Talented Genius

Chapter 2036: Shock

"Pump pound!"

Before the pirates were shocked, Ye Tianlong fired another eight shots, destroying the bazooka and Gatling, making it impossible for the pirates to pick up and use them.

The rocket launcher had no shells, and it didn't matter much that the bullet hit it, but when Gatling was hit, the bullet exploded and hit the surrounding pirates again.

Two more machine guns came out, but only for one round, and then Ye Tianlong exploded the magazine and exploded into a pile of scrap iron.

Ye Tianlong's fierceness greatly boosted the morale of Elder Gongsun and the others, and made thousands of pirates fearful.

This guy's marksmanship is too accurate, it's really unreasonable.

The man in the white shirt in the troop carrier also showed a trace of dignity, and the white fan came out of the window again and opened it with a slap.

Seeing this action, the middle-aged man wearing a blindfold yelled, "Spread it out!"

"The first team charged, the second team was suppressed by the third team, and the fourth team circled around!"

With the issuance of the order, the 400 pirates in front took immediate action. One hundred charged with guns and two hundred relied on troop carriers to build firepower.

There were also a hundred pirates, bending over from both sides to surround the conference hall, all holding guns tightly in their hands.

It's just that no one went to repair Gatling and the rocket launcher. Although they were close at hand, many pirates had instinctive reactions.

It seems that as long as one touches that thing, Ye Tianlong will have a headshot without mercy. In fact, seven or eight people who went to get Gatlin will fall.

"Boom boom!"

Ye Tianlong shot over several roundabout pirates, suppressing them to advance quickly, and then shouted to Yan Pobei downstairs:

"Kill them."

Yan Pobei made a quick gesture. Thirty Seven Kings followed forward, and they shot out through the gap between the doors and windows, each locking on a target.

Yan Pobei was calm, and waited for the charging pirate to reach ten meters before he shouted in a deep voice, "Fire!"

Thirty guns fired at the same time, and the bullets swished out. More than 20 pirates shook their bodies and fell to the ground screaming.

They don't have the delicacy of Tianmen children, so they don't have body armor. In this round of shooting, at least 20 pirates died.

More than a dozen people fell to the ground and screamed.

The one-eyed pirate also got cold eyes and waved his hand suddenly: "Fire!"

Two hundred gunmen shot immediately, and the bullets hit the doors and windows of the chamber...

Bullets fell on it like rain, and the bangs kept ringing, and the door instantly became ragged, but fortunately it was blocked by stone tables and dead bodies.

Although Yan Pobei and the others hid their bodies for the first time, some people were still injured under the bombardment of more than a thousand bullets.

A big monk's ears were cut off in half, and he almost jumped his feet in pain.

Ye Tianlong came out of the hiding place again and fired again and again with a long breath. Seven or eight people were shot by him and fell to the ground, and the one-eyed pirate almost got a headshot.

The one-eyed pirate was angry: "The second team and the third team suppressed, the first team, four teams and five teams all attack!"

Following his instructions, countless bullets were fired at the chamber again, and the door of the chamber was crackling, and the feeling of devastation was terrifying.

At the same time, three hundred-person teams also launched attacks from all directions, wave after wave, shouting to kill the sky.

They directly adopted the crowded tactics, leaving Ye Tianlong overwhelmed.

"Boom boom!"

Ye Tianlong ignored these people, just exploded a few enemies who wanted to pick up the rocket launcher, and then shouted at Yan Pobei and the others:

"The first floor is handed over to you."

Yan Pobei roared: "Don't worry, the master, the first floor will never be breached!"

Following Yan Pobei's command, bullets were fired continuously within a short time of a few breaths, and none of the pirates were spared.

The situation is terrible.

The bullets of the three hundred guards and one hundred mercenaries were enough for Yan Pobei and them to head-on.

Some pirates who rushed to the doors and windows of the chamber were stabbed to death by daggers or sabers just as they were about to push away the stone benches and tables and chairs.

The shooting record was mediocre, but in close combat, the seven kings followed the specialty, so more than 20 pirates were killed in an instant.

Two of them were still beaten to death by Wei Ruqing's monk with a strong vajra palm, and their brains burst out.


The bullets were in the air, and the enemy and the enemy were in hand-to-hand combat. People were constantly shot to the ground or pierced with a sharp weapon, screaming on the spot.

