Talented Genius

Chapter 2043: The situation is pressing


At three o'clock in the afternoon, in the newly cleaned chamber of Emperor Island, Ye Tianlong and other high-level Tianmen gathered around a new table for a meeting.

"Ten billion? That's too bullying."

Hearing that the Kingdom of Malaysia wanted 10 billion to recover the Emperor Island, Gongsun Jishi jumped up like he was stabbed with a fire stick: "We smashed a full 130 billion."

"That's not counting all the energy and manpower. The rent, houses, and facilities alone are worth 130 billion yuan."

Gongsun Jishi Chuhubeard stared with excitement: "Even if the sales are not as hot as expected, there is absolutely no problem in recycling 100 billion."

"Malaysia was bought back for 10 billion. They are simply robbery. No, it is more cost-effective than robbery."

After all, he broke out of the coffin.

"Elder Gongsun, we know that Emperor Island has a lot of hard work from you, and you have also spent more than 30 billion yuan, but the Tianmen World War I did shoot."

While Ye Tianlong chuckled and drank tea, the black widow said softly: "It is inevitable that Malaysian citizens are nervous."

"And the arm can't twist the thigh, as Ye Tianlong said, even if you win the lawsuit with the contract, there will be a lot of small shoes to wear in the future."

"Even if we have the shelter of General Wengsha, we cannot avoid the difficulties of officials."

She reminded Gongsun Jishi: "They only need to get a card for the residents of Emperor Island in the customs, and we will be tired and half dead every day when we go in and out."

Huang Bajin sat up straight: "That's right, Elder Gongsun, although I am also angry at Ma Guo's dominance, but this time we are indeed caught."

"If we have to fight with them, we will only suffer the most."

He pointed out the key: "Once the entire Malaysian people rallied to attack, let alone 10 billion by then, our lives may be in danger."

Huang Bajin knew in their hearts that if Ye Tianlong came back with the news, it meant that he basically accepted it, otherwise he would not discuss it.

So they tried their best to convince Gongsun Jishi so that Ye Tianlong could deploy calmly.

Hearing these words from the Black Widow, Gongsun Jishi's expression eased a little. Of course he could figure this out, but emotionally it was still difficult to accept:

"Then they can't be 10 billion, even 80 billion, 70 billion, or even 50 billion, I can easily accept it in my heart."

Gongsun Jishi looked at the chamber that he designed himself: "Ten billion, it's just a bandit."

Wei Ruqing also laughed and said, "Elder Gongsun, in fact, it is more than 10 billion. Isn't there still a Tomahawk Lair? It has twice the area."

"It's okay if you don't say this, you get even more angry when you say this."

Gongsun Jishi's anger that was about to be extinguished, when he heard Tianlong Island instantly rise, he slapped the table and shouted:

"Do you know where this Tomahawk Lair is? Tianlong Island! Do you know where Tianlong Island is? The edge of the multinational sea."

"The nominal sovereignty of Dragon Island that day was Malaysia, but Malaysia has never actually controlled it."

"In addition to the remoteness and harsh environment there, there are too many pirates."

"The reason why Tianlong Island is recognized as the sovereignty of Malaysia is because more than a hundred years ago, several Malaysians used a toilet on it."

"Then the excrement happened to give birth to a few hibiscus, the national flower, and no one snatched it at the time, so Ma Guo simply circled it in."

"But it is owned in name. In fact, it has never been inhabited by Malaysians, and there are no soldiers garrisoned. Malaysia will almost forget it."

"In the past few years, it has been used as a nest by the battle axe. The environment has changed and some infrastructure has been built. Only then did Malaysia think of this small island."

"But Malaysia just thinks about it, never think of sending soldiers to get it back."

"One is that it will cost a lot of money to **** it back, and the other is that there are too many pirates nearby, and huge military expenditures are needed to maintain it after recapturing."

Gongsun Jishi was very emotional: "It is a chicken rib for Malaysia, no, it is a chicken head. It looks like it has meat, but I don't want to take a bite."

"Because of its low value, Malaysia gave it to us so easily. What are we doing with this island?"

"Building a forest city like an emperor island?"

"If that's the case, not only will the Tianmen family be insecure, they will also fear pirate attacks every day."

Gongsun Jishi was full of vigor, and said: "We will also become the most coveted fat of bad guys."

Hearing his analysis, Lan Lanxiang and Wei Wuqing all became silent subconsciously. This is indeed a very fatal shortcoming.

Where is the pirate infested back garden?

"Elder Gongsun also makes sense, but we won't be able to withdraw, after all, this is someone else's territory."

For a long time, Wei Ji smiled and said: "Plus, it also involves General Wengsha's face. He is considered to have saved our life, and we must always pay back this favor."

