Talented Genius

Chapter 2035: Can rest in peace

Yan Pobei leaned forward holding the gun, "Sect Master, I will fight alongside you."

Wei Wuqing also screamed: "Yes, we will kill the enemy together with you. How can the master of the sect fight the enemy alone?"

He never forgets to flatter Ye Tianlong.

Ye Tianlong refused without hesitation: "No, you guard on the first floor and prevent the enemy from rushing in is the greatest record."

"Your marksmanship and reaction are not as fast as I am. Going up and fighting side by side will only drag me down."

He showed a sense of war: "I am more calm and lethal by myself."

If the first floor is not held, the backbone and followers of nearly a hundred days will all be dead. If the first floor can be held, Ye Tianlong will have the confidence to win.

Yan Pobei and the others thought about it in the depths, knowing that Ye Tianlong's words were reasonable, and only Ye Tianlong could handle so many pirates and such strong firepower.

They follow Ye Tianlong, but will restrict his actions, so they finally nodded: "Sect Master, you have to be careful."

Yan Pobei also stuffed a short gun into Ye Tianlong's body.

"Keep the first floor well, our support will come soon."

Seeing Elder Gongsun and the others exuding exhaustion, Ye Tianlong straightened his body and shouted: "Trust me, at most half an hour, reinforcements will arrive."

"Sect Master, where are there any reinforcements."

Elder Gongsun sighed sadly: "The pirates can invade here, in addition to the gate guards are killed, I am afraid that all parties on the dock will also be killed."

"I can hold it here for a while, but I can't hold it, let's fight them directly."

Ye Tianlong slapped Elder Gongsun on the shoulder: "Elder Gongsun, believe me, I will let you survive. Don't despair."

"My superior is still waiting for you to vote."

Dai Hulang also smiled: "Elder Gongsun, Tianlong won't lie to you. He said there are reinforcements, so there must be reinforcements."

Elder Gongsun directly knelt down: "Sect Master, if you can survive, let alone a vote, my life is yours."

He was completely convinced by Ye Tianlong. As long as he could survive, let alone support him in the upper ranks, he would be a bull and a horse. Elder Gongsun would be willing.

Then he let out a sigh of relief: "Okay, I promise the doormaster that I will stay on the first floor until I die in battle."

"Okay! Please everyone!"

Ye Tianlong patted everyone on the shoulders, then moved quickly to the second floor, found some ventilation windows, and then glanced outside.

At this moment, the thousands of pirates happened to be transferred to the open space of the chamber, and they did not even do any cover and dispersal actions, and directly advanced domineeringly.

Many people and powerful firepower make them proud to be like peacocks.

There are also three troop carriers that can hold fifteen people behind.

"Boom boom!"

When the front Gatling gunman was about to shoot the gate, Ye Tianlong's muzzle stuck out, and he pulled the trigger non-stop, and seven bullets were shot out.


There was a scream outside, and the seven pirates carrying Gatling had their heads blooming, and then fell heavily to the ground.

"Boom boom!"

Ye Tianlong shot out three more bullets. The three Gatling pirates who turned around suffered a pain in their shoulders, and the huge momentum made them fall backward.

When they fell, they subconsciously pulled the trigger in a terrible pain, and Gatling scanned the sky and the surroundings for a round.


More than 30 pirates were swept by bullets and fell out like wind-blown rice. They were covered in blood, and those who were not dead wailed.

The imposing team suddenly became chaotic.

"Boom boom!"

Although the team was a little chaotic, some pirates still reacted and fired at the second floor where the bullets were fired.

Ye Tianlong rolled on the spot, swiftly rushing to the other side, almost as soon as he avoided, a large number of bullets blasted into the distance, smashing the wall.

"Boom boom!"

Ye Tianlong stuck out his muzzle again and fired five bullets, hitting one of Gatling's bullets, the bullets exploded instantly, and they shot everywhere.


More than 20 pirates were shot indiscriminately and fell to the ground screaming. Some were shot on their bodies, some were injured in their thighs, and some were disfigured...

The pirate team was chaotic again.

"As expected of the person my daughter is after."

Behind the pirate team was a troop carrier.

There were six people sitting in the car. One of them was wearing a white gown. Yushu was facing the wind and was suave. While watching the battle ahead, he admired:

"This combat power is unprecedented. It's a pity."

Afterwards, he put away the white fan in his hand and stretched out the window with a light wave.

Following this action, three men in black outfit got out of a car, opened a box each, and assemble several parts with skill.

Before long, a rocket launcher was assembled.

The sharp cone-like armor-piercing warhead under the sun shines like the eyes of death...

Elder Gongsun, who happened to activate a surviving camera outside, opened their mouths one by one when they looked at the picture presented on the wall.

A cold air flowed down the spine from Tian Ling Gai, and reached the soles of the feet. Elder Gongsun and the others seemed to have been slapped, their muscles stiff.

British-style rocket launcher with a caliber of 40 mm, a direct firing distance of 100 meters, an armor-breaking power of 400 mm, one shot...

That's it! It's all over!

Elder Gongsun was completely stupid. He hated himself for the first time. Why should he be an army fan? Why do we need to know so much knowledge about ordnance?

If he doesn't know anything, he can at least have the courage to be an ostrich.

Wei Ji and the others also stiffened, and Han Jing trembled: "Tianlong--"

"Swish! Swish! Swish!"

As the thoughts turned, three rocket launchers were launched one after another, and the three groups of flames went straight to the second floor of the chamber.

"Pump pound!"

When Elder Gongsun and Wei Ji's faces were ashes ashes, three shots rang out on the second floor.

"Boom boom boom!"

In the next second, Elder Gongsun and the others were shocked to see that three bullets passed through a distance of more than 20 meters and hit the imposing rocket.

Three loud and deafening noises exploded in mid-air almost at the same time, and then three groups of flames, like fireworks, poured down all around.


When the glass shattered the wall cracked on the second floor of the chamber, more than fifty pirates in front were also overturned by the shock wave, screaming and flying around.

There were more than twenty strands of flames falling into the crowd, causing many pirates to mourn, and others were on fire and jumped uncontrollably.

"Pump pound!"

In this chaos, three more gunshots sounded, and the heads of the three men in black with bazookas shook their heads, and then they shot out from their eyebrows...

The formation was chaotic again.

The original pride fell apart because of this, and the rebelliousness in the eyes of the pirates began to have a trace of fear.

Ye Tianlong is definitely a perverted existence.

"Old Sect Master, if you have the Spirit of Heaven, you can rest in peace!"

Seeing this scene, Elder Gongsun suddenly looked up to the sky and screamed: "Tianmen, reappear the emperor..."

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