Talented Genius

Chapter 2038: Open the door to kill the enemy

Tiger Wolf Camp?

The seven hundred pirates were shocked when they heard this, and there was a dignified look on their faces. Obviously they all knew what power the Tiger Wolf Camp was.

That was the guard of Wengsha, the first warrior in Malaysia, eating royal food, but it was Wengsha's private army with advanced equipment, strong firepower, and the power of tigers and wolves.

Moreover, although the Tiger Wolf Camp is a battalion organization, the actual number of people has already exceeded one regiment. This is still under the control of Wengsha's efforts.

Otherwise, Tiger Wolf Camp has long since become an army.

Once they came to encircle themselves, they were afraid that it would be difficult to please them today, so six or seven hundred pirates began to panic, nervously pointing their guns around.

Han Xiongtu's expression was also startled, and the shaking white fan instantly stopped: "Ma Jun? How is this possible?"

He took out the satellite phone and made a call, but the number he was familiar with could not be reached. His heart sank and he dialed another number.

This time, it couldn't be connected.


Han Xiongtu's face was completely ugly. He was able to come to Emperor Island to besiege the Heaven Gate today, but he smashed a lot of real money to get through the official joints.

Two characters who can reach the sky.

But now, those two big men didn't even answer his phone, and Han Xiongtu was stupid to know that something happened.

"Son of a bitch!"

Han Xiongtu lost the gentleness and elegance he had just now, his face became hideous, and he glanced at the chamber with hatred, then he was very unwilling to shout:

"Withdraw! Withdraw!"

The one-eyed pirate whispered and roared out a few words, and the pirates immediately turned their guns and evacuated, each with solemn faces.


At this moment, the pirates heard a roar in the air, and then twelve helicopters dived down.

"Da da da!"

Twelve machine guns fired at the same time, and the first target was the heavy machine guns of three pickup trucks.

The pirate on the pickup truck only had time to raise the muzzle, and was hit by countless bullets, ejecting bursts of blood, which then turned into fragments.

The heavy machine gun also exploded in the bombardment of bullets, scattered around to knock over the dozen pirates, and then the pickup truck soared with a spark and exploded into a pile of fragments.

"Da da da!"

Then, the formation of the twelve helicopters changed again, and the left and right sides were outflanked, and the bullets shot into the pirate group like rain, and suddenly a **** spatter.

The screams were repeated, countless pirates fell down, and the troop carrier screamed!

Hundreds of pirates fired wildly while evacuating with the personnel carrier, but their firepower was too weak compared to helicopters.

In less than three minutes, the pirates fell more than two hundred people, **** and mottled all the way, except for a few bullet marks, the helicopter was not a major problem.

"Kill them."

Upon seeing this, Han Xiongtu's face changed drastically, and he picked up the walkie-talkie and gave a low voice. The next second, the other two troop carriers came out of four modified muzzles.

"Swish swish!"

Taking advantage of the intense smoke, four round cannonballs were fired from the four muzzles. The cannonballs exploded in mid-air, and then a large piece of black dust floated in the air.

The sky dimmed instantly, and countless dust clouded the vision. This was a graphite bomb designed to deal with helicopters, just like the movie Wolf Warriors.

The six helicopters shook in an instant, and then stopped shooting at the pirates, and landed on the grass in the distance. The electronic equipment was damaged, but it was okay.

The other six raised their heights, away from this piece of graphite dust, and the doors closed.

Taking advantage of the weakening of the helicopter firepower, Han Xiongtu shouted again: "Withdraw!"

Less than five hundred pirates climbed and evacuated, hoping to get away from the deadly helicopter as soon as possible.

It was just that they had just evacuated more than three hundred meters, they saw a huge monster suddenly turned into the corner, and a light tank blocked the street.

Han Xiongtu's mouth became dry for an instant, and then he reacted and shouted: "Disperse, disperse!"

Before the pirates could react, they heard three consecutive sounds of ‘boom boom boom’, and three shells charged from the front.

The land on the soles of the pirates' feet became shaking again.

"Boom boom!"

Three cannonballs accurately hit the screaming pirate, not only killing many people, but also disintegrating their fighting spirit.

Although the combat effectiveness of pirates is stronger than that of gangs, there is still a gap compared to the regular army, especially the reaction after being hit hard.

After nearly a hundred people fell again, the rest of the pirates were all stunned, then panicked, and finally messed up.

"Boom, boom, boom!"

Three more shells severely overturned dozens of pirates who counterattacked, and then six helicopters came from behind, and machine guns fired mercilessly.

The pirates were sorely beaten and howled, discarding the weapons in their hands and fleeing, and they can participate in the Olympics at the speed of both legs.

