Talented Genius

Chapter 2046: Action (four more)

At five o'clock in the afternoon, Ye Tianlong appeared in the love walking street in the center of Puhai City, Malaysia.

He was not interested in capturing any male or female robbers, but wanted to see Qin Ziyi, so he cancelled the trip and rushed over.

Ye Tianlong looked at Qin Ziyi's positioning, walked into a cafe in the pedestrian street, and quickly saw Qin Ziyi after looking around.

Qin Ziyi is as cold as ever, wearing black clothes, a pair of leather shoes, and a pair of sunglasses, the whole person looks neat and tidy.

It's just that the turbulent waves made Ye Tianlong's eyes sway, making him a little nostalgic for his long-lost ‘old man’.

"Tsk, what do you look at? I haven't seen it for so long, or my temper hasn't changed?"

Seeing Ye Tianlong staring at him somewhere, Qin Ziyi was happy at first, and then gave Ye Tianlong a fierce look:

"Instead of my temperament a few years ago, I kicked you a long time ago."

She waved to the waiter to serve Ye Tianlong a cup of mocha.

"Look at you with appreciative eyes, what do you say to see."

Ye Tianlong smiled, leaning against Qin Ziyi's side and said, "If you don't look at you, you're angry again, don't you have enough charm in your eyes?"

"I can't watch it now anyway."

Qin Ziyi didn't play spears with Ye Tianlong, and then gave Ye Tianlong a piece of information: "We are going to capture this pair of prisoners today, male and female robbers."

"Jack and Mary, forty years old, male and female robbers, had more than one hundred robberies, and stole five airplanes, ten cars and two ships."

"The amount involved is almost tens of billions. Because the two are lovers and commit crimes together, they are called male and female robbers."

"They started their big escape eight years ago and traveled to more than forty countries."

"The two even took off from India in a stolen plane based on the knowledge they learned from the Internet and flew over two thousand kilometers to the Bahamas."

"They not only have excellent IQs, but they also have precise marksmanship and great skill."

"This time, my colleagues in Malaysia accidentally discovered their tracks. Although they don't know what they are doing in Malaysia, they have their whereabouts."

"The National Police Headquarters asked members from nearby countries to help. I happened to be in the new country to handle some personal matters."

Qin Ziyi sighed faintly: "So I was also drawn by a strong guy. There were almost 20 colleagues gathered here, and colleagues from Malaysia were helping."

"Such a powerful gangster?"

Ye Tianlong had surprise in his eyes, and subconsciously let go of the information: "I still don't provoke them, lest they hate and make peace."

"Ye Tianlong!"

Qin Ziyi gave me a white look: "Can't you treat it as helping me? Can't you give me a medal?"

"I want to help you too, but this is a male and female thief, who can steal even airplanes. Where is it easy to deal with?"

Ye Tianlong kindly reminded: "Furthermore, you guys, it's probably not enough for people to stuff their teeth."

Qin Ziyi grabbed Ye Tianlong's arm: "Our headquarters has already called four masters to help out. Besides, isn't you still there?"

Ye Tianlong exhorted: "You should ask them to transfer some more people, and then take a good look at the situation before you start."

"Although I have never dealt with these two male and female thieves, I can tell you are a master by listening to you."

He was a little worried: "You are afraid that ten or eight will be difficult."

Qin Ziyi snorted, "I know they are great, otherwise what do you call you? In my eyes, with you, they are useless no matter how aggressive they are."

"This is comfortable to hear, but I don't want to wade in the muddy water. This kind of busyness will definitely take a lot of effort."

Ye Tianlong smiled leisurely and said: "There is no good and no motivation."

Qin Ziyi whispered: "Take them 10 million in bounty."

She hated Ye Tianlong and itchy, it was obvious that she was not profitable, but she was helpless in her heart. She needed Ye Tianlong's protection.

Just as Ye Tianlong said, after deepening the research, he found that the male and female robbers were really terrible, and Qin Ziyi didn't have full confidence to deal with it.

Ye Tianlong exhaled a long breath: "Ten million, I have it too, but I still don't mix it up, I advise you, it is best not to participate, it is too dangerous."

"You want benefits and motivation, don't you?"

Qin Ziyi's smile instantly turned bright: "In this way, you help me take them down, and I will warm your bed for three days."

"I just bought a few sets of **** underwear and stockings..."

She licked her red lips and said, "Tianlong, what do you think?"

Ye Tianlong's eyes lit up: "Really?"

Qin Ziyi was more coquettish. With a finger picked, a button on his clothes was unbuttoned, revealing a touch of whiteness: "Would you like to touch it as a deposit first?"

"The Qin team is kind, so I'm not welcome."

Ye Tianlong touched her chest without warning, and then jumped away like a rabbit, still in the air, when she heard Qin Ziyi roar in anger:

"Ye Tianlong, you bastard, I hacked you to death."

