Talented Genius

Chapter 2045: Male and female robbers (three shifts)

For the next five days, Ye Tianlong stayed in Malaysia to take command.

With the cooperation of the sturdy ships of the blue sky, the strange men and strangers of Wei ruthless, and the golden warriors of the emperor, the pirates of Tianlong Island were quickly wiped out.

This battle not only seized a large number of pirates' weapons, but also seized the private property of the tomahawk, and almost one billion in stolen goods were all taken by Tianmen.

After the Tianlong Island was taken, 2,000 Tianmen children took over on the spot, and various forts were built to make Tianlong Island more stable.

At the same time, Gongsun Jishi and Wei Ji negotiated with Malaysia, and eventually exchanged Emperor Island for the sovereignty of Tianlong Island. Both parties filed and reported to the United Nations.

Malaysia is very happy with this transaction. It is a bargain to use Tianlong Island, which has not been controlled for more than 100 years, in exchange for the Emperor Island, where he will live with a bag.

This feeling is as if they have picked up 200 billion directly, so not only do they not resist the 800 billion liquidated damages, they also want to write 8 trillion.

After getting the contract in black and white, Ye Tianlong asked Cao Qiankun to take the designer to fly directly to Tianlong Island, and let Red Arrow join the team.

Yan Pobei also sent the first batch of weapons, one hundred submachine guns, ten anti-aircraft machine guns, and ten bazookas to upgrade the firepower of Tianlong Island.

For convenience, Ye Tianlong also asked Wengsha for five helicopters, and at the same time obtained permission to park in Malaysia for 12 hours.

During this period, several pirate teams tried to get closer and spy, but they were torn to pieces by the powerful firepower of the heavenly gate.

The whole Tianmen worked in concert, giving Tianlong Island a new look and giving the children of Tianmen a rising sun.

When Tianlong Island started construction according to the plan, Ye Tianlong took his gaze back from above and came to a quiet cemetery one morning.

In the cemetery, the cold wind slowly, and the vegetation gently swayed in the wind, bringing the breath of warm and cold.

In the cemetery just filled with soil on the east side, Ye Tianlong put a bunch of lilies on it and swept the soil scattered on the ground back to the edge by hand.

Afterwards, he watched Lin Tongzi, who was smiling and beautiful on the tombstone, remained silent.

Although he didn't know what Dai Hulang meant, he agreed and Ye Tianlong gave Lin Tongzi a place to stay, so as not to be buried in the sea.

After staying in front of Lin Tongzi's tombstone for a while, Ye Tianlong came to the front of Chu Fengyun's graveyard and presented him with a bunch of lilies.

Chu Fengyun died worse than Han Xiongtu, his body was broken to pieces by the pirates, leaving only a head.

Although the positions of the two sides were different, and there were countless casualties in the First Battle of Tianmen, Ye Tianlong still gave him a decent burial.

Finally, Ye Tianlong stood in front of Han Xiongtu's tombstone. The king of Han in the photo was handsome, elegant and gentle, and he was considered a handsome man.

Thinking of Han Xiongtu's last sword that pierced his heart, Ye Tianlong gave him a bow, and then put the lily flower in front of the tombstone:

"King Han, I'm the first seven, go all the way well."

Ye Tianlong sighed softly: "I will take care of Beibei."

As soon as the voice fell, Ye Tianlong saw a black figure walking next to him, Han Jing also came with a bunch of flowers, and then placed it in front of his father's tombstone.

She looked at Han Xiongtu with two points of loneliness, but did not say anything. After three minutes of silence, she turned and looked at Ye Tianlong:

"Tianlong, thank you."

She sighed faintly: "Unexpectedly, you would come to offer him flowers. I thought that besides me, there would be no second person in the first seven."

"We and King Han did go to death, but he died and his grievances disappeared. Offering a bunch of flowers is normal."

Ye Tianlong gently held Han Jing's hand: "But don't think too much, you must face the future optimistically."

Han Jing nodded vigorously: "I will."

"By the way, what are your plans for the future? The Heavenly Gate Assembly has decided to let you go back to pick up King Han."

Ye Tianlong asked, "Are you willing to carry this burden, or do you want to separate from the Han family and just be your babe?"

"No matter which option, I will support it unconditionally."

He hoped that Han Jing could live happily.

Han Jing took off the sunglasses on her face, staring at Ye Tianlong with beautiful eyes and replied, "Actually, I really don't want to go back. I don't want to have any intersection."

"I return to Tianmen Entertainment to be my babe. I think life will be much easier."

"It's just that I also know in my heart that if I don't go back to be the King of Han and let the others take over the Han family, I'm afraid there will be another conflict and many people will die."

"Although I hate my father and hate his women, it is the Han family after all. I hope it has a better ending."

Han Jing's pretty face has a firmness: "So I am willing to accept the appointment of the conference, and I will return to Bahrain to be the king of Han."

"Well, you are willing to go back, and I will fully support you."

Ye Tianlong breathed out a long breath: "However, these years, any upper position will inevitably conflict. I don't want you to be too weak to be calculated."

"So I will let Han Qinhu take Master Tiger back to Han's house with you."

He whispered: "For the sake of your face, I will let Han Qinhu be as gentle as possible, just hope they can accept reality as soon as possible..."

When Han Xiongtu died, Han Jing took over the Han family, the rest of the Han family would definitely be unwilling, and they would definitely make noise. Ye Tianlong hoped that they would not go too far.

"The Han family will stabilize in at most one month."

The latter words, Ye Tianlong did not say, that is, Han Jing can not control the situation within a month, then Han Qinhu will ruthlessly kill.

Han Jing and Ye Tianlong came to a hug: "Don't worry, it will stabilize in one month."

Two days later, Han Jing reunited with Han Qinhu and Tiger Division who had flown over, and then left Malaysia for Bahrain.

After Ye Tianlong sent away Han Jing, after discussing with Elder Gongsun and Dai Hulang, he set Tianmen's policy for the next year.

This year, the main tasks of the kings of Tianmen were to restore vitality, stabilize internal order, and at the same time fully assist in the construction of Tianlong Island.

The expansion is temporarily stranded.

Ye Tianlong also let Elder Gongsun and Dai Hulang take care of Tianmen affairs, unless the matter is of great importance, they can handle it with full authority.

For Ye Tianlonglai, the center of gravity of Longmen and Shangguan Xiaozhi is the entire Huaxia underground world, and the goal of Tianmen is the world outside Huaxia.

After the arrangement was completed, Ye Tianlong was also ready to leave Malaysia, but in the afternoon before leaving, he suddenly received a call.

From Qin Ziyi.

Ye Tianlong smiled and said, "Ziyi, why did you call me when you are free?"

At the same time, he thought of that Ma Chunhua, thinking about reminding Qin Ziyi to stay away from that woman...

Qin Ziyi whispered: "Tianlong, are you still in Malaysia?"

Ye Tianlong was taken aback: "Yes, but I am going to go back."

Qin Ziyi said with expectation: "Can you go back two days later? I am also in Malaysia. We are catching bandits. I need your help."

"Catch the bandits?"

Ye Tianlong was startled: "What bandit is caught?"

"Internationally wanted, male and female robbers."

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