the'Tomahawk Organization'.


Chu Fengyun laughed wildly, with a desperate situation:

"I did look for a battle axe, I want them to annihilate the kings at sea, so that all the kings will be buried in the sea, so that the Tianmen Conference cannot be opened."

"But Tomahawk refused me without hesitation, no matter how much I paid."

"I thought they were worried about Tianmen's revenge. It turned out not to be the case, but Tomahawk has a deeper cooperation."

Chu Fengyun screamed like a lunatic: "As expected, it is Han Xiongtu. Either he won't make a move or he will be thunderous."

"I also abandoned my daughter and old friends. I took it and took it."

There was resentment in Chu Fengyun's laugh, but there was also appreciation, but no matter what he thought in his heart, this last battle didn't belong to him anymore.

He is no longer the protagonist of the Tianmen Convention.

Hearing the three words of Han Xiongtu, not only Han Jing, but Wei Ji and the others were all startled, and they began to have deeper thoughts.

"Don't froze, don't froze, quickly withdraw into the chamber, quickly withdraw into the chamber."

Ye Tianlong reacted quickly, shouting at the Black Widow and Gongsun, and then snatched a spear and bullets:

"Withdraw! Withdraw in!"

He knew very well in his heart that standing in place against these well-armed pirates would definitely be 100% death.

In addition to the large number of opponents and powerful firepower, the pirates are well-trained, no less than the ordinary army, and the team fights very well.

The Seven Kings and the Four Great Gods of Wealth followed, although they were extremely domineering alone, but if they were to fight the pirates in a team, they would definitely be destroyed.

So Ye Tianlong repeatedly called Wei Ji to withdraw into the hall.

Lan Lanxiang and Xu Facai moved quickly, and no one paid attention to Chu Fengyun on the ground. At this moment, his life and death were no longer important.

"Da da da!"

When Elder Gongsun and the others moved quickly into the hall, the pirates who pressed over discovered the intentions of the crowd and pulled the trigger directly.

Countless bullets shot up from Gatlin.


The five guards who withdrew from the intersection only fired two or three shots, and they were distorted by the dense bullets of the opponent.

They kept shaking, backing up, spraying blood, and finally fell straight in a pool of blood.

There were more than a dozen under the Seven Kings who were hiding in the bunker, shooting down several pirates in front of them, trying to stop the opponent from advancing.

It's just that they quickly incurred a retaliatory counterattack by the pirates, and the blue-fired Gatling screamed like a speedboat motor.

The Seven Kings, who were hiding in a thin bunker, were shot through the bunker before he could even open his mouth to call out.

The last few people in the center of the ion bomb concentration were directly lifted into the air by Qi Jin, and then beaten into a pile of minced meat by countless warheads.


Then, scattered all over, it was like a rain of blood, and in the rain of blood, there were countless warheads passing by.

The five or six guards at the commanding heights could instinctively pull the trigger and knock over the seven or eight pirates who came over, but before they had time to be happy, the bullets came.

The six were beaten into blood gourds, and then fell from the commanding height, with dozens of bullets all over their bodies.



A middle-aged man wearing a blindfold walked in the camp with a gun, and ordered while walking forward.

Behind the team, there are three troop carriers slowly following, as if they were the finalists and weapons.

Gatlin continued to shoot frantically.

Suddenly, bullets flew, and the front of the chamber became a death jedi, and the plane trees on both sides continued to collapse and fell on the road.

The trunks were as if they were being shoveled by a bulldozer, leaning inward layer by layer, showing that the trunks could not withstand dense warheads.

More than 30 guards and seven kings' men fell in the rain of bullets.

Chu Fengyun was hit by a stray bullet, snorted, supported half of his body and looked at the pirate, and then shouted with all his strength.

"I am Chu Fengyun!"

Even though his veins were abolished by Ye Tianlong, his eighth rank was still full of energy. With a roar, the gunshot that was about to stop was completely extinguished.

Feeling a glimmer of hope, Chu Fengyun shouted again: "I am Chu Fengyun, I am King Chu!"


At this time, a white fan protruded from a troop carrier, acting more elegantly.


This action immediately caused the gunfire to sound again, and more than 300 bullets shot past, directly smashing Chu Fengyun into a pile of minced meat.

A generation of King Chu died.

King Chu's head fell to the ground, his eyes protruding, and he couldn't catch his eyes...

"Quick, block it, block it all!"

Ye Tianlong, who had withdrawn into the hall, had no time to die in grief and anger, and shouted to Yan Pobei and Wei Ruqing, "Seal all doors and windows!"

Everyone has seen the powerful firepower of the pirates, knowing that this is the moment of life and death, and immediately burst into action.

The doors and windows were closed for the first time, countless stone benches and tables were sealed up, and more than two hundred corpses in the hall were piled up.

Elder Gongsun and Dai Hulang withdrew to the vicinity of the stone wall, while the others picked up their guns and stood ready.

"Give me those two guns."

Ye Tianlong waved his hand to give him two spears, then took a bag of bullets and hung it on his body, moving quickly to the second floor.

The black widow shouted: "Dragon, what are you going to do?"

Elder Gongsun also said: "The master, the walls upstairs are so thin that they can easily be pierced by bullets. It is better to hide in the stone wall."

Ye Tianlong laughed heartily: "We are Tianmen children, how can we shrink our heads like this?"

"I went up and fired a few shots to crush the pirate team and let them know that we are great."

He still needs to delay for a while, otherwise the Tianmen children will be dead if the support is not there.

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