Talented Genius

Chapter 2039: The trend is gone


Ye Tianlong rushed out first, Yan Pobei and the others also charged, pulling the trigger at the pirate in front, and the bullet swished out.


The line of defense that nearly two hundred pirates finally built was torn to pieces from behind by Ye Tianlong and the others, and the two sides fought thoroughly.

Han Xiongtu didn't expect Ye Tianlong and the others to dare to come out, and immediately shouted to the roaring pirates: "Kill them!"

The pirate held a gun and fired.

"Boom boom!"

Ye Tianlong's eyes were locked with Han Xiongtu, and he took the lead, lighting up the guns in his hand, and turning over five or six rival pirates.

Taking advantage of this gap, he rushed into the crowd of pirates, jumped, and stepped on the head of a pirate.

Before that person reacted, he felt that the top of his head was light, and Ye Tianlong had already flashed past.

The tide of pirates looked nothing but grass in his eyes. He was as light as a swallow and as if a dragon, stepped on the pirate's head like a royal wind.

When Han Xiongtu's face changed and took a step back, the chaotic pirates finally came to their senses and waved their swords to intercept this invincible person.

The sword light flew, and the army thorn came like a forest thorn, trying to block Ye Tianlong's charge.


Ye Tianlong grabbed a knife with a backhand, and with a sudden wave, the sun shone, reflecting on the blade of the knife, shooting out a lot of brilliance.

Under the dazzling halo, three pirate swords broke their heads, and the cold wind hit them, and the blood was like candles.

Ye Tianlong walked all the way, his cloak was bloody, and no one could stop him from taking a knife.

With just one wave, several people's heads flew up, and the sky was full of blood, better than the sun that was almost overhead.

Under the rush, blood spurted, and Ye Tianlong seemed to smash a sea of ​​blood. Many pirates changed their complexions, almost astonished on the spot.

Only then did they know that there is really a pervert in this world, and the army is like trying to fetch the enemy.

More than 30 pirates were instantly beheaded by Ye Tianlong, and there was no one to stop and no one to fight, causing the pirates behind to have a mental breakdown and one after another to escape.

At this moment, Yan Pobei and Wei Ruqing and they also came in, and after the bullets were all fired, they came to a short fight.

In close confrontation, where is the pirate's opponent? After only two rounds of hacking, the pirates retreated steadily, and the line of defense was completely chaotic.

With Wei Ruqing and the others sharing the pressure, Ye Tianlong became more relaxed, and went straight to Han Xiongtu not far away: "King Han, I have been waiting for you for a long time."


Seeing Ye Tianlong killed and wounded countless, Han Xiong laughed furiously, and drew out his guns backhand and shouted, "Ye Tianlong!"

"Boom boom!"

Han Xiongtu pulled the trigger at Ye Tianlong. Ye Tianlong, who had just killed one person, did not turn his head, and directly pulled out three meters from the spot to the side.

Almost as soon as Ye Tianlong left the place, the bullet hit the ground fiercely, leaving four or five more shocking bullet holes, and a burst of gunpowder smoke rose.

A warhead also ejected from the ground, wiping Ye Tianlong's shoulder, leaving a faint blood stain.

It's just that Ye Tianlong didn't pay any attention, he twisted his body and rolled out again to avoid the subsequent murderous intent.


Seeing that a blow was missed, Han Xiongtu's killing intent was even more fierce, and instead of retreating, he advanced, roaring with two spears like a nine-day **** of war.

The violent bullets mixed with his killing intent, forming a terrifying line of fire.

All people or things within the firepower's reach were cut off by the waist, and fell to the ground with blood and blood.


When Ye Tianlong pushed Wei Ji away to avoid the shooting, a bullet got into his left shoulder, shaking him all over, and a burst of blood spurted out.

Ye Tianlong threw himself on the spot and rolled sideways, and at the same time kicked out a pirate corpse and smashed it towards Han Xiongtu who was rushing over.

"Boom boom!"

Han Xiongtu roared, the trigger was still relentlessly squeezed, and the powerful line of fire directly overturned the corpse, which shows how much he hates Ye Tianlong.

"Boom boom!"

Han Xiongtu kept firing with both hands, the gun with a magazine capacity of 30 was full of killing.

He rushed towards Ye Tianlong while firing frantically, and dazzling bullet holes burst out as he passed.

It's just that although Han Xiongtu's bullet posed a threat to Ye Tianlong, it also virtually blocked the pirate's siege.

Initially, five or six pirates wanted to attack Ye Tianlong, but they were all overturned by Han Xiongtu's bullets and died on the spot while charging.

Even the one-eyed pirate was nearly injured by a bullet and had to hide on a corpse.

"King Han, the marksmanship is pretty good, and one shot is more accurate than one shot."

After Ye Tianlong felt Han Xiongtu's madness, he didn't run away to avoid or make a move, but kept jumping and moving among the pirates.

He lured Han Xiongtu's bullets to kill or wound the pirates one by one.

Although Ye Tianlong fought **** battles for several times, his evasion and movement speed still made people dizzy.

Those bullets all hit the pirate, and the sound of scolding was endless.

"Ye Tianlong!"

After seeing many pirates accidentally wounded, Han Xiongtu's face became even more ugly, and his eyes instantly burst into a chilling light.

He waved his arms, banged twice, and the two pistol bullets spun towards Ye Tianlong.

Ye Tianlong didn't evade too much, he directly grabbed the one-eyed pirate and pushed it in front of him, and two bullets shot in.

Blood spattered, and the one-eyed pirate died.

Han Xiongtu was very angry: "Ye Tianlong!"

He shot Ye Tianlong again, but this time there were two clicks, and the gun was out of bullets.

"It's me!"

Ye Tianlong laughed, the voice fell, and the whole person blew up like a whirlwind, and the saber drew a sharp arc.

Although he had already prepared and pulled out his army thorns in time, Han Xiongtu still couldn't deal with it lightly in the face of Ye Tianlong's fierce blow.

He felt a surge of power.


Han Xiongtu tensed his nerves, raised his hand abruptly, poured all his strength, and swung his knife


The saber collided with the military stabbing, and a ball of sparks appeared. Han Xiongtu firmly suppressed Ye Tianlong's blade, and then blasted Ye Tianlong's abdomen with his left hand.

Ye Tianlong laughed and rushed out his fists, their fists bumped hard.


The two of them shook their bodies, and then each retreated back, Ye Tianlong's expression remained unchanged as usual, and Han Xiongtu spit out a mouthful of blood.

He stared at Ye Tianlong and grinned: "Ye Tianlong, I really underestimated you."

Ye Tianlong faintly said: "It can't be done, I am a low-key person."

"Boom boom!"

At this time, there was another short burst of gunfire around, and then it fell completely silent, only a few muffled sounds passed by occasionally.

Han Xiongtu glanced around and found that all the pirates had been killed, without a living mouth, and all of them were lying motionless in a pool of blood.

On Ye Tianlong's side, Yan Pobei and Wei Ruqing and other Tianmen children were in front, and the tanks and Tiger Wolf camp were slowly pressing over.

Everyone can tell that Han Xiongtu's general trend is over.

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