Talented Genius

Chapter 2041: Upper position (four more)

The launcher is close at hand, but the tomahawk cannot be pressed down.

The grey-clothed monk's cough directly broke his fighting spirit and actions, as if a hand was pinching his heart, making him unable to make another attempt.


The grey-clothed monk walked slowly to the battle axe, and lightly dropped one hand on his shoulder.

The struggling battle axe was uncontrollable, and directly knelt on the ground, as if a Taishan mountain was pressing on him, his whole body's bones crackling like fried beans.


There was blood from his nose and mouth, his body was shaking, and his face was desperate.

Tomahawk is also a strong man, otherwise it would not be possible to kill half of the country in Malacca and become more than a thousand pirate leaders.

But such a tyrannical person not only has no counterattack ability in front of the grey-clothed monk, but even self-protection has become extremely luxurious.

The audience was silent.

Whether it was Wei Ji and the others, or Han Xiongtu, they all watched the video without moving, their faces were shocked, and it was hard to believe the scene.

Ye Tianlong also looked astonished. He not only judged that the old gray-clothed monk was a 10-rank master, or the person he had encountered before, the grey-clothed monk.

He really didn't know how to feel that the old master who was so unreliable would be a master of great skill, and he didn't notice it.

Ye Tianlong could only whisper three words: "Guawazi..."

"Do not……"

Han Xiongtu became hysterical when the battle axe slammed to the floor and couldn't move. He smashed the phone in his palm.

He pressed the black box vigorously, hoping for a miracle, but there was no movement no matter how he pressed it, and the Emperor Island was intact.

"Han Xiongtu, you are completely finished!"

The video disappeared, Yan Pobei and the others quickly withdrew their attention from the grey-clothed monk, and then surrounded Wei Wuqing with a roar.

Han Xiongtu threw away the phone and remote control, grabbed a saber and shouted, "Come on, come on, if you have the ability to kill me."

He opened his mouth nervously and roared, like a wolf in desperation, hissing and howling.

Yan Pobei, Wei Ruqing, and Wei Ji rioted together, and shot Han Xiongtu mercilessly...

"Boom boom!"

The four quickly scrambled together, constantly shouting, constantly colliding, constantly swords and shadows, accompanied by a touch of blood.

It's just that although Han Xiongtu was tough, he still couldn't hold Yan Pobei and the three of them together. Soon, a deafening metal impact sounded.

Wei Ji, Yan Pobei, and Wei Ruqing slashed on Han Xiongtu's army stab with three swords. Han Xiongtu's body shook in an instant, spouting blood and falling out of five meters.

His whole body was scarred, like a blood gourd.


When Wei Ruqing was holding his saber with a look of killing pleasure and approaching him like a cat and mouse, Han Xiongtu simply chose to commit suicide.

At the moment when he pierced his heart with his own military thorn, he was jealous and burst into tears, laughing and shouting at Ye Tianlong in the distance:

"Ye Tianlong, do you think you can kill me? Dream it!"

"In this world, it's impossible for anyone to kill me except myself. No one can kill me."

The pride in that tone is the last voice left in the world as a generation of heroes Han Xiongtu, the next second, he uses his hands to do his best.

The army thorn passes through the other side of the body.

Han Xiongtu fell to the ground with wide-eyed eyes, with the madness remaining on his face. He who was at a dead end, can only use this method to retain his dignity at this moment.

Seeing Han Xiongtu committed suicide and fell to the ground, Yan Pobei and the others stopped, silently did not step forward to make up the knife.

After all, it was an acquaintance, they didn't want to trample on Han Xiongtu without a bottom line.

Ye Tianlong also sighed softly: "It's a character..."


Han Jing, who was accompanying her grandson, burst into tears when she saw her father fallen in a pool of blood. Although she thought her father was a bastard, she was a relative in the end.

Han Jing knelt beside Han Xiongtu in tears, and stretched out her hand to caress his eyes, hoping that Han Xiongtu could rest in peace.

Perhaps it was because he felt his daughter's breath that Han Xiongtu's eyelids closed, and his ferociousness also lost two points.

Ye Tianlong walked slowly to Han Jing's side, and said softly, "I'm sorry..."

Although Han Xiongtu deserved to die, it was always Han Jing's father. Ye Tianlong felt somewhat apologetic for dying in front of her.

Han Jing shook her head desperately, then threw herself into Ye Tianlong's arms and wept bitterly: "This is what he should end up with. I don't hate you or everyone."

"I just remembered that he was kind to me and couldn't control his sadness and sadness."

Han Jing trembling her pale lips: "And he is dead, in this world, I have no relatives anymore, I am alone..."

Before Han Jing finished speaking, Ye Tianlong hugged her tightly: "Who said you have no relatives anymore? From now on, I will be your closest person."

"In the days to come, I will take good care of you."

He said softly: "If you don't dislike it..."

When Han Jing vigorously shook his head and hugged Ye Tianlong and cried bitterly, Elder Gongsun's cell phone rang, he glanced at the number and instantly became respectful.

He hurriedly turned on the phone, and after answering for a while, he shouted with joy:

"Sect Master, Sect Master, I received a call from the Ten-Pin Master."

At this moment, Dai Hulang and Black Widow all walked out, and they were slightly startled when they heard Elder Gongsun shouting, and then they all leaned in to listen.

Han Jing also let go of Ye Tianlong.

Although the Tenth Rank Master had never shown his face in front of everyone, Elder Gongsun and other elders also wore a mask when they saw him.

However, he is a supreme being in Tianmen, so he heard the instructions from the tenth-grade master, and all of them became interested.

Ye Tianlong turned and looked at Elder Gongsun. Seeing the old man approaching with joy, as if he had won a lottery, Ye Tianlong smiled and asked:

"Oh, what did the master say?"

He glanced around, wanting to see the master of the dragon without tail, but he didn't catch the figure he wanted.

Then, Ye Tianlong had the grey-clothed monk in his mind, and subconsciously connected him with the ten-rank master, and felt that the grey-clothed monk was a good match.

"The master already knows what happened here, and he also knows the performance of the master today."

Elder Gongsun’s voice was very loud: "He said that the Senate Council needs to be formed, the Seven Kings should return to their thrones, and the Four Gods of Wealth should guard the Quartet."

"He unconditionally supports the upper sect master. From now on, you will be the new sect master."

When the voice fell, Elder Gongsun knelt on one knee.

Lantianxiang, Black Widow, Xu Facai, Huang Bajin and the others knelt.

Before Ye Tianlong could react, Yan Pobei, Wei Ji, Wei Wuqing and others also knelt down.

"The Senate, the first elder, Sun Jishi..."

"Eastern Wealth God Lantian Xiang, West Wealth God Xu Facai, Southern Wealth God Black Widow, Northern Wealth God Emperor Bajin..."

"Qin Wang Dai Hulang, Yan Wang Yan Breaks North, Wei Wang Wei Ruqing, Wei Wang Weiji, Qi Wang Qi Sanqiu..."

Elder Gongsun and the others led the Tianmen children together and shouted: "I have seen the master!"


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