Lan Lanxiang also sighed: "Yes, the situation is compelling, we don't want to lose this place, but now there is really no way other than compromise."

Dai Hulang also raised his head: "Han Xiongtu not only has people from the military department, but also has close contacts with the Guo family and the Ma family."

"Now that Han Xiongtu is dead, the pirate organization is annihilated, and the interests of the Han family are taken over by Tianmen, this is tantamount to cutting off their big fortune."

"So the military united the official to suppress us, and the Guo family and the Ma family instigated civil demonstrations. We are now the focus. It is really impossible not to retreat."

He looked at Gongsun Jishi: "Elder Gongsun, let's leave, leave temporarily, in order to better come back."

Ye Tianlong's eyes narrowed slightly, not because he was curious about Dai Hulang's intelligence capabilities, but rather surprised that the Guo family and the Ma family were mingling in it.

He felt that he should remember these two families and have the opportunity to repay them ‘good’ in the future.

"I know it's a dilemma, but I really don't accept it."

Hearing what Dai Hulang said, Gongsun Jishi drank a sip of hot tea, and then repeated a cup of tea: "Too bad."

Then he looked at Ye Tianlong, with a hint of helplessness:

"But no matter what the sect master decides, I will obey it unconditionally."

He still wants to give Ye Tianlong face, even if it involves his fundamental interests.

Yan Pobei and the others also nodded and looked at Ye Tianlong together and said: "Yes, the master decides."

Ye Tianlong, who had been drinking tea in silence, laughed, put down his teacup and spoke slowly:

"King Qin and the others have spoken out about the difficulties of Tianmen, and Elder Gongsun's analysis is also in place."

"It's just that things have to be resolved."

"I have made a decision in my heart, and now I have five things to implement."

"The first thing is that Wang Wei, Uncle Lan, and Uncle Huang joined forces to eradicate the remnants of the battle axe on Tianlong Island and completely control the island in the hands of Tianmen."

Wei Ruqing, Lan Lanxiang, Huang Bajin stood up at the same time: "Yes!"

Han Xiongtu and Tomahawk are dead, but there are still fifty or sixty pirates on Tianlong Island.

If you don't take it quickly, not only will the Tomahawk possessions be privately divided, but the pirates will continue to be big, and it will be troublesome to control Tianlao Island at that time.

"The second thing..."

Ye Tianlong looked at Wei Ji: "Elder Gongsun and King Wei, plenipotentiary on behalf of Tianmen to negotiate with Malaysia, tell them that the Emperor Island can be returned."

"But I want the complete sovereignty of Tianlong Island, legal procedures to obtain its ownership, and there can be no one-yuan purchase in the contract."

"It must be replaced by the 200 billion investment in Emperor Island and the 600 billion investment in Tianlong Island by Tianmen in the future."

"In other words, it must be stated in the contract that Tianmen bought Tianlong Island for 800 billion yuan. If Malaysia breaches the contract, we must compensate us 800 billion yuan."

"One yuan purchase, one day it will explode, and the Malaysian people will be angry again. Demonstrating, don't you want to return it again?"

Wei Ji and Gongsun Jishi also stood up and responded: "Yes!"

"The third thing, King Yan will lead the people back to Xiong Country tomorrow, use your abilities and connections to buy a batch of heavy weapons and ship it to Tian Lao Island."

Ye Tianlong ordered not to issue an instruction: "I will give you 300 million in funding."

King Yan responded loudly: "Understood!"

Although I don't know what Ye Tianlong wants to purchase a large number of weapons for, this is the first important task of returning to his position. Yan Pobei vowed to do a good job.

Ye Tianlong threw another sentence:

"Fourth thing, Xu Shu and Godmother transferred 150 billion yuan of Tianmen public funds and bought the shares of the six elders to own the Emperor Island."

"The matter of Emperor Island has been the matter of Tianmen from now on, and the corresponding money goes into the accounts of the six elders or descendants.

Elder Gongsun shook his body and looked at Ye Tianlong in surprise: "The master..."

Ye Tianlong waved his hand to stop him from speaking out: "Elder Gongsun doesn't need to say more, this is what Tianmen should do, and it's also what the younger generations have for the elders."

"Don't worry, what is lost, I will take it back in the future."

Gongsun Jishi nodded, with gratitude in his eyes, Ye Tianlong's decision prevented him from returning to before liberation overnight.

"The fifth thing is that King Chu and King Han are dead, and these two veins cannot be without a leader."

"As for the selection of candidates, I suggest Chu Zifeng and Han Jing replace them temporarily, and King Qin supervises them."

Ye Tianlong looked at everyone: "Do you have any objections?"

Everyone responded in unison: "No comment!"

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