The Tiger Wolf Camp, which was following the tank, did not give them a chance, and immediately dispersed to chase them, and the submachine guns rang out intensively, taking the lives of the pirates.


When a personnel carrier was bombarded into scrap iron by artillery shells, Han Xiongtu kicked the car door and ran out. He shot five or six soldiers very quickly, and then fled.

He has a clear goal to go to the city buildings. Only by hiding in those shops or uninhabited buildings can he have a chance to survive...

Just a few tens of meters away, a large number of soldiers appeared in front of him, and the bullets swished over, forcing Han Xiongtu to retreat.

After the battle, there were only two hundred pirates left. Under the leadership of Han Xiongtu, they withdrew to the side of the chamber to resist.

After the Tiger Wolf Camp hit the pirates heavily, it began to slow down, and instead of attacking Han Xiong and them immediately, it killed the enemy with a carpet.

Wherever they went, all the pirates were killed, and none survived.

"Tianlong, what's the matter?"

"Why did Ma Jun come?"

"Yes, it's Wengsha's Tiger Wolf Camp..."

When Elder Gongsun and Wei Ji saw the pirates defeated, Han Xiong was at the end of his life, and when they thought of the pirates just now, they were all surprised.

They didn't expect that reinforcements would actually be killed by Wengsha's Tiger Wolf camp at the moment of life and death, so that everyone present was completely safe.

Once again, the rest of their lives made Elder Gongsun and the others very happy, and they kept asking Ye Tianlong.

"I will tell you the specific process later. I will just say one thing. I and General Wengsha are good friends."

Ye Tianlong didn't talk about ten tons of gold, which would make people think it was a transaction, and it would also discredit Weng Sha's reputation:

"I greeted him when I came to Emperor Island. My trip may be dangerous. Let him take some time to look at me."

Ye Tianlong simply explained: "He is also righteous, knowing that I am in trouble, he sent his hand to rescue me, but I did not expect such a big battle."

He originally thought that Weng Sha would send at most two hundred soldiers to help, but he did not expect to bring the tanks and helicopters over, and cried out that the favor was owed again...

"Sect Master, you really have a wide range of contacts, and Weng Sha have become good friends. You know, we hugged our thighs countless times without success."

Elder Gongsun sighed with emotion: "The wave behind the Yangtze River pushes the wave forward. For the rest of my life, the old man must be the master of the gate."

Qi Sanqiu and Wei Ji were also very happy, thinking about their perfect team this time.

Dai Hulang and Black Widow were relieved, the people who had been watching them became more and more mature.

Wei Ruqing glanced outside: "I'm afraid the pirates are coming out today. The one-eyed pirate seems to be their second child."

"Kill him, kill Wei Ruqing, and the pirates will fall apart... No, there is one less person, and I didn't see Tomahawk himself."

There was a trace of regret on Wei Wuqing's face: "It would be great if the Tomahawk was also there, kill him, and the whole pirate will be completely finished."

"It is estimated to guard the nest."

Yan Pobei laughed: "But it doesn't matter. After we survive today, the tomahawk will hide in the end of the world, and we will kill him too!"

Although there is no shadow of the tomahawk, everyone is happy enough with this record today.

"Okay, don't talk anymore."

Ye Tianlong waved the short spear in his hand: "The wounded, those who do not know martial arts, and Han Jing, stay in the stone wall, and the other brothers, kill with me."

"Exterminate the pirates, kill King Han!"

In fact, Ye Tianlong could take everyone to stay and wait for Tiger Wolf Camp to kill the enemy, and then go out after the pirates were almost dead.

But he knew that many people were holding a sigh of relief in their hearts. They were so miserable by the pirates just now that they wanted to charge to vent.

Moreover, Ye Tianlong wanted to hold Han Xiongtu. Although Tiger Wolf Camp had a strong firepower, it was difficult to guarantee that Han Xiongtu would take advantage of it, so he had to take the shot himself.

Of course, there is another main reason, that is, Ye Tianlong wants to show combat effectiveness, so as to offset Wengsha's favor to the greatest extent.

It can also make them feel that the Tianmen line does not depend on their charity to survive, and that the children of Tianmen still have a strong fighting power.

Hearing Ye Tianlong's words, Yan Pobei and the others responded together: "Exterminate the pirates, kill the King of Han."

Han Jing wanted to say something, but finally nodded and chose to stay: "Tianlong, be careful."

Ye Tianlong gave an order: "Open the door, kill the enemy!"

Yan Pobei and Wei Ruoqing moved quickly to open the debris in the doors and windows.

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