Talented Genius

Chapter 2047: Blonde

"no one!"

"no one!"

"no one!"

Twenty-four plainclothes armed with guns, led by Murong Jun, were divided into four teams and rushed into Furong Villa like wolves.

After they were well-trained and searched for no enemy, they rushed to the lobby on the first floor with their guns in hand, very fast.

"The murderer must be in the building."

Murong Jun sternly shouted: "There have been people staring at the two entrances. They only saw them entering, but they didn't see them going out."

He also made a gesture, asking Zhang Yi and Cai Yong to take three people to guard the door, lest male and female robbers break out.

Outside Ye Tianlong and Qin Ziyi heard the movement, they wanted to enter but were pushed away impatiently by the Indian police at the door.

If it wasn't for Qin Ziyi's needs for the overall situation, Ye Tianlong kicked them off early.


At this moment, Murong Jun found that the plainclothes rushing into the lobby on the first floor, all stopped, each with his mouth wide open and his eyes gleaming.

"What are you doing standing still?"

Murong Jun's anger was overwhelming: "Hurry up and find out the male and female robber!"

Before the voice fell, he who squeezed up from behind also straightened his eyes and his breathing became thicker uncontrollably.


In the field of vision, a blonde woman was lying on the sofa, her eyes were as silky as her eyes, her hands were walking around her body, and her mouth was muttering.

And the 60-inch LCD TV facing the sofa is playing an unsightly Western art film. On the screen, a man and a woman are intense...

And the heroine in the video is the blonde beauty lying on the sofa.

The blonde beauty had already seen more than a dozen people break in, but she didn't care about Murong Jun's eyes, movements and voices.

More than a dozen plainclothes rushed into the hall holding guns in a daze. They couldn't bear to deal with such an unarmed beauty who was still showing style.

No, I don't want to spoil the current picture.


Murong Jun also swallowed uncontrollably, and then reacted with a violent reaction and shouted: "What are you doing in a daze? Get it for me."

"She is the male and female robber, and she is Mary."

Murong Jun recognized the blonde girl: "Get it quickly."

A few plainclothes glanced at each other, licked their lips and approached. A young man in plainclothes picked up the clothes on the ground and said very politely: "You...put on..."

The blonde beauty retracted her gaze from the screen, and her right foot was slightly bent, winking like a silk: "Will you help me wear it?"

Uncontrollable, the **** young man's plainclothes, holding a fragrant long skirt, prepared to personally put on the blonde beauty.

Just when the young man’s plainclothes touched the blonde woman, Mary hooked her left foot and pulled the young man’s plainclothes directly onto her body...

The young man's plainclothes stiffened instantly, pressing on the blonde woman straightly, unable to make unnecessary reactions, and a few animals were envied.


Just when Murong Jun was almost mad about arresting people personally, he could only smell an anxious smell, and in the next second, there was a deafening noise.

A football was exploded in a microwave oven, with more than a hundred nails, sparks irritating people's eyes.

Three plainclothes were thrown to the ground by huge momentum, and seven or eight others were hit by nails, unable to stop backing and groaning.

Many nails were shot near the blonde, but they were all blocked by the plainclothes of the young man, who was **** and terrible in her thighs and arms.

At the same time, three plumes of white smoke ejected from the sofa, making the hall instantly white.

Murong Jun's face changed slightly, and he shouted sharply: "Be careful! Withdraw!"

Without waiting for the plainclothes to retreat holding the gun, the blonde girl gave a chuckle and twisted the neck of the struggling young man's plainclothes.

In the next second, she pulled out the dagger from his boots with her backhand, raised her right hand, and the dagger flew out in a whistling manner.

A slow-moving plainclothes body shook, a burst of blood shot from the neck, and his body swayed to the ground.


The blonde smiled, kicked the plainclothes of the young man, and knocked over the two police officers who were about to shoot.

After that, she stepped forward, narrowed the distance between the two sides like a phantom, and slammed into the arms of the police officer.


The swaying body was knocked out by brute force, flew two somersaults, and hit the two plainclothes that turned their guns away.

When the three of them fell on the carpet with humming, the blonde peeked at her right hand and quickly snatched a shot.

"Boom boom!"

In the three shots, three plainclothes were shot in the eyebrows, and they died without even screaming.

Throwing knives, hitting people, grabbing guns, shooting, the blonde showed her demeanor like a rainbow, without fear of being surrounded by herself.

In particular, she could easily target three people to shoot in the thick white smoke that was fascinating. This shooting technique was 100% tempered with human lives.


Although Murong Jun couldn't figure out the situation for a while, he could also feel that the police officer was attacked, his face changed slightly and he roared, "Shoot, shoot!"

"Da da da!"

At this time, more than a dozen police officers reacted from the dense smoke, stepped back against the wall, and then shot the blonde in unison.

The blonde girl who had shot the bullet was prepared. When the police officer shot the bullet, she suddenly bent over and rolled out, like a civet.

The bullet banged on the wall, shocking people.

In the next second, she pulled the chandelier above her head and lifted her whole body two points high into the air, and then quickly threw herself down with her feet hard.


The locked police officer screamed and died, and the last shadow of his eyes was the blonde who grabbed his gun and killed three more plainclothes.

"Boom boom!"

Several bullets shot towards Murong Jun, and Murong Jun reacted very quickly. He dodged a bullet, and then blasted four or five bullets backhand.

The rest of the plain clothes also pulled the trigger, and bullets poured down like rain, making the walls bang and rock chips flying, but there was no scream.

At this time, a wall on the side of the hall by the door suddenly opened, a hidden grid appeared, and a Western man walked out with a grinning grin.

Holding an ‘Ancient Sabre’ in his hand, he swung a few swords at the back of the plainclothes shooting wildly.


With a few sword lights flashing, the four plainclothes screamed, their necks splashed and fell to the ground.

Then the sword light flashed again, and it pierced the throat of another plainclothes directly. When the blood splashed out, the ancient saber had been pulled out, and then he threw it.


The ancient saber hit the muzzle of Murong Jun who was about to shoot, a brute force poured out, Murong Jun's wrist hurt, and the gun was blown out by the sword.

"Withdraw! Withdraw! Withdraw!"

The strength of the opponent was beyond Murong Jun's expectation. He yelled angrily and his subordinates stepped back, but no one responded to him, only a few screams.

When Ye Tianlong and Qin Ziyi pushed away the blocking police officers, they saw Murongjun exit the hall alone, with a gray head and gray face embarrassed.

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