Ye Tianlong fired at several enemies who were going to climb floors, preventing them from entering the first floor from the second floor.

The sky became darker in the smoke.

The charge suddenly stopped, and more than two hundred pirates left nearly a hundred of their companions, and then slowly retreated back, regrouped and prepared for a new round of attack.

Yan Pobei and the others were not happy, but wiped off the blood, bandaged the wound, and filled the bullet as quickly as possible.

Everyone knows that there will be a second wave of attacks soon, and that will be the most difficult moment, and the battle of life and death will begin cruelly.

When Ye Tianlong condensed his gaze, fifteen people suddenly flashed out from behind the troop carrier, rushing forward like a rainbow, and then simultaneously threw a grenade.


Fifteen grenades smashed into the chamber. Each of these pitchers was very powerful, so they smashed very quickly.

"Boom boom!"

Ye Tianlong shot out bullets calmly, causing the grenade to explode in midair one by one.

It's just that after the wave was just finished, fifteen people made another shot, and another fifteen grenade slammed into the chamber, and the direction was even more scattered.

Ye Tianlong shot calmly again, but when he hit the fourteenth grenade, both spears had no bullets.

It was too late to replace the bullets. Two grenades fell on the door of the chamber and exploded at the same time.


In the black smoke, the door has a gap.

In the waving of the white fan, the one-eyed pirate yelled out: "A full-scale attack."

Except for 30 people staying in the same place, all the pirates pressed on, a total of 800 people, including a group of masters wearing masks.

The impact was extremely violent, even if Yan Pobei and the others fought bravely and **** bullets, there were still eight powerful enemies with good skills leaping into it.

They rushed into the chamber and shot out the bullets and shot out their knives. They swung their knives and killed a dozen injured Seven Kings.

Then he rushed toward Elder Gongsun and the others fiercely.

"Swish swish!"

Tian Mo and Canshou took a few steps forward, and the black knife and the leaf knife flashed out almost at the same time, stabbing the mask master like a poisonous snake.

The black sword turned into a sharp light, and first swept toward the enemy, the two of them flew away with the sword.

Leaf blades flashed from side to side, and the other two mask masters immediately splashed blood and fell to the ground.

But at this moment, another five or six pirate masters rushed in.

"Keep the doors and windows, I will deal with them!"

Di Kuangtian yelled to Yan Pobei, then shot out, punched one person away, and then revolved out and kicked another person's head.

Then, Earth Kuangtian crashed into another person's arms, causing him to squirt blood from his mouth and nose and fly out, knocking over the enemies that came from the gap...

Elder Gongsun also exploded an enemy's head with a single shot: "Kill, kill, kill them!"

Wei Wuqing, Wei Ji, and Qi Sanqiu didn't care about the old wounds, and led their subordinates to rush to kill, all killing red eyes, all of which seemed to be a trick to die with the enemy.

Kill when you see the enemy.

Except for Dai Hulang who can't do martial arts, Aunt Wa and Wei Po all joined the battle group.


In the blood splashing, all the eighteen masked masters who rushed in were killed, and the remaining three wounded enemies wanted to withdraw when they saw that the situation was not good, but they were shot and killed by Han Jing calmly.

Yan Pobei and the others ran back and forth against the enemy, everyone's eyes were blood red, and they seemed to have only one simple purpose in their minds, and that was to kill the enemy.

No matter what means to block and kill the invading enemies, the life and death in this **** battle was simply explained.

Many corpses fell down in the doors and windows of the chamber, and the red blood couldn't help flowing, but no one paid any attention.

Ten minutes later, more than a hundred pirates were killed or injured. Thirty people from Heavenly Sect masters also fell. Only fifty people were left to fight in the hall.

Yan Pobei also had injuries on their bodies.

Seeing that the Chamber was difficult to capture, the pirates once again stopped attacking and rectified.


Five minutes later, Yan Pobei and Elder Gongsun looked at the screen in shock. In the smoke, three more pickup trucks were vaguely seen at the intersection.

The pickup truck did not approach the chamber, but stopped outside the range of Ye Tianlong's bullet, and then the pirate on the truck tore off the tarpaulin behind the car.

Three anti-aircraft machine guns appeared.

Elder Gongsun was shocked again: "Maxin heavy machine gun?"

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