Talented Genius

Chapter 2044: A thick burial

In the next few hours, Ye Tianlong dealt with some important matters in Tianmen, and then let Gongsun Jishi and them perform their duties.

Hundreds and thousands of things happen in Tianmen every day, Ye Tianlong can only control the main direction and occasionally ask a few things, otherwise he will be exhausted.

After coming out of the chamber, Ye Tianlong returned to a temporary villa and prepared to eat with Tianmo, Di Kuangtian, Dalmatians, Canshou, and Red Arrow.

As soon as the dinner was prepared, Dai Hulang walked in, carrying an insulation box in his hand.

"Uncle, have you eaten? If not, let's go together."

When Ye Tianlong saw Dai Hulang coming over, he hurriedly stood up to greet him with a smile. His status was not as good as the feelings of the two, let alone Dai Hulang is an elder.

Canshou and the others also moved and brought Dai Hulang bowls and chopsticks, and then they each went to watch TV with their jobs.

The Dalmatians knew that when Dai Hulang came over at this time, he must discuss something important with Ye Tianlong.

"Not yet, I just came to eat with you."

Dai Hulang raised a faint smile, and took out an incubator in his hand: "Auntie Wa has fried a few saury, I'll bring it over to eat with you."

He didn't have too much politeness. Luo Luofang sat down in a chair and opened the thermal insulation box, revealing five golden saury.

"This fish is fried beautifully."

Ye Tianlong gave a sincere compliment, and then served Dai Hulang a bowl of rice: "Auntie Wa's craftsmanship is getting better and better."

He cut all the five saury in half, and then gave them a few points. This detail made Dai Tigerlang nod subconsciously.

"I heard Zhehua say that your craftsmanship is even better, and you have made the extremely delicious'old godfather'. When will you get it for us to taste?"

Dai Hulang served the porcelain bowl with a very kind expression: "Zhehua is drooling what everyone said."

"If you have a chance, when I'm free in a few days, I will get a bottle out for everyone to taste."

Ye Tianlong smiled and caught Dai Hulang a piece of fish: "Uncle Dai came here today, shouldn't it be pure eating?"

"Your kid has great eyes, I do have a problem."

Dai Hulang did not deny it either, smiling brightly and replied: "I am a little puzzled, why did you want to take Tianlong Island?"

"I look at your posture during the meeting. You are not only determined to win, but you also have to work hard to build."

"Elder Gongsun is a bit extreme."

"But he was right. I would rather bargain with Malaysia, and take a 330 billion yuan to evacuate, which is better than Tianlong Island."

Dai Hulang reminded Ye Tianlong softly: "You built a back garden there, will you really become the fat of pirates?"

Ye Tianlong picked up his chopsticks and took a bite of white rice: "Uncle Dai, I know your worries, and I know that there are dangers there."

"But when there is danger, it is organic."

"We have really become the masters of Tianlong Island, why have we become pirate fat?"

Ye Tianlong's smile became interesting: "Uncle Dai never thought, those pirates will become our fat?"

"As long as our soldiers are strong and the weapons are in place, and the pirates do not come to provoke us, we will also destroy them."

Dai Hulang looked startled, and then whispered: "You want to be the second tomahawk?"

"The battle axe is a pirate, how can Tianmen be a pirate?"

Ye Tianlong smiled and responded: "Why is the battle axe a pirate? Why does everyone get it?"

"One is that the occupied territory is illegal, and the other is that the object of looting is also innocent."

"Tianmen is different. Tianlong Island was bought with real money and recognized by Malaysia and the international community. The object we want to grab is not a merchant ship."

"Didn't you say that there are a lot of pirates on that piece? We only eat those pirates, whichever is fat."

Ye Tianlong smiled exuberantly: "In this way, we are not only not pirates, but also messengers of justice against pirates."

Dai Hulang smiled bitterly: "Isn't this just black eating black?"

Ye Tianlong smiled and said, "Black eats black. It's bad people to bad people. We are legal residents of Tianlong Island. We fight pirates in self-defense and counterattack."

Dai Hulang thought for a while: "It seems that there is a little reason."

"You have a good idea. You legally buy Tianlong Island, and then eat the fattening pirates."

"It can not only give Tianmen an extra income, but also make Tianmen gain a good reputation."

Dai Hulang asked a key: "Just how do we guarantee that we eat the pirates, not the pirates?"

Ye Tianlong is confident: "It's not difficult."

"Five thousand elites are drawn from the kings, and then handed over to Uncle Lan for training to build a team familiar with water and naval warfare."

"Let the Lan family cast another 20 dual-purpose ships, which can be used to carry goods at ordinary times and become warships when needed."

"As for weapons, King Yan and the others can be responsible for purchasing. Xiong Country is the place with the least weapons."

"Of course, we need to negotiate with Wengsha and the others in the early stage. As one of the conditions for relinquishing the Emperor Island, they must send troops to patrol Tianlong Island for one year."

"In one year, the Tianlong Island will basically take shape, and 20 warships can be used, so there will be a certain degree of self-protection ability."

Ye Tianlong described the blueprint for the future: "At that time, we will spend a lot of money to build several maritime commandos."

"A battle axe supported by Han Xiongtu can become the largest pirate leader in Malacca. Couldn't the entire Tianmen even have a navy?"

"We have people, money, technology, and Wengsha to take care of it. At most three years, we will be the king of Malacca."

He expressed his true thoughts: "At that time, I will not worry about pirates coming and going, just worry about how many pirates can swallow."

"Sure enough, it is far-reaching."

Dai Hulang sighed from the bottom of his heart, admiring Ye Tianlong in his eyes, and then turned his words: "But there is another fatal problem..."

"That is, even if we annihilate the pirates and strengthen ourselves and make Tianlong Island a back garden, how can we ensure that the Emperor Island incident will not happen again?"

"Weng Sha may be reliable, but Malaysia is still not alone in the final say. If the senior leaders of Malaysia are jealous of our results..."

There was a solemn look on Dai Hulang's face: "How should we deal with it?"

Ye Tianlong seemed to have expected this topic early, and smiled upon hearing the words, and then whispered:

"Uncle Dai, I went to see Weng Sha in the morning and gave him a nuclear warhead, which is a thank you for his help in the battle on Emperor Island."

Dai Hulang didn't react for a while: "I know this. You did a good job, giving him a lot of face and reputation..."

Ye Tianlong repeated: "I gave one away..."

"I know you gave one..."

Dai Hulang was surprised that Ye Tianlong said something strange, and then struck a joke: "You mean, you only gave him one?"

Ye Tianlong laughed: "That's right."

Dai Hulang also laughed. He understood Ye Tianlong's meaning and gave Weng Sha one, which means that Ye Tianlong had two in his hand.

With these two, Tianlong Island is not weak to be bullied

Dai Hulang's doubts and worries were swept away by Ye Tianlong, and the whole person became happy. He not only ate two bowls of rice, but also drank two bowls of soup.

When he left, he still smiled brightly, patted Ye Tianlong's shoulder vigorously, and recognized what he had done.

Only when he went out, Dai Hulang remembered something and shook Ye Tianlong's hand and sighed:

"Tianlong, if possible, give Lin Tongzi a thick burial..."

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