Ye Tianlong ran to the door: "You let me touch..."

Qin Ziyi was about to chase, the phone vibrated.

She answered for a while, her pretty face regained solemnity, and then ran to the door and shouted to Ye Tianlong: "Ye Tianlong, follow me, you must act!"

For half an hour, Ye Tianlong followed Qin Ziyi and appeared outside of a villa called Furong.

This villa is located on a mountain, with quiet vegetation and fresh air. Standing on a high place, you can see the sea. It is a place for self-cultivation.

However, there was a little bit of murderous air near this villa at this moment.

There were four or five cars parked at a corner of the villa, and more than twenty plainclothes with live ammunition were sitting in the cars, all looking nervous.

Five of them stood behind a car, whispering around a map.

Qin Ziyi brought Ye Tianlong up, and whispered to a middle-aged man: "Captain Murong, Qin Ziyi reports, please order the task."

The middle-aged man is about forty years old, he is very rough and majestic, and his eyes are sharp.

When he came, Qin Ziyi briefly talked about the situation. Ye Tianlong knew that he was Murong Jun and was the squadron leader of Interpol.

He is a senior police officer in Southeast Asia and the person in charge of this round of male and female robbers. He is rumored to be a crime nemesis, and he claims to be a ghost.

Hearing Qin Ziyi's greeting, Murong Jun nodded noncommitantly, and then gave Qin Ziyi a task:

"Group leader Qin, you came just right, you will take three people to guard the intersection later, don't let the male and female robbers escape."

Having said this, he saw Ye Tianlong and frowned: "Who is this? What are you doing here?"

The men and women around him also looked over, their eyes also surprised.

Qin Ziyi hurriedly explained: "Captain Murong, this is an old colleague of mine. He has good skills and happens to be in Malaysia. I asked him to help."

Ye Tianlong glanced at Murong Jun, his strength was not weak, although he was not an eighth-rank master, he had close strength.

And the men and women around him are all good at their skills, and they should be no different from Qin Ziyi.


Murong Jun's expression sank: "The male and female thief is extremely vicious, with outstanding skill. It is not a trifling matter to arrest him, even I am only 70% sure."

"You let such a weak person help, I am afraid that not only will it not work, but it will also hinder our actions."

Murong Jun looked at Ye Tianlong seriously and made sure that he really didn't see Ye Tianlong's amazing ability.

A young woman echoed: "Group leader Qin, you let him go, or there is an accident, we have to take care of him and compensate him."

Another flat-headed youth also nodded: "Yes, besides, if he is kidnapped by a male and female thieves, we will lose everything."

"Zhang Yi, Cai Yong! How do you talk?"

Qin Ziyi frowned slightly: "Don't underestimate Tianlong, he will be our powerful helper."

She finally pulled Ye Tianlong over, and took advantage of her beauty, and was driven away by Murong Jun and others, but she wasted her efforts.


Ye Tianlong said faintly: "I'm here to help Ziyi, not to cause trouble, but to cause trouble, you are also causing me trouble."

Murong Jun's old face sank: "Boy, don't be too arrogant!"

Ye Tianlong responded coldly: "The male and female robber is very powerful to you, and to me it is a pair of scum."

These people are so indifferent to Qin Ziyi, and Ye Tianlong is not polite.

"What a big tone! Who do you think you are?"

The flat-headed young man called Cai Yong couldn't help reminding: "I warn you, it's best not to make a move later, so as not to cause chaos."

Ye Tianlong joked: "Don't worry, you can deal with it, I will definitely not intervene."

Cai Yong was so angry that he said, "If we can't do it, do you think you can deal with male and female thieves?"

Zhang Yi glanced at Ye Tianlong: "Brother, don't care about him, he will know that the male and female robbers are powerful later."

The two were very angry. Ye Tianlong's meaning was obvious. He could handle things they couldn't handle. He meant that he was more capable than them.

The other companions also showed arrogance on their faces, disdainful of Ye Tianlong's self-righteous attitude.

"If he wants to die, he will die."

Murong Jun glanced at Ye Tianlong sharply, and then stopped arguing about this issue. At this critical moment, it is better to catch the male and female robber.

He picked up the walkie-talkie and shouted, "Ready to act!"

Twenty-four united plainclothes got out of the car at the same time, and then divided into four teams, took out shields and firearms.

Qin Ziyi's original mission was replaced by several other police officers, and there was no doubt that Murong was unhappy.

Qin Ziyi and Ye Tianlong were left hanging aside, like two transparent people, Zhang Yi and Cai Yong curled their lips, in a gloating posture.

Murong Jun looked at the time, and then issued a command: "Action!"

He led Zhang Yi, Cai Yong and the others to the Furong Villa...

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