Talented Genius

Chapter 2042: Tianlong Island (five shift)

The next morning, Yanshan Island, golf course.

The energetic Ye Tianlong got off the car with a red arrow. He just walked to the green grass and saw Weng Sha and Zhehua playing.

Onsha slammed a blow at the white ball.

With a snap, the white ball flew out and fell into the hole locked by Weng Sha.

Ye Tianlong immediately clapped his hands and approached with a hearty laugh: "The general is mighty, a hole in one shot, amazing skill."

Hearing the sound, Zhehua turned around and smiled at Ye Tianlong, a relaxed smile of relief.

Ye Tianlong's smile also warmed up, and he took a few steps forward to hug Zhehua. They were separated for two days, but it seemed like a ten-year goodbye.

After Zhehua and Hongjian received Ye Tianlong's message yesterday, they came to Yanshan Island to find Wengsha to rescue the soldiers, so that Emperor Island could receive assistance in time.

Zhehua must have done a lot of effort and even spent a lot of effort when Weng Sha was able to transfer the army to help so quickly, and also dispatched tanks and helicopters.

So Ye Tianlong felt peaceful and happy when he saw him all right.

"I'm just a trick."

Seeing Ye Tianlong's appearance, Weng Sha laughed and stopped waiting: "It's really nothing compared to Ye Shao's yesterday."

"On Emperor Island, it was so dark that there were not only hundreds of black triangle mercenaries, but also ferocious Malacca pirates."

Weng Shamian concealed the needle with a smile and said: "If the Emperor Island is not a little remote, everyone thinks it will be independent."

Zhehua smiled and took the topic: "Yes, the general is very worried, afraid that Ye Shao will have an accident, so he sent heavy troops when he heard my news."

"Tianlong, you have to thank the general."

Zhehua put a high hat on Wengsha: "The general is kind and righteous to you."

Ye Tianlong nodded: "Thank you General, General for your kindness, I will repay you in the future."

Weng Sha waved his hand lightly, and smiled meaningfully: "I will be satisfied if there are fewer big pens from yesterday."

"Why does Tianlong have any handwriting? The general is very bold."

Ye Tianlong took a cue casually from Wu Jing, smiled brightly and gave Wengsha some big candies:

"Not only did we annihilate the largest Tomahawk pirate in Malacca and saved us 56 lives, but also found the nuclear fission material stolen from the bear country."

"This credit, looking at Malaysia, no one can match."

When Weng Sha and Wu Jing narrowed their eyes, the peaceful red arrows on their faces stepped forward and opened a black box they carried.

Inside the box, a locked warhead was exposed, it was a bomb made with a battle axe, and there was a small bottle of raw materials next to it.

Zhehua couldn't help being surprised: "This warhead contains nuclear fission material?"


Ye Tianlong nodded: "It's actually a nuclear bomb. It's just made of home-made. Although it's not as powerful as it is, it's okay to knock over 500,000 people."

"This tomahawk was bought heavily from thieves, and then assembled into a warhead."

"The general's battle last night not only defeated the pirates, but also resolved a disaster."

Ye Tianlong gave Weng Sha another deed: "It can be said that the general saved the lives of 500,000 people in Malaysia, and his merits are immense."

Ye Tianlong thought of the two hidden in his hands, and a smile flashed across his mouth.

Wu Jing was stunned when she heard the words, she had to sigh with emotion that Ye Tianlong, a bastard, had too high EQ and always understood what General Weng Sha needed.

Yesterday’s battle, although it was Han Xiong who tried to sneak into Malaysia to kill, it was also related to the convening of the Tianmen Conference, and Ye Tianlong was somewhat responsible.

Weng Sha's original intention was to give Ye Tianlong a warning, hoping that Tianmen could settle down in Malaysia, and even wanted to take back the leased Emperor Island.

But now it is blocked by Ye Tianlong's warhead, and I am afraid it will be difficult to export.

For General Wengsha, money, beauties, and power have long since lost their meaning. Only reputation and admiration are things that make him tempted.

So Ye Tianlong’s record turned Weng Sha’s Mianli hidden needles into a smile: "Ye Shao is really caring."

"It's not a caring person, it's the merit of the general."

Ye Tianlong maintained a polite expression: "If you didn't send troops to rescue me, how could I find this missile?"

"Furthermore, the missiles will bring harm to me. Everyone is not guilty, and I am guilty of crimes. I don't have the ability to have them, and I keep harming myself."

He asked Red Arrow to close the box: "So dedicated to the general is to make the general suffer and help me bear this risk."


Hearing Ye Tianlong's words, Weng Sha let out another hearty laugh, with a touch of appreciation in his eyes, and came and patted Ye Tianlong on the shoulder:

"Ye Tianlong, I have read countless people, but none of the younger generation can compare to you."

He sighed from the bottom of his heart: "You really make me appreciate the style of being a man and doing things."

"Okay, everyone is now a friend, you are so sincere, I have no reason to refuse."

Weng Sha issued an instruction to Wu Jing: "Major Wu, put things away for me, and then write a report to the military."

"This warhead means you found it."

Wu Jing was taken aback for a moment, then she was ecstatic: "Thank you General, thank you Shao Ye."

It sounded like the warhead was trivial, but Wu Jing knew in her heart that she could definitely trade herself a medal of merit, so she was very grateful.

Zhehua breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Weng Sha's smile. The Emperor Island was saved, otherwise the elders would have to spend more than 100 billion yuan.

Only Weng Sha made Zhehua vomit blood in the next sentence: "Tianlong, I am calling you over today, there is one more thing to discuss with you."

"Yesterday's fighting and conflict were known to many senior officials and people in Malaysia."

"The group of officials who were bought by the battle axe felt that you had cut off their financial resources, and they made waves and demanded that the Emperor Island be recovered."

Weng Sha sighed lightly: "The public opinion is extremely fierce..."

Ye Tianlong coughed: "General, Emperor Island has invested a full 200 billion."

He exaggerated the investment.

"I know, and I have seen it. The environment there is good, there are many tall buildings, and the forest city deserves its reputation."

Weng Sha sighed: "It's just that now the public opinion is really fierce, and the Presidential Palace is also beginning to ask questions. They asked me to negotiate with you."

Zhehua couldn't help but say: "General, we can sign a lease contract for 50 years, and we will accept it if we say it..."

"Zhehua, this can't be blamed on the general, it's the officials who bought by Tomahawk for venting."

Ye Tianlong breathed out a long breath and looked at Weng Sha with a wry smile: "The so-called negotiation, in fact, is to inform us."

"Even if we don't agree and argue with the contract, and barely keep the Emperor Island, there will be countless little shoes to wear in the future."

He calmly said: "So the general should state the terms of compensation, as long as it is not too outrageous, for the general's face, Tianmen relinquishes the Emperor Island."

Zhehua also sighed secretly, it can only be so, but the country of Malaysia has picked up a great deal and made a new city that can accommodate a population of 500,000 in vain.

Weng Sha hugged Ye Tianlong's shoulders: "The Emperor Island will be recovered within one month, and the country of Ma will compensate Tianmen by 10 billion..."

Ye Tianlong opened his mouth wide, "General, 200 billion, would you compensate 10 billion?"

"I haven't finished speaking yet."

Weng Sha added softly: "At the same time, Malaysia sold a small island twice the size of Emperor Island to Tianmen for one dollar."

"An island twice the size? Sell it to Tianmen for a dollar?"

Zhehua was taken aback for a moment: "Such a good thing?"

Ye Tianlong asked the key: "Where is the island?"

"Tomahawk Lair, Tianlong Island